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Kate's Whole60


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Day 32

Yesterday lunch was salad w/a can of salmon. Had a burger w/avocado, cilantro and onions, along with roasted brussels sprouts and mushrooms, also ate a small orange and one apple slice w/almond butter. Worked out on the elliptical and did bodyweight exercises (pushups, situps, squats, calf raises, tricep dips & planks) Was really hot after the workout (was in the high 80s in Chicago!), so had a glass of coconut water. Slept well last night - weather is cooling down for the next few days.

Had a bit of an upset stomach this morning. Still not sure what that's about. Otherwise feeling fine - had my usual eggs & sweet potato curry w/coffee this morning.

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Day 33

Chilly and rainy today - least it's Friday! Yesterday lunch was salad w/a can of mackeral and a small orange. Worked out on the elliptical for abou 45 minutes and did bodyweight exercises for about 20-25 minutes. Had leftover chicken/sweet potatoes for dinner, and ate a pomegranate later on for a snack. Slept well for the most part, and had the usual potatoes and poached eggs this morning. No plans for the weekend, but thinking about cleaning out the closets and doing some other stuff around the house. Tomorrow's rainy but Sunday should be nice so hopefully we'll be able to get outside. I won a gift card at work, which I'm planning to use to buy some roller blades this weekend. Never done much rollerblading before, but it looks like fun, and a friend of mine is into it so I'm hoping to go out with her.

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Day 36

Really nice weekend. Weather was a lot better than I expected it to be, so we were able to take the dogs on another long walk - about 90 minutes - on Saturday. Sunday we did a lot of cooking and yardwork. Also did bodyweight exercises both days, so I got plenty of activity in.

Had a lot of leftovers to eat up over the weekend, which was nice. Hubs grilled out burgers and veggies on Saturday. It had been a couple of years since I'd had grilled food - our old grill was both broken and contaminated with gluten, so I couldn't have anything off it anyway. But we got a new one, and it was nice to have that grilled, charcoal-y taste again. Did zucchini, asparagus and carrots with the burgers.

Made beef sausage patties for breakfast yesterday and ate w/fried sweet potatoes and onions. We made a mexican red mole w/pork yesterday morning, too, which is delicious but was a LOT OF WORK. Had about 30 ingredients. No idea how people used to cook stuff like this before blenders were invented. Ate it for dinner last night served over spaghetti squash - really good combo and we have tons leftover for the week.

Found out I was probably getting some gluten contamination from some spices we'd been using, so we cleaned that up and bought new ones. Helps explain some otherwise inexplicable headaches and somtach issues I've been having lately. Still feeling good overall - a little sneezing in the morning sometimes, but allergies have not been bad - even with all the yardwork and cleanup we did on Sunday.

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Day 37

We had a luncheon at work yesterday - I'd requested a gluten free meal a few months ago, but they didn't have it marked on my name card (just 'no sauce' - and they gave me a salad w/croutons for the 1st course) - so I opted out of eating - just had coffee and water. I'd already eaten a salad before going, so I wasn't very hungry anyway. My co-workers all know about the celiac disease, so it wasn't that big a deal. I've learned the hard way - better safe than sorry!

We got out early after the lunch, so I went home and had a really good workout on the elliptical. Feeling strong and energetic lately. Ate pork mole w/spaghetti squash and had a pomegranate after dinner - they've been really good lately. Breakfast was my usual. Forgot my lunch today, but luckily hubs saw and called me while I was still driving in, so I was able to go home and get it - otherwise, it would have been a can of salmon, some walnuts and an orange for lunch today instead of a yummy salad w/beets and avocado.

I did do one really dumb thing at lunch yesterday - without even thinking about it (because I almost always have my coffee black), I put cream in my cup of coffee. Didn't even occurr to me for several hours that I'd messed up! Anyway - no ill effects from it that I can tell. Amazing how you can just do things unconciously without even realizing it. I'm not sure whether to count this as a mess-up or not - after all, the first 30 days are done and I didn't cheat on purpose. I still intend to get through the rest of my 60 with no mess-ups. We'll see!

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Day 38

Nose a bit stuffy this morning. Don't know if it's due to my slip-up with the cream on Monday or not. One of my co-workers mentioned yesterday that I don't seem to be sneezing that much this spring. She and her family are having some allergies, so she was asking me about the diet. Don't know if she'll try it or not, but it's nice to have people curious about it.

Dinner last night was a hamburger patty and a sausage over the grill with avocado, mustard and grilled vegetables - zucchini, onions and asparagus. Had a pomegranate, too - goes well with the beef. I've been hungry lately - I think because I've been working out more and doing a lot of bodyweight stuff - so I had an enormous salad yesterday for lunch - Kale, beets, broccoli, onions, cucumber, peppers, 1/2 an avocado, and a can of salmon. My husband's been joking that I eat more than him lately - which is probably true - but he needs to drop a few more pounds and I work out more often, so there! Did a bunch of bodyweight stuff and about 45 minutes on the elliptical.

I got on the scale yesterday and I've lost 7-8 pounds since starting the diet. I was already at a decent weight, so that wasn't really part of the plan, but it's not a problem either. I'm enjoying looking more toned and fit.

