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Starting April 17th

Erika Bumgardner

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Katherine, so great to hear from you so early. Could have overlooked the milk etc however gotta be honest and it has been easy to stay focussed.

Favourite saying is "it's what you do when no one is watching that really counts."

Thrusters with a bar and weights total 22.5kg. Dropped from 27.5kg as after the row I was breathing hard and all of a sudden the weight felt REALLY heavy.

You are doing an amazing job attempting to stay super clean with limited resources. So proud of you and sending you lots of positive energy.

Did Super Sculpt 11 today. That abs section is a bit of a killer isn't it.

You could even incorporate body weight thrusters in your tabata and some wall walks, up downs or grasshoppers to add some variety.

Take care and stay safe.

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Hey Katherine,

Hope all is well. Going to keep you updated so you can follow my journey:)

Day 2, well planned so all good. Makes such a difference when you are organised.

Going to attempt the Dancer's Body Bar Method this week.

So funny, just watching my partner and his mindless eating habits. Shelled peanuts b4 dinner then a good balanced meal, then proceeds to eat a bowl of chopped up fruit with coconut cream!! There is no way he can be hungry- bored I think:)

Keeps me on the straight and narrow watching him:)


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Hi Sue!!

Great to hear from you and happy Day 2 :) I totally agree w/ you about staying true even when no one is watching. There is a great Mia Hamm quote we put up in the locker room of my team in college that said "The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is looking." You rock!


Thank you for the positive energy, it really helps!! I have been able to squeeze in workouts every day so far--a Road WOD on sunday, bar method advanced workout monday, and just did another road WOD and some yoga today. The food is pretty terrible but I"m doing my best and haven't eaten anything non-paleo/whole30 yet!!


That must be hard to watch your partner... is he as fit as you? One of those people who is fit and can eat whatever they want? Grrrr those people are annoying haha :) I guess we've all been there though, eating while bored! Glad that habit has been squashed for us!!


Let  me know how the dancers body is--I think you will really like it! It's a different instructor though, so you might miss Burr a little.


Have a great day!!

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Hey Katherine,

You are inspirational especially given your circumstances. Keep up the great work!!

I love that saying, so true.

Another Day down-yay:). My partner used to be super fit and could probably still outrun me however has put on weight which he is slowly losing. Trust me, there is NOTHING Whole 30 about his diet!! Unless he eats my meals of course:)

Did a WOD tonight with extra stretching and felt good. Think I may have been overtraining so mixing up workouts with Bar Method and yoga had helped.

Yep, we should be mighty proud of ourselves kicking that bored eating habit. Such a good feeling to have control over the emotion rather than being controlled.

Keep up your great habits and have a wonderful day/night.


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Hi Sue!


Thank you for the encouragement :) I am proud of myself as well... in the past when i was on a ship I used to eat a lot out of boredom, so I'm very happy that I have been exercising and eating well!! Thank you Whole30!! I really feel so in control and healthy and happy, it's amazing. I think a bunch of people on the ship think I'm weird for my eating habits... i.e. not having a bun w/ a burger, or fries, eating tuna on a salad, etc...but it's okay b/c I'm feeling great!


How are your workouts going? I'm really happy you are enjoying Bar Method so much, it really is wonderful. Maybe you could start a studio of your own in Australia :)


It must be challenging to have a partner who doesn't have the same habits as you--you have to be extra strong!! How do you do it??


Have a great day!!!

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Great to hear from you Katherine,

So wonderful to hear you are staying true to the program and who cares what other people think as long as you are happy.

Workouts going great, becoming addicted to Bar Method. Love that feeling of pain in my muscles:). Swear that I can see results.

No probs with my partner eating off plan. No cravings and I don't think I am missing out in anything.

Stay strong and sending you heaps of positive energy. BTW are you energy levels thru the roof too??


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Hi Sue!


It's been a little crazy here, very limited internet access.


How have your workouts and meals been going? What day are you on the Whole30??


