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Natalie's April Whole30


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Hi Natalie,

Congrats on making it half way. As long as you are looking for the answer to the appetite question - you will be fine. Hope BBQ will improve the situation :)

I'll follow this discussion. I've found out recently that my Mom has been constantly undereating (like two yogurts and one "normal-ish" late night meal, urgh). She claims she is not hungry. She is tiny (5'1 and 100 lb) and very active. I am worried, so would love to learn more in order to help her.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys,

Sorry for not being around and posting since mid April.

I kinda finished the W30. I think I had to get some paleo treats and snacking back in to get my appetite back.

It worked and I didn't overindulge.

I still sometimes eat only 2 meals a day but they're bigger and more interesting and I still feel less hungry than most people but not lackof appetite. There's a huge difference. I guess it was hard for me to make really nice food for myself, being busy with school and all, so I was less creative during the W30. :/

So now I'm still eating Paleo with maybe some honey as my only sweetner and some white rice and paleo approved treats and I feel great.

I guess that I shouldn't challenge myself for a while and just stick to the good eating habbits I have now.

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