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Hello! I haven't posted here only on the "April whole30 group" thread or something like that but I found this thread very interesting too!

Ashley and Nksl my first batch of Mayo turned out like dressing too and too lemony. I teaked the recipe a bit and love it so much! What worked for me to get great consistency was using a stick blender! Seriously, you put everything together (even the cup of oil at once) and in less than a minute got perfect thick mayo! I use 1 whole egg at Room temperature, 1 TB lemon juice, 1/2 tbs salt, 1/2 tbs ground mustard and 1 cup light tasting Olive oil. I think the recipe is simplier but soooo good! The stick blender makes it so very easy!

Ashley I love the Fresh Market. In México we don't have them but we go to Miami frequently and we go every time because we love it so much. I am so jealous! :) I love their almond butter and really anything and everything there.

Tomorrow we are going to a city about 1:30 away and spend the night there I am taking my dinner from home. Then Friday morning will drive another 1:30 and get to my mom's town. She is on day 5 of her first whole30 :) I won't have to worry about staying compliant and I love that! We talk on the phone all the time and share compliant recipes.

Keep up the good work!! Less than a week to go

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Alrighty, y'all!! Coming in hot on DAY 25!! It might just be me, but I feel like some of the enthusiasm has left this thread just a wee bit :( People, we are almost done here!! Maybe that explains the drop in morale...our fun project is coming to a close. Haha, keep on trucking! I hope everyone is feeling fabulous with this about 83% completed.

<3 Ashley

“Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.â€

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I feel good and I am looking forward to making the transition to a mostly Whole30 long term lifestyle. This has been an eye opening experience in terms of how I feel about food and recognizing the physical impact.

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I decided to start with dairy, because it just seemed the easiest to isolate. I'm meeting a friend for breakfast on Wednesday at a cafe where everything is made fresh. I'm going to have regular milk in my coffee and some cheese in my omelet. I bought mozzarella string cheese at Whole Foods today (I wanted cheddar, but they all had something for coloring, and I wasn't sure what it was, so we know what that usually means!) and a Whole Foods brand plain Greek Yogurt...again, I wanted flavored, but didn't want the sugar. I figure I'll have the yogurt with my lunch and a string cheese with dinner. After that I'll do non-gluten grains...I guess rice, and then gluten grains, although I'll have to find some kind of bread that doesn't have sugar in it...does most bread have sugar? Never looked?

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Already know I'm intolerant to gluten, soy and lactose and since I have been eating predominately paleo for the past 5 months and plan to continue, I don't have that much to reintroduce besides sugar, alcohol, almond milk and dairy. Since I already know I'm lactose intolerant, when and if I do re-introduce dairy I won't go overboard since I'll have to take lactaid pills.

On a dinner related note, I had a wild boar chop tonight with brussels spouts with ghee and fried onions. The chop so delicious and at $15 cdn for 1 chop, definitely the most expensive pork chop I've ever eaten...so really happy I didn't over cook it.

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Day 27 and almost over! I feel very pleased with myself for having mastered the two day workshop I attended Friday and today and it went really well with the food. I ignored all the snacks and cakes that very served for morning and afternoon coffee breaks and the kitchen prepared plain chicken breast in olive oil on day 1 and salmon on day 2 for me, which I ate with plain salad from the buffet. For breakfast etc. I brought my own foods.

I think, Ashley, some of the vanishing enthusiasm is caused by a feeling of having to part from this programme, sorrow, maybe. I do miss dairy a bit, but I feel I will just go on for a few days and try a W45. Next week, my daughter (almost 13) wants to join me, so I have to plan more carefully so that she likes all the food, too. It´s so weird for the W30 to be almost over!

So, have a great weekend, eveyone, and enjoy the final three days! :)

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StefDE, I agree it's weird for the W30 to almost be over. It really felt like it would never end but we are in the home stretch now. I am feeling pretty enthusiastic about it right now.

Is anyone else considering their next W30? I am planning another one in July, before I go visit my sister in the UK for 2 weeks.