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Day 39

Forgot my fish for my salad yesterday - big mistake. Wasn't nearly as filling without the protein! Skipped my workout yesterday and decided to rest intead. Did a little tidying up around the house, but not much other activity. Slept well, though. We had leftover pork mole and spaghetti squash for dinner. Very tasty, but it seems to bring on a lot of gassiness - the sauce has raisins and a lot of seseme seeds in it, so one of those might be the culprit. Hubs is having it, too, so definitely something we're both eating. Other than that, things are going well - weekend is supposed to be chilly and rainy, which is a bummer, but hopefully we'll still be able to get outside some. Sweet potatoes, poached eggs and chutney for breakfast again - and I have my salmon today, so I'm good to go for my salad later on.

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Day 40

Yesterday was good! Remembered my fish for my salad, so I was a lot more full in the afternoon. Protein really does wonders - been telling my hubs he'd feel better if he ate more protein during the day. Did a lot of bodyweight exercises - I can now hold a plank for 2 minutes and do a wall squat for 1 min 45 sec. And I can actually do 8-10 real pushups, in addition to the knee pushups I usually do. Also did about 40 minutes on the elliptical.

Had burgers w/avocado, onion and tomato with sauteed zucchini and onions w/lemon zest for dinner. Really tasty, but I was still hungry afterward, so I also ate a small bowl of pork mole. Had the eggs and sweet potatoes for breakfast. I'm still not regularly eating the pre/post workout meals, but I've been hungrier lately, so I'm going to start adding in the pre-workout meal. I exercise after work and eat dinner with about 30 minutes of finishing my workout, so I don't think I need the post-workout meal yet. Just more dinner!

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Day 43

Weekend was fine. Had a lighter workout on Friday, followed by the last of the pork mole for dinner. Saturday morning we got up, had sweet potatoes, eggs and coffee, and then took our dogs on a 2-hour walk along the lakefront. Had sausages and sliced fruits & vegetables for lunch. Dinner was jalapeno burgers w/baked sweet potato fries and avocado salad. Breakfast yesterday was sweet potato latkes and bacon. Husband made a Mexican casserole kind of thing yesterday w/eggs, tomatoes, hot peppers and shredded chicken. Had that for dinner. Didn't exercise per se yesterday, but spent a lot of time doing chores and running errands. Good weekend overall. Ate the usual breakfast this rmoning.

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Day 45

Still feeling good. I had some stomach issues last week, but they seem to have cleared up on their own - too much spicy food, maybe. Anyway, yesterday had the usual breakfast and salad w/avocado for lunch. Did some bodyweight exercises and about 45 minutes on the elliiptical. Dinner monday was leftover chicken & egg dish, and I did some elliptical time. I can now do a plank for 2.5 minutes and a wall squat for just over 2, so definitely getting stronger. I could barely do 30 seconds when I started six weeks ago. Had sliced beef w/avocado, cilantro and onions, and homemade salsa for dinner last night with roasted brussels sprouts, onions, mini-zucchini and peppers.

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Day 47

One of my coworkers was sneezing her head off this morning, and I still seem to be allergy free! Good sign, I think...

Food over the past few days has been sweet potaotes and eggs for breakfast, salad w/fish for lunch, and steak and roasted vegetables for dinner. Also ate a few mangoes, an orange and some dates. Haven't exercised as much - been feeling a little tired/worn down, so trying to get some extra rest instead. Otherwise, things are good! Looking forward to the farmer's market near us opening this weekend.

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Wow - Day 50! Lost track of the time...

Felt a little down over the weekend. Had my period, which wasn't awful, but wasn't great, either. Actually had sugar cravings, which hadn't happened to me at all to date, so I think it was just a hormonal inbalance. Didn't get a lot of exercise over the weekend. Was feeling tired and run down, w/cramps & a headache. Going camping this weekend, so we prepped for that on Saturday. Also had our first farmer's market trip of the season - bought 2 dozen pastured eggs, green garlic and arugula. Saturday breakfast was sweet potatoes & eggs. Lunch was guacomole w/bacon and celery sticks. Wasn't feeling great, so I ate the rest of the sweet potatoes with poached eggs for dinner.

Yesterday we had sweet potato latkes and bacon for breakfast. I'm pretty sure the bacon had sugar in the curing, but otherwise, everything is still compliant in my diet. Breakfast was late, so I didn't really eat lunch - had an orange and a handful of macadamia nuts, and ate a larabar alter on. Not my best day, but not awful considering how I was feeling. Roasted a leg of pork yesterday with a homemade adobo sauce, which turned out really good. Ate it with spaghetti squash for dinner. Had a few cherries and mango slices, too, which was a bit of a give-in to my sugar craving, I guess.

Feeling much better today. Sweet potatoes and eggs for breakfast, and salad w/the arugula and green garlic from the farmer's market for lunch - had a can of wild planet tuna with it (on sale at Costco!) and a few cherries. I think dinner tonight will be leftover spaghetti squash and a couple of slices of pork leg.

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Day 53

Haven't updated in a little while. Haven't felt great for the past few days - stayed home from work Tuesday with a bad migraine. Much better today, though! Don't remember everything I ate the past few days, but it was all compliant. Last night, had a fish curry w/tilapia - really good. Leaving to go camping this weekend - bringing lots and lots of food with - fruit, salad, nuts, dried fruit, avocados, and a bunch of pre-cooked stuff that we've frozen and will reheat. It's gonna be around 40 overnight, so it'll be good to have some hot meals for sure. Interested to see how my allergies hold up being outside - will report back on Tuesday!

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