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My First Whole30 -- April 1 to May 1


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I started Monday, April 1st, but unfortunately didn't have time to prepare my food in advance. I have done well yesterday and today with limited resources, but look forward to having the time this weekend to prepare enough food to cover most of my meals for week 2.

April 1:

3 hb eggs

black coffee

salad with carrots, green pepper, a few sunflower seeds, chopped ham (fingers crossed it was compliant) and red wine vinegar

grilled hamburger patty

roasted sweet potatoes, white onion & green pepper, with EVOO, salt & pepper

black coffee

lots of water and Keurig green tea (Tea Vert) during the day

1 hour Reformer Pilates

April 2:

2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil

black coffee

salad with plain smoked chicken, green pepper, green onions, and red wine vinegar

dinner same as April 1

ditto water & green tea

1 hour Reformer Pilates

So far, I haven't experienced any headaches or other negative side effects. Curiously not starving or craving anything in particular. Hope this lasts!

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Eggs are great food, but an ideal breakfast includes some veggies too. Lately, I have been adding 4 or 5 tablespoons of salsa to my eggs in the morning.

Your ham is probably not compliant unless you are living outside the US. I've never found ham that is not cured with sugar in the US. What you have eaten does not ruin your start, but you need to find another meat choice during your Whole30.

I am a little concerned that you may not be eating enough. Just in case, let me point you to the Whole9 meal template: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf

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Thank you, Tom! I think you're exactly right...I'm not eating enough. This is Day 4 and I have a terrible headache today. I'm just trying to make it to the weekend, when I'll have time to prep a lot of food for next week.

Here's what I had on Day 3:

2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil

black coffee

Large salad with roasted chicken breast, avocado, green pepper, red onion, black olives

black coffee

Roasted chicken breast, Greek olives, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic & green onions sauteed and served over a large bed of fresh baby spinach.....this was SO good!

Water & green tea throughout the day

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Day 4 and 5 I had horrible headaches - but it did pass. If you are having trouble getting veggies in the am - i suggest making a batch of vegetable hash - and just making some of that to go with your eggs - My hash is usually white sweet potatoes, baby spinch shredded, red pepper and onions - and I make enough for 3 - 4 days - poached eggs on top, a little avocado...done! thats a meal that will get me through the next 5-6 hours.

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Day 6: Thank goodness for Saturday, finally!

Breakfast -- frittata with red bell pepper, onion & spinach + lots of spices

Lunch -- FABULOUS taco salad with ground beef, onion, red bell pepper, celery, green onions, black & green olives, romaine & spinach

snacking on raw, unprocessed cashews from Fresh Market, which we toasted -- so good!

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