I need to spend this weekend preparing for a visit from my sister who is coming here for a few weeks. She is arriving on May 3rd- so post W30 but I don't want to go completely off the rails nutrition wise as she tends to be a big fan of comfort food and starch like toast with cheese, pasta, potatoes etc.. I do not allow gluten in my house so she will be eating GF bread, but I don't want to join her. Right now I am cooking "all the pork" (sausage sweet potato stew and pulled pork) which I'll freeze so we can have some ready made paleo food options. Truth be told, I am going to try to convert her or at least help her clean up her eating a bit.

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I think, Ashley, some of the vanishing enthusiasm is caused by a feeling of having to part from this programme, sorrow, maybe. I do miss dairy a bit, but I feel I will just go on for a few days and try a W45. Next week, my daughter (almost 13) wants to join me, so I have to plan more carefully so that she likes all the food, too. It´s so weird for the W30 to be almost over!

That's exactly what I was thinking Stef! Side note: I went out with my roommates and some out of town friends last night. I was the driver of course..and [WARNING: grossness coming up] before I was able to prepare my breakfast this morning, I had to clean vomit from my kitchen sink. Sorry for the graphic nature, but wowzers, did that make me realize how much I do NOT miss drinking like that. It was one of our out of town friends who apologized profusely after I inquired about the "mess" in the kitchen. Felt a little embarrassed for the guy, but man oh man! I was almost late to crossfit this morning because I couldn't just leave my kitchen in that state. and I had to eat!

Anyhoo, DAY 27 is coming to a wonderful close. I spent all afternoon at Tybee Island with my family. It was beautiful, 80 degrees, and just much needed. 3 days remaining. I've got a huge Indian wedding to attend this coming up Friday/Saturday (going to be so fun!!). Thinking about doing a test run of some grains or something this wednesday just so I'm not hit with the full ton of bricks when I eat the food they serve. I'll probably take it easy there either way :\ Hope everyone is enjoying their weekends <3 Have a lovely sunday.


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I really like the part in the book (which probably presents itself more than once) when they say that they enjoy "real people food" just like the rest of us, but it's simply a matter of deciding when it is really worth it and when it's not. The old me thought everything was worth it. My roommates say Let's go get mexican! I say okay. Gramma makes 3 different desserts for a Sunday dinner, I must get all 3. Oh well!

But the new me I feel will be much more selective and far more conscious of what is being consumed. That is the hope at least :) Per recommendation, I will definitely be using the term "treat meal" instead of "cheat day"..I feel treating yourself is necessary, especially when on a vacation or going out with friends you've not seen in a long time. Let loose, make a bad choice, but go into it knowing what you're doing and already know that this isn't you going off track or backsliding. It's a decision you made. It kinda makes you feel powerful. Happy Day 28, y'all <3


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nksl, DEFINITELY agree about the grocery budget thing! Everyone kept asking me "on a college kid budget, how are you affording all this food" and I'm like "think about how often you go to mcdonald's and spend money?" and they all agreed that I had a very good point :P So glad we all seem to be learning valuable lessons from this 30 day challenge. To name a few of mine:

1. I have realized that I really am strong-willed enough to say no to foods...Didn't used to be that way. I found myself angry and embarrassed while reading ISWF when reading on the topics of how the food industry makes their products addicting and quite unhealthy on purpose. How people go to bed every night knowing they are a contributing factor to fatal diseases will continue to baffle me. It is no longer a problem for me to go meet friends at the Mexican restaurant and push the chips and salsa to the other end of the table. Heck! Even if it's sitting right in front of me, I know I won't touch it. Simple as that!

2. I learned that I really like health food stores! :P I've only made one visit to a true health food store, and felt like passing out with excitement and just plain overstimulation when I walked through the doors! Everything is so bright, happy, and smells wonderful. Health is FUN!

