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Whole 30 Detox.....


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So I did it....

Weighed myself and lost 11.5 lbs thus far. Feel great. Skin clear and life is good. Good bye wheat...you are NO friend of mine. Still have a long way to go but it feels less insurmountable today :D

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~Whole 9 Redux

Okay, I will continue on here....lots of changes this past week. Biggest situation is the ice cream and cupcakes I ate once off....I had some minor surgery (bone graft in mouth with sutures) so I ate soup and ice cream which hmmmm.....not so great. Soup was frozen paleo....ben and jerry's not so much..... :D

So today, I dedicate myself to a restart of Whole 9.....not a Whole 30 but a lifetime of this good choice eating.

Awaiting my FitBit in the mail.....

Foods are as follows : just am postop from surgery with pain while eating so modifying

B: Greens smoothie: 2 cups of Kale, coconut water, frozen berries, banana

L: Soup (Paleo bone broth with veggies)

D: TBA.....

on massive antibiotics so hope I will be okay in the GI department....

Walked 3 miles today

Also quite excited to report I am 3 days in to a 21 day treatment acupuncture for metabolism reboot.....

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Signing on for another W30 detox to get in shape for the summer.....

Run 3 miles

Walk 1 mile

Today is Day One

B: compliant bacon and melon slices, water, black coffee

L: Salad greens with grilled steak

D:compliant local sausage, peppers, onions, kale

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