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Hey-Hey W30 Starting 3/25

Stacey Damon

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Hey there, I'm so happy to find a community that I can chat with. I think if I keep posting all my stuff on Facebook only, I'll lose "friends"-Ha!!!

I was introduced to this about 2 weeks ago when my sister gave me the book...which I have read and have done a lot of the whole food stuff since. (and have lost 13 lbs in two weeks-yay). I"m not hungry, and eat REALLY good food...it's the planning I have to take time to do and this will be easy!!! I am now ready to make my food menus/calendar; go grocery shopping, prepare plan and DO THIS!!!

I've battled weight, heartburn, sore joints and bloat for so long. I have done many 'diets' and am over being all of that...Yay Whole30...and thank you!!!

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I too am starting today! So far so good ( yes I realize I am only 4 hours into my day) . It's amazing how the things you think you NEED, coffee, creamer, splenda in everything, ketchup on eggs, cheese on everything, really aren't that big of a deal to eliminate.

For me the hardest part will be NOT getting on the scale daily, giving up my wine (I drink 2+ glasses every night religiously) and continuing to plan out my meals at LEAST a day in advance. I did myself a favor and cleaned out the pantry this weekend, shopped for the staples i will need, and planned out this weeks meals, and extra snack options (okok I may have polished off the wine too). ;-)

I live on the west coast but work east coast hours (5:30am- 2:30pm) so that I can be home for my young family as soon as possible (9,5,2 year olds). I'm hoping to shed the last 20 pounds (yes 20 I gained 60 with each child) of baby weight as a byproduct of a new lifestyle.

I am also hoping to get back into running, I used to complete 4+ half marathons a year...

I haven't read the book but I read EVERYTHING on this site, the success guides, I read months of tumblr posts, have played with Paleo for years....

Here's to a Happy healthy WHOLE 30!



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I'm also starting Whole 30 today! This is my first time actually committing to anything that sounds remotely like a diet. I love bad foods (particularly cheese and breads) and have told my fiancé that I am referring to this as "rehab" for me. He told me that he would be my sponsor, and I hope he takes that role seriously (haha). I am in law school and am really bad about stress eating, so it's going to be a real challenge. I think in the long run this is what I need and I'll battle through the stress by finding more constructive coping mechanisms.

Looking forward to seeing how everyone does, and am really open for any advice if any of you have done it before. To the newbies, it's great to know I'm not alone!

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I have started today as well. I am doing a Whole90. I have done two Whole 30 stints (not recently) and I realized that I needed more time away from my norm. So here it goes! I am not a very consistent eater. I am looking to build up consistency around eating nutritious foods. I am hoping for more energy, stable moods, a rash under my armpit to be gone, and chronic bacterial infections to be gone! Glad to be doing it with some other folks!

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Yesterday went great(I've been really doing good on Paleo for a couple weeks, yesterday started the challenge)...I love being able to eat great food and feel full. I was not a breakfast eater before-and now I eat around 730 am...by 10 I am hungry...and I am eating 2-3 eggs, a lot of veggies and eat until I am full. Is is ok to have something for a snack to get to lunch? My day does not end most nights until after 8pm (kids sports, coaching, work, gym, fun stuff). I like to be done eating for the day by 6pm. I"m trying to find that balance of when to eat to stay satisfied through out the day.

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Yesterday was my first day of the Whole 30 Challenge. I have never tried Paleo or Whole 30 but I have friends that did and loved it. Lucky for me I do not eat a ton of grains due to my Gluten Sensitivity. I did have to eliminate my once a week oatmeal for breakfast and change up my morning protein shake.

The hardest thing for me was to find a protein replacement for my smoothie, I use whey protein (have 8lbs of it at home) for my fruit smoothie and have been searching for a tasty vegetable protein substitution. I have used soy in the past but my nutritional coach told me 2 years ago to cut it out of my diet, and pea protein is beyond disgusting. After doing a week worth of research I decided to give hemp hearts a try. 2 tablespoons are supposed to have 11 grams of protein and tons of omega fatty acids.

I like the fact that I am not counting calories. I am used to doing this and trying to get the right amount of calories and micro-nutrients can be very difficult and frustrating when you are over or under the daily recommendation.

Advice for those that love their grains: Find substitutions. Ex: use spaghetti squash vs noodles for your pasta. It takes a while to get give them up but once you do you will not miss them. You will notice you have more energy when you do not eat grains and that you can fill up on other forms of fiber like fruits and vegetables.

When you are hungry make sure you have protein with a carbohydrate to make a perfect protein. Ex: apple with almond butter, steak with sweet potato, chicken with mixed vegetables. Eggs with a fruit smoothie.

Best of Luck everyone! It takes 30 days to form a habit.

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First day went pretty good. I am trying to keep up some kind of a plan, and it is difficult to think of meals and planning constantly. I spent a good chunk of time looking up recipes and trying to build on to my meal plan last night after we found out our steaks went bad, so had to come up with a Plan B. It also kind of wakes you up to how poorly you were eating before, though.

I felt pretty good this morning, but I did have to take some sleeping pills last night since I've been sleeping really poorly lately. When I got up and went for my run this morning, I was more tired than usual. I'm not sure if that's from one day of no carbs, or sleeping pills, but I'm betting on the pills. We'll see how boot camp goes tonight, or as Justin (my super boyfriend) calls it, "booty camp." Anyone else having these kinds of struggles?

Congrats on the first day, gals! 29 more to go!

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Yesterday was my first day as well! Everything went great but I can already tell the meal planning is going to be the most difficult part for me. I'm currently in graduate school and spend most of my time either at school and only return home at the end of the day. So this may mean carrying two meals with me when I leave the house in the morning.

Here's to day two!

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I also started the whole 30 yesterday. I have been really bad about my eating habits and have had increased allergy problems, achy joints, etc. I have a problem of starting something and then giving into my cravings and then I feel guilty about giving in and then eat more bad food. I did okay yesterday. I was really good about what I ate but had a hard time when I got home and fed the kids and couldn't have the pastas and candy that they had. Today is a bit harder. I am really wanting a soda or cheeseburger and am having a hard time talking myself out of it. I don't want to give up again on something. I would like to get my eating under control.

How do you deal with cravings?

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