3. I have learned that as a member of my family and future nurse (graduating in December. Army Nurse Corps, hooah!), it is partly my responsibility to spread any knowledge I may have about improving one's health. My cousin and my own mom are both starting Whole30 in 2 days. Please send good vibes their way. I feel they might struggle a bit more than I did simply because they've never even attempted at eating a regular Paleo-type diet. I feel that to a certain extent, I have the "to each his own" mentality, but when it's your own family and friends, it feels a bit different. I really feel that this way of eating, living, and feeling is the BOMB and everyone should at LEAST give it a 30 day chance <3

1.5 days remaining, y'all. Good luck!


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Only one more day to go! I still feel the magic has gone past me, but it has been a great experience, not last for having had the opportunity of being part of this website. I love your posts, people! :)

What have I learnt?

1. You can do a W30 alongside a family that´s not part of it. They eat whatever I cook and like it, but there are still cereals and bread and yogurth cheese and sweets in the house and on the table. Actually, forgoing these things was not really a problem for me, as I did not feel deprived at all.

2. Meals need a lot more planning and a lot more grocery shopping for fresh produce. A freezer in which you can store whole roasts cut into portions to defrost when needed and frozen veggies are a blessing!

3. One can still have overnight visits, evenings out and overnight business trips, they just need more planning-ahead.

4. Found out I love sweet potatoes with ghee! And I can eat - and enjoy - breakfast made from leftovers and verggies and eggs. If you prepare the veggies the evening before, it´s also okay on busy mornings.

5. Nuts are a MAJOR problem for me! Portion sizes are a real trouble and I bet that´s the reason I haven´t lost (a lot of) weight.

6. You cannot get hold of W30 Fish sauce and Coconut Aminos here in Germany. I finally ordered them from the States and the parcel arrived on Thursday - day 25. German Customs confiscated it, though, and I had to take time off work and drive a considerable distance to reclaim it (one day 26). Not going to do that again (the ordering, I mean), and I haven´t even managed to cook something with my newly aquired Coconut Aminos so far!

7. I´ve done something I´ve never done before. Seriously, 30 days without chocolate??? I´m awesome! :) It´s so nice to feel in control of what I´m eating.

It´s been GREAT doing a W30 with you all! :) Good luck for the final day!

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I can't believe tomorrow is Day 30. I have NEVER stuck with any diet or fitness plan this long. I am still sort of in disbelief that I have achieved this. :)

I did not start this because I wanted to improve/cure any real physical illnesses or intolerances. I mostly wanted to a.) lose weight, b.) try to get my appetite/cravings under some kind of control, c.) stop stuffing my body with SO MUCH junk. I have achieved ALL 3!

What I have learned:

  1. I am capable of doing anything if I set my mind to it.
  2. The world actually doesn't end, nor is my day ruined, if I pass on the dessert at the office luncheon or order a reuben in a restaurant with no bread, no Thousand Island, no cheese (and it was yummy!).
  3. I CAN make brownies without licking the bowl or eating one when they're done.
  4. I CAN LIVE WITHOUT DIET PEPSI!! (This was a huge one!)
  5. I do NOT need grains or sugar in my food to feel satisfied.
  6. I LOVE feeling in control of my eating!
  7. I AM in control of what and how much I eat and how my body looks.

:) This has been such a wonderful experience!

I do not know if I will follow the reintroduction as written, since I really don't think I discovered any intolerances. Although I will take it easy with the reintroduction of foods. But, I do plan to have some pizza soon and a sweet treat, but then I'm going to stick to a low carb diet, avoiding grains and sugar. Good Luck on Day 30 everyone!

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Wow, tomorrow is the last day! This month flew by, but I also feel like April 1st was years ago. I have changed so much, both mentally and physically. I'm really looking forward to weighing myself more than to eating anything in particular! I'm going to do the reintroductions as suggested, mainly because I'm curious, but I don't think I'll bother reintroducing legumes at this point. I don't miss them much, and peanut butter is dangerous for me...I will eat it out of the jar with a spoon. Better to just not have it. Even though I'm testing food groups, I don't want to start with pizza or ice cream, because those are trigger foods for me. I will test with milk and plain greek yogurt to see my reaction, but GOOD dairy, etc., will wait until it's "worth it."