I'm staying strong... thank goodness I've been able to get a workout in every day or I would go insane. I was sleeping really well but we moved to another ship and it's very loud and the girls i had to sleep in the same room w/ the first night were incredibly inconsiderate... I slept well last night though :) the problem is that I sometimes have to stand watch in the middle of the night, which totally screws my sleep schedule, but it's only for a few days, not 7 months like I did last year (that really screwed me up!!). I will say that my energy is SO much better than it would be if I wasn't eating 95% whole30! And everyone else is sick and I'm not!!


Thanks for the positive energy. Leaving this ship on Thursday thank goodness and then going to 1 more, and then home by July 3rd!! Can't wait to go to the grocery store and get some delicious meat and veggies and just cook and relax at home.


Talk to you soon!!

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Hey Katherine,

Great to hear from you. Day 11, all good. Bar Methoding like crazy.

So happy you are getting workouts and eating as well as you can. Don't you hate inconsiderate people especially when it mucks up your hard earned routine!! Stay strong not long until you are home and fully back into your routine.

Seven months of interrupted sleep would muck anybody up so bet you are grateful it is only for a few days.

Chat soon


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Hi Sue!


I AM BACK!! Thank goodness. 20 days away from a kitchen and fresh food was TOUGH! I managed to eat 100% paleo the whole time and get in a workout nearly every day :) very proud of myself. Bringing some shredded coconut, tuna in olive oil, and paleo kits from steve's original was KEY. I was actually able to lean out even more b/c of how little good food there was on the ship. 


How are you doing w/ your Whole30? You must be close to being done by now!!!


OMG i know isn't the advanced workout crazy? "craaazy shakes" as Burr says :) Did super sculpting I this morning. Love it! 


Hope all is well, thanks for all the encouragement!



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Katherine, welcome back!!

Great job, so proud of you, amazing job given the circumstances.

All going well, just back from 3 days away which was nice.

Just to make things a little more challenging my partner and I are going vegetarian except for fish as I do need a good source of protein given the no eating of lentils etc. We are changing for ethical reasons due to animal farming and I just don't feel comfortable even consuming "free range chicken". Whilst I am still not comfortable with fish farming I have to source a new type of protein.

Bar Method is great, wasn't sure whether I was going to be able to cope with Marnie however she grows on you. Going to do Super Sculpt tonight.

Enjoy being back and using your kitchen:)


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Sue! Thank you, it is great to be back :)


Glad everything is going well, and I am VERY interested to hear how your "pescatarian"diet goes. Can you send me some fish recipes you use? I have only really cooked salmon before and eaten my favorite tuna from a can! oh and have eaten a lot of sashimi!


I'm really happy to report that my mom is starting the Whole30! My best friend just finished her 30 days, and my mom saw her and was even MORE convinced that it is the way to go as she looked so beautiful and glowing. My other 2 friends have started as well. So proud of them. 


I think doing the less stressful workouts is really working for me... what do you think? This stubborn fat I had on the top of my legs is almost gone and I feel leaner and more toned. I can also do 3 strict over handed grip pull ups now without even training to do them... isn't it funny how sometimes when you back off a little your body rewards you? 


Thank you for always being an inspiration and someone I can share my successes with! 


Hope you had a great weekend!!

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Hey Katherine,

Most if the time I poach my fish and keep it simple and serve with a yummy mixed salad or veggies. I have a few days off this week so am going to track down recipes which I will share with you. Also looking to make Kim chi or sauerkraut which is a natural probiotic.

That is fantastic news regarding your Mum, you must be so happy that she has made the move and I love how you have inspired your friends to get on board as well. Truly inspirational!!

Yes, like you I am finding the less stressful workouts much more beneficial rather than attempting to smash myself up each time. Methinks we were both overtraining and it is a good test to give the body a break and still reap rewards. Congrats on the pull-ups. That speaks for itself:)

It feels like my body is definitely firming up from Bar Method, it is a little addictive isn't it:)

Hope you also had a great weekend too. Keep up the great work and I look forward to hearing how your Mum copes as well as your two friends. You inspire me to always stay focussed and am sure you will do the same for them, plus they have seen your results which will make their journey easier.


