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MuffinTumble's Whole30


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I was told to log something, so, here it is:

My Whole30 Paleo Challenge

I am the last person that I thought would say this, but I am doing the Whole 30 Paleo Challenge. I love foods that happen to be processed, and I have for YEEEARS. I have wished friends who have chosen the Paleo Lifestyle…and it is a lifestyle…good luck. I would tell them, “I could never do that.†I could never give up grains, dairy and sugar. Yet here I am. I feel good about this. I know I can do this. I know it will be good for me, and I think it will stick after the first 30. Well, most of it. I will drink wine, 100% agave tequila, and Ciroc Vodka. I may bring dairy back. Oh, how I love dairy! I have never been off of it, so I may feel WONDERFUL. If I feel WONDERFUL being off of dairy, I will stay off dairy.

Who am I?

DAY 1, March 10, 2013

B: Scrambled eggs, olive oil, mushrooms, red bell pepper, black olives, salt, pepper, southwestern seasoning

L: Nutty Fruit Stackers, Hard-Boiled Egg

D: Turkey Lettuce Wraps, homemade mayo (3)

S: Cutie

Great first day. Played a derby bout in San Antonio. Was only slightly saddened over discussion of tortilla. (one lone tear was shed) The thought of a Victory Beer was nice, but it was not necessary. The Firing Squad won by “a whole lot of points.â€

(I play roller derby with the Texas Rollergirls…and yes, I know Melicious, aka Melissa Joulwan! Her Paleo cookbook/guide has inspired my lifestyle change!)


B: Scrambled eggs, olive oil, mushrooms, red bell pepper, black olives, salt, pepper, southwestern seasoning, four Fuji applie slices, ½ box of raisins

L: Deconstructed Hamburger Salad, w/ homemade mayo, and a little melon & pineapple.

S: Hard-boiled egg, cutie. 20 raw almonds

D: The Best Chicken, Homemade Sweet Potato Chips (these are made w/ the Pampered Chef Microwave Chip maker and Mandoline – cut thin slices, spritz w/ olive oil, sea salt, and cinnamon, and ZAP!) So yummy, easy to prepare, and paleo! YAY!

Boxing workout 60 min, felt weak at first but pepped up throughout the workout. No real temptations today. Prepped days 1 – 5 of the Green Smoothie Challenge. I am overlapping my challenges. I think the Green Smoothies will be a great addition! We'll see! I will limit the fruit in them, as fruit should be limited during the first 30. I know smoothies are frowned upon, but I've done a lot of things that are frowned upon, and gotten away with it.

I fear my withdrawals. I have eaten crap for most of my life, I've never been off dairy, and I am sure I am full of toxins. This.could.get.interesting! I feel really good about getting all of the crap out. I am going to try to keep it out.


B: Pineapple Healing Cleanse

L: Deconstructed Hamburger Salad, homemade mayo

S: hard-boiled egg, Cutie

D: Chocolate Chili, Cocoa Toasted Cauliflower

I think Day 3 was easier expected. I should expect fatigue, mood swings, and grumpiness. I suffered fatigue before the diet, so will I know the difference?

It was suggested to take a nap. OKAY!!!

Two Hour Team Practice at Bart, Feedback Meetings

Day 4, March 14, 2013

Good day. I don't really drink soda, but I craved one. I had black tea w/ lemon and mint instead. It was good….

Workout – outdoor skate workout led by Highney. 7-8:40ish

B – Green Smoothie

L – Choc Chili/Cocao Cauliflower

S – avocado

D – Pad Thai

Days 5 thru 8

I guess I got too busy to track my food. I've eaten well and fought some big cravings. A friend asked me today what my biggest weakness/favorite forbidden food would be. The crazy thing is the answer is all of it. I love bread and pasta and dairy. CHEESE! I enjoy drinking. I love cookies and cakes and CHOCOLATE. I have always been a foodie, and I have also always been overweight.

I am proud of myself for making it through eight days of eating clean. I did this during SXSW in Austin. I was bartending for three of the last four days. I did not have one drink. I packed my meals and snacks for the long days with wonderful leftover's from MJ's “Well Fedâ€. Both the Pad Thai and the Fried Rice (both prepared w/ baked chicken thighs) are surprisingly and amazingly as delicious cold, as they were hot! Very good to know for future food emergencies!

I've had a busy day of "cooking up" my food for the week.

These meals include food prepared from Mel's "Well Fed" - Rice Pilaf w/ Baked Chicken Thighs, Garlic Browned Ground Beef for spaghetti squash and Paleo marinara, and hard-boiled eggs. I also prepped for days 6 thru 10 on my Green Smoothie Challenge. Here's to a great Week 2! I'm expecting great things, my daily email says so!

Day 5 thru 7 workout - nine hour bartending shifts

Day 8 workout - 1.5hr team practice on skates

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Prepped days 1 – 5 of the Green Smoothie Challenge. I am overlapping my challenges. I think the Green Smoothies will be a great addition! We'll see! I will limit the fruit in them, as fruit should be limited during the first 30. I know smoothies are frowned upon, but I've done a lot of things that are frowned upon, and gotten away with it.

I am troubled that you have decided to ignore the advice of Whole30 experts. You might succeed, but you are running a race with a cement block tied to your back and there are no bonus points for doing things the hard way.

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