What I've learned:

1. I can do anything I set my mind to!

2. I think about food WAY less when I'm not counting points (Weight Watchers.) I eat 3 times a day, unless I'm starving, and then I eat a small handful of nuts. I eat the serving sizes suggested in ISWF, and that's it.

3. I can actually cook meals that taste good! And it's SO worth it to prep a few meals on a Sunday so that, when I get home at 8pm, all dinner needs is a few minutes in the microwave.

4. I LOVE reading labels! If I can't pronounce it, or don't know what it is, I don't want to eat it.

5. I love talking about the W30, and have inspired 2 friends to start, and my mom is cleaning up her diet in a major way, although not an official W30...yet ;)

6. If I'm going to clean up what goes into my body, I should start to clean up what goes on it, and what I use to clean my home...starting to make those changes.

Hope you all will check in on Wednesday with your wrap-ups!! Enjoy Day 30!!

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So what does he do? He comes home today with a gift for me to show me how proud he is of me for finishing the whole30--a very pretty art-glass pendant. It feels like the medal they give you when you finish a marathon. I also plan to use it as a reminder to stay on track and be a good example for him to clean up his eating.

Guess we can forgive him for being that dirty rotten cheater!! Gosh, that is the sweetest thing ever and such a great token of victory! Wear it proudly :) Day 30 y'all!! Can't wait to get on here tomorrow and read about everyone's scale/measurement victories on top of all the stuff we've already discovered!!


<3 Ashley

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I've been quiet this Whole 30, but I have really enjoyed you alls insight into the daily struggles and successes that each of you have experienced with this challenge. Just like you all I'm still in disbelief that the challenge is coming to a close. I'm excited and scared about what is to come when reintroducing some of the foods back in, but for now I'm actually going to extend the challenge for another 30 days as moral support due to some family and friends wanting to start on May 1, even though technically I won't start till May 2 cause I want a glass of wine.

What I've learned?

1.) That I can make it 30 days without alcohol, diary, grains, legumes and sugar and feel tons better in the gym for it, I guess my crossfit coaches really knew what they were talking about lol

2.) Even though I wasn't a crappy eater before, cutting out everything that this program required really made a difference in everything

3.) I really learned how to read ingredient labels and understand what everything in the food is

4.) Cooking can be fun again

5.) I love informing people of the benefits of the Whole 30 because I experienced so many benefits (weight loss, energy increase, better sleep, inflammation decrease just to name a few)

6.) The obsession that people have with food, I'm still amazed by this one

Until tomorrow wrap up, can't wait to see everyone's results.

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Hello this is the last day, finally! It has gone faster than I thought. I have very similar reflections to everyone else but here they go:

1: I never thought I could live without chocolate and nutella, turns out it is posible.

2: I learnt I survive even if I don't eat the bread on the table and it is actually easier to say no. I had never declined birthday cake before and I stopped wondering what it tasted like almost immediatly. I survived, I have the will to say no and I am in control.

3: I was amazed at how little we control what we eat if we don't read labels and of course I will continue reading labels.

4: I sleep one hour less now (had time change during April and never quite adjusted) but I feel more rested now.

5: I am the same size but my clothes feel better and I look leaner.

6: Unlike a lot of people, i didn't emptied my pantry. I have almost 3 pounds of real belgian chocolate, a huge jar of nutella and several bags of candy and chocolate chips and I can open the pantry and don't feel bothered about it. I feel so much stronger about it.

7: I love baking! But I guess I never gave cooking a chance before. Now I love cooking!

I think that's about it. I am sad today and upset. My brother is moving away in about a week, it is very unexpected. He is moving back to the town where my mom lives and I will be alone here again. He has a daughter 2 months younger than my son and would to things together. Not anymore 😞 I don't have friends here. So I feel very sad.

I am upset because my mom started a whole 30 about 10 days ago. I was thinking about extending mine to join her. And yesterday she ate bread in the afternoon. She invented all kind of excuses about it and now she is hiding from me the fact that she ate bread for dinner and tortillas for breakfast this morning. She is an adult she makes her own choices but I don't understand why she doesn't own to them. Instead of making up excuses and hiding. Anyway, she is in her journey and who knows where it'll take her. All this just to say I haven't had an emotional response to this today. The pantry is intact and I have compliant food in the fridge pretty much for the whole week. I would like to bake a farewell cake from them because they always love my bake goods and now they won't be here for me to share my baked goods with. I don't know how would reintroduction work in time for me to eat cake by the weekend.