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Hi Sue!


Yes, I would love some recipes when you get a chance. How do you make sauerkraut? I want to make my own Kombucha but have to find a "scoby" here somewhere...


Bar Method is totally addictive! I have been alternating Bar Method, Yoga, and some body weight type crossfit workouts (think air squats, burpees, etc). I still want to burn a little more fat in my upper legs... it is so random and embarrassing, but I know I am being nit-picky and critical and that it is such a small thing in reality. I didn't have it at all when I was in college as an athlete, but I have had it once before, gotten rid of it, and now it's back even though I have lost weight the past 3 months following the Whole30. I think it will just take some patience... b/c I'm doing everything right! I hate that I am focusing on it too and not being more accepting of myself.


Speaking of Bar Method, I emailed the headquarters asking when they were going to make more videos and they don't have any in the works right now :( i need some more videos!


Hope you are having a nice week! Talk to you soon.

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Hey Katherine,

Just posted in another thread as I had to restart another nearly completed Whole 30 as the coconut aminos I was using were non compliant Bah Humbug!!!!

Anyway have Coconut Secret aminos on their way to me:). Miss that bit if flavour.

I have to purchase a special sauerkraut bowl to put the cabbage etc into to ferment. I know you can make it using whey however that would be a big no no!!

Methinks you are being a little to hard on yourself my friend. Perhaps if you take the focus away from your perceived problem area it will melt away. Try a bit of reverse psychology and as Burr says" picture the area in your mind of how you would like it to be". Burr relates to stretching in Super Sculpt 11. Are you talking about cellulite?? If so I am sure you will move it with continued clean eating and exercise.

Doing the same as you, alternating workouts. Bummer regarding no new release. Hope that the get a wriggle on with a newie:)

My week is going well. Ran this morning which was a challenge as it is so very cold here and about to go and "give to the ball" with Burr. She cracks me up:)

Hope your week is fabulous too and be kind to yourself as you are doing great.


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Hi Sue!


Hope you had a nice weekend :) Back to the grind for me here. I have to go underway on a ship for another week unfortunately, but it's only a week and I know what I need to bring for food!


Oh no! What was in your coconut aminos that was non-compliant? What a bummer! Don't worry about it too much though, you are doing so well every day :) Are you going to re-start or add days? I need to pick a time to do my next "strict" whole30, though honestly I have probably only strayed from the whole30 framework a handful of times in the last 2 months.


Yes, I think it is cellulite... but it's just a bit lumpy. I am being so nit-picky. I'm just going to be patient and keep doing what I'm doing. It has already reduced a bunch since I started the Whole30, so i'm sure it will go away with time. Just makes me a bit self conscious being in a bathing suit--my legs have always been really nice and now all my mind focuses on is this one little area!!

How do you feel running? Does it feel better now that you are more stretched out? I haven't run in a while, besides the running for crossfit workouts and squash.


Catching a bit of a cold over here... probably from all the people coughing on me on public transportation, Somtimes sickness can be unavoidable I guess, even when you are doing everything right!!


Have a great week!


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Hi Katherine,

Hope the cold is not to bad. Doesn't matter how healthy you are there is always a new bug waiting to attack and with you using public transport you are bound to catch something.

Apparently the Niulife coconut aminos are not fermented unlike the Coconut Secret ones so there was coconut sugar in them that was not burnt off. Started a Whole 30 again, on Day 7 and went straight from the old one into this one without going "oh I may as well have something off plan". Going to stay on Whole 30 until August the 18th. Have a wedding to go to so may have a drink. It will have been 8 months since I have had a wine or anything so will be interesting to see how my clean system reacts to a glass:)

Not a huge fan of running except for runs in Crossfit however needed a bit of extra cardio. Bar Method and yoga have really improved my hip flexibility and I would say clean eating is assisting with the elimination if toxins which would assisting my flexibility as well. Have been happy with my WOD's, Bar Method still hurtsbut that is ok.

