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Second time around- Group Style!


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My husband and I started our first Whole30 January 1st and it was super successful. As a 'present' to ourselves for completing, we started CrossFit in February. Now, we're leading a small group of people from CrossFit through a Whole30 starting April 1st! I'm so excited to be spreading the Good Food Word but I'm scared I will steer them wrong! Eek!

We've stuck with the Whole9 approach to food (and life) since finishing our first W30 and it's been very awesome, for lack of a better word. We treat from time to time, have wine from time to time, but eat pretty much all W30 compliant meals with some extra snacks here and there. Last time we did not plan AT ALL. We literally decided to start the next day while on a layover in Dallas on NYE. This time, we're a little more prepared!

I'm really excited to start again. If anyone has any tips for helping a group, please share!

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T-minus 3 days until Whole30 Dos! Our box started a group on facebook to give people a forum for sharing concerns, ideas, meals, whatever. I've really encouraged everyone who is participating to jump on the forum and start a W30 Log since it helped me so much last time around. I love the community here!

I only know of four people who are FOR SURE going W30 in April. I really hope more people try it. Know how great it makes you feel kind of makes one forget how restrictive and scary it sounds to begin with.

The last couple of days I wouldn't say I've been bingeing by any stretch of the imagination, but I've certainly eaten more dried fruit and wine than usual. Tonight we finally went to the gas station BBQ (I know, right) after our workout for some dinner. The meat is compliant, since they just smoke it, and we'd been meaning to go for a while and today was so warm and spring-y, it just felt RIGHT to have BBQ! Since we are doing W30 in a couple days, we indulged in some potato salad and coleslaw. Mmmm! But man am I full of pulled pork!

I'm ready for Whole30 Dos and it feels weird to be putting it off until the 1st, but it's for the group primarily. I'm concerned about a couple people's experience-- they haven't read up on the program and are only going off what we've briefly talked about at CrossFit and on the facebook page. They have little to know awareness of seed or vegetable oils to avoid, ways to get healthy fats or good recovery meals, which frustrates me. I don't want people to start the program, get annoyed or frustrated because they didn't fully understand it, and then say it 'didn't work'. I've really encouraged everyone to get online or buy the book and to educate themselves (because I'm not an expert... yet!) but obviously not everyone has.

Oh, and our meat guy is out of uncured bacon. Worst beginning to a W30 everrrrr!!!

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Hooray for Day 2! Actually, my Day 2 was kind of rough. I'm not sure what was going on inside me today, but at work I got really lightheaded and I think I almost passed out! I think I was hungry? I just felt really weak and dizzy. I haven't felt 100% at all today. During my WOD this evening, I really had to focus so I wouldn't throw up! And I was slower than usual. The last few days I think I've been over-eating, so jumping back in to W30 might have been a bit of a shock? Weird. I'll keep monitoring!

Today was Day 2 for the people at my box as well. Honestly I'm not sure who is even doing it except four people. One told me she thinks she's going to quit already because she's taking a trip in a couple weeks and doesn't want to miss out on pasta. I've run into a problem of people failing to educate themselves and/or lacking the ability to be self-reliant. It's beyond frustrating. When my husband and I did it last time we had NO support. Our friends teased us a little (until they saw how awesome we looked/felt) and we had to find resources in our community from scratch. I am more than happy to help! I want to guide this group to greatness! But people gotta meet me halfway and look some information up on their own. It's stressing me out! Also, a couple people seem to be openly trying to 'Paleo-fy' things or fit their old habits into a W30 box, which doesn't work. I wish they wouldn't do the program. It would just be easier since they're not ready to commit.

Any one have advice on groups or why I was so dizzy today?!

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