Pffff that was long! Happy last day everyone!

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Just noticed I'm now an "advanced member." When did that happen? Maybe because I've successfully completed a W30 (just had my last meal!) Anyway, I was just contemplating having frozen yogurt as my dairy tomorrow night (instead of the string cheese I'd planned on), but I nipped that idea in the bud. Frozen yogurt is too close to ice cream, which is a dangerous food for me. I want to reintroduce food GROUPS, just out of curiosity, but I don't need to reintroduce foods that can lead me back to the way I used to eat...bad, bad, bad!!!

People I talk to keep asking, "What are you gonna do NOW?" They can't seem to fathom what comes next. To me, it's pretty simple. I will introduce dairy, grains and gluten (no need to reintroduce legumes until I need to have a Reese's PB Egg!) After I see how these things effect me, I'll go back to not eating them for the most part. I won't obsess about cream in a sauce, or something cooked in soy oil, but I don't think I can go back to not reading labels, and eating lots of processed junk with ingredients I can't pronounce. I love to bake, and plan to start looking up Paleo recipes (which I avoided doing during my W30, because I didn't want to be tempted.) My life will not be much different than it is now, but very different than it was on March 31st.

Can't wait to hear everyone's results tomorrow! Already took my after pictures, wish I'd taken my measurements when I started, but am excited to step on the scale in the morning!!

Congrats everyone...WE DID IT!!!! :)

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Scroll down to the Paleo Bang Bang Shrimp...Made it tonight. Holy crap. So spicy and yummy and perfect. I just served the shrimp over spinach salad. The bang bang "sauce" serves as the dressing too. Best part! :D Had that with baked plantain chips I made (just sliced, olive oil, salt pepper and cayenne pepper on 350 for 15 minutes). Awesome last Whole30 dinner. Sleep good, y'all. Results to come in the AM.

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Congrats everyone on making it 30 days and to those who completed their first Whole30! I am contemplating adding another week on since I feel the sugar demon is lurking close behind. Someone brought Mega Oreos into the office and I wanted to take the bag and run with it! And I don't really care for Oreos. I am not sure if another week would help. After my first W30, I had sugar within the first couple of days (fancy coffee drink) and it became harder and harder to refuse. I still find the sweet stuff tempting but I can and have stayed away from it. Everyone wants to throw the sweets at me tomorrow. We will see. The reintro the first time around was a complete disaster and I had a gluten/sugar/whatever else I ate "baby" and it bugs me that I don't know what the culprit was. I do have the reintro planned out and will follow it as the books lists. I have yogurt (without sugar...that is hard to find) and grass fed cheese ready to go for tomorrow. I wanted to try some sort of ice cream but EVERYTHING had sugar. I'll see what I decide in the morning...another week versus reintro.

Again, congrats everyone for making it this far. Definitely a positive and healthy lifestyle change! Can't wait to hear how everyone's reintroduction goes!

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I can't believe tomorrow is Day 30. I have NEVER stuck with any diet or fitness plan this long. I am still sort of in disbelief that I have achieved this. :)

I did not start this because I wanted to improve/cure any real physical illnesses or intolerances. I mostly wanted to a.) lose weight, b.) try to get my appetite/cravings under some kind of control, c.) stop stuffing my body with SO MUCH junk. I have achieved ALL 3!

What I have learned:

  1. I am capable of doing anything if I set my mind to it.
  2. The world actually doesn't end, nor is my day ruined, if I pass on the dessert at the office luncheon or order a reuben in a restaurant with no bread, no Thousand Island, no cheese (and it was yummy!).
  3. I CAN make brownies without licking the bowl or eating one when they're done.
  4. I CAN LIVE WITHOUT DIET PEPSI!! (This was a huge one!)
  5. I do NOT need grains or sugar in my food to feel satisfied.
  6. I LOVE feeling in control of my eating!
  7. I AM in control of what and how much I eat and how my body looks.