Be patient and keep up your fluid intake and the cellulite will go. Have you tried dry brushing your skin as well as this stimulates blood flow and will break it up.

Ah, the benefits of experience:) bet you know exactly what you will need to take in supplies this time and as you said, it is only for a week.

How is your Mum going??

Have a great week and stay safe.


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Hi Sue!


How's your week going?? Proud of you for sticking with it and not going off-plan!


I am feeling so much better--my body was able to fight off the bug before I got really sick. Thank goodness!


How fun you have the wedding to look forward to in August! I will be anxious to hear how the re-intro of wine goes, if you decide to drink.


I will try the brushing of my skin. I think I just need to stop thinking about it and be happy with myself as I am in great shape mentally and physically, and who cares about a teeny bit of fat!! I am human! I can also only see it in certain lighting... like you know those horrible lights in dressing rooms sometimes? hah I am crazy!


My mom is doing great--she hasn't started a whole30 full on yet, but has been following the program 99% for about 2 weeks now and is feeling awesome. I'm so proud of her.


Have a great rest of the week!

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Hi Katherine,

You are so funny. Great news that you are not focussing on that tiny bit of fat:)

Anyway a restart for me, to many nuts and I want to do another Whole 30 clean. Best not to buy any however my partner loves them!!!

Was on Day 10 too grrrrr:). Sometimes I think I should eat Paleo for a while before doing another Whole 30 however I have mentally committed to another one and now have to complete it:)

Great you are feeling better and it is wonderful your Mum is cleaning up her eating too:)

BTW my skin is looking amazing which is just another positive.

Have an awesome week.


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Hi Sue!


I am back from being on a ship--I ended up only having to be underway from Friday-Sunday, so that was a happy surprise. Stuck to the whole30 framework, thank goodness I brought tuna and avocados with me!!


I went nut-free I guess about 2 months ago now! They were totally a food with no brakes for me... they are so easy to munch on. I haven't missed them at all and I don't keep any in sight in my house anymore. That must be rough, having to buy things for you AND your partner! How has it been going since we last talked?


I bought a skin brush (coming in the mail) and some firming cream (i'm sure it doesn't work, but everyone could use a little added moisturizer anyway!) I have also cut down the amount of salt I'm adding to my food to almost nothing, Perhaps that will help! Anyway it's so minor I am not worried anymore.


I also ordered a bunch of new clothes :) so many of my pants don't fit anymore. I'm down to a healthy, happy size 4 and am feeling so lean and clean and energetic and just HEALTHY. I've been doing a lot of yoga and have really found the benefits of stress relief and flexibility.


Still going strong, it's amazing how even when I give myself "permission" to eat something non-whole30, I don't even want it anymore. I've had an entire bar of dark chocolate in my fridge for 2 weeks now, and only had 2 squares 2 weeks ago when I bought it! That would have never happened before.


How is everything with you? Still going strong w/ the vegetarianism? What about your workouts?


Glad I can post on here and tell you about how things are going and hear about your successes as well!


Sending you good vibes from over here!



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Great to have you back, so glad it was just a short trip for you. You are AMAZING!!! Such dedication and obviously the rewards far outweigh eating off plan food.

New clothes, bet that felt good going down a few sizes!!!:). Nothing like a bit of retail therapy, you go girl, enjoy wearing them:)

All good here, felt crap at the start of the week as I gave up caffeine last Saturday and really had a bad couple of days dealing with the withdrawal symptoms, plus finding meal planning a bit if a hassle. Who would gave thought 2 cups a day could have such an impact. Ooh I miss my chicken and gravy. Anyway have come out of it feeling 100%, sleeping well and training well. Yoga is so good isn't it. So many benefits.

You must be feeling amazingly calm at the moment given your great diet and the yoga. Mentioning the dry brushing made me pull mine out as well however think it needs to be firmer so picking up a new one tomorrow when I go to Melbourne.

I love that you can now have chocolate in the house and not want it. You must have slayed that sugar dragon.

I am so happy for you, the tone of your post is so happy and positive. Keep up the great work.

Sending positive energy your way too.


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