:) This has been such a wonderful experience!

I do not know if I will follow the reintroduction as written, since I really don't think I discovered any intolerances. Although I will take it easy with the reintroduction of foods. But, I do plan to have some pizza soon and a sweet treat, but then I'm going to stick to a low carb diet, avoiding grains and sugar. Good Luck on Day 30 everyone!

I didn't follow the reintroduction phase as written during my first Whole30 and indulged a little too much my first weekend. I didn't think that I had any intolerances but during that weekend, I had never seen my stomach bloat as much as it did. I looked pregnant! Obviously there was something I had that I am not tolerant of and I couldn't narrow it down. I did notice that soy caused bloating for me. I am definitely taking this reintro by the book so I can find my triggers. Good luck with your reintro and congrats on finishing your W30! :D

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I didn't follow the reintroduction phase as written during my first Whole30 and indulged a little too much my first weekend. I didn't think that I had any intolerances but during that weekend, I had never seen my stomach bloat as much as it did.

I think this is true of a lot of people, not necessarily bloating as a reaction but some real reaction to foods they never dreamt they were intolerant of. I used to just about live on plain yoghurt and cheese, they were in every meal. I gave up dairy a couple of years ago when I got breast cancer because, from what I've studied, I do believe there's a link. However, about 6 months ago I'd been on antibiotics and reckoned having an organic yoghurt would be a good way to get some friendly bacteria.

Was I ever wrong! Within hours I was in agony and the next day, my sinuses were sore, my face seemed puffy and I was totally choked up. In the interests of science, because I like to know it wasn't just a coincidence, i tried again several weeks later with exactly the same results. So I agree, it really is only on reintroduction that you'll know if you have any intolerences or not. Good luck with the reintro.

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Alright folks. The results are in. Lost about 12 lbs in the last 30 days...half an inch from my neck, 2.5 inches from my waist, and 2 inches from my hips...Since I began my "fitness journey" back in September (aka doing Insanity/not dieting, then trying my own workout routine/attempting to be good on Paleo but only going 4 or 5 days strong then stuffing my face for a week) I have dropped between 25 and 30 lbs, and lost 4 inches from my waist, 2 inches from my bingo wings (upper arm :P) and 2 inches from my upper thighs. I was almost in tears this morning at stepping on the scale because I haven't weighed this little since I began my freshman year of college. I might've even weighed more then than I do now! I'm fitting in clothes I've not been able to even squeeze into in over 3 years. I am in love with this.

THANK YOU WHOLE30. This really is a wonderful day, a wonderful feeling, and a wonderful beginning. Can't wait to see y'alls results :D

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Ashley way to go! Your results are amazing! Congratulations!!

So, I lost 6.5 pounds (3 kilos), over 1.5 inches from my waist (over 4 cms), half an inch from my hip, thigh and arm. I think most of what I lost was fat because my arms and legs look more toned and defined. I'm still a size 4 but my clothes fit so much better. I am very pleased with the results. I wished I had excercised but that seems impossible with a toddler all day long. I am very happy and still unsure if I am extending this a couple of days more.

In 2 weeks I have a doctor's appoinment (hypothyroidism) and I am eager to find out if my numbers changed.

Let us know how it went for you, everybody!

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Congratulations to all my fellow April Whole30-ers! I hope you all feel as awesome as I do :)

I just did some measuring, and it looks like I lost about 11 lbs, 2.1% body fat (as much as my scale can be trusted anyway), and roughly 1.5 inches each from my hips, waist and thighs. Yesterday I rocked a pair of skinny jeans that I bought a size too small a few months ago and felt like a million bucks, especially since when I bought them I thought I wouldn't be wearing them until Fall :D

I still have a bit further to go in my fitness goals but it's so good to know that now I'm on the right track. The Whole30 is pretty much the best thing I've ever done for myself, and I feel fantastic. Yay! :)

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