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1st Round 1st time Whole30


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I started my whole30 on 4/5 and need some critique on my meals, please. I ordered the book but so far I've based everything off the site and this forum. I'm a nursing mother so I need to eat enough to keep up my supply.

April 5 Day 1

3 eggs over easy

3/4 c sweet potatoes

1 c zucchini

1/2 avocado

1 chicken breast

1/2 c sweet potatoes

1/2 zucchini

1/2 avocado

.80 lbs chicken liver


Forgot what I ate besides this

April 6 Day 2

3 eggs

1/2 avocado

1 c baby carrots

1 steak

1/2c sautéed veggies

1/2 c carrots

1/2 avocado

1tbsp coconut oil

1 steak

3/4 c sautéed veggies

3/4 c grape tomatoes

1tbsp coconut oil

1 bottle of kombucha

April 7 Day 3

3 eggs

1/2 avocado

1c broccoli

5 small pieces of steak

Handful blueberries

1 chicken breast

3/4 c sweet potatoes

3/4 c mushroom

4 slices oranges

Handful of grape tomatoes

1 chicken thigh

3/4 c sweet potato

1 1/2 c baby carrots

1/2 avocado

1 raw original kombucha

April 8 Day 4

4 hard boiled eggs

1 c spinach

1 1/2 c carrots

1 1/2c coffee

1 tbsp coconut oil

1/8 of egg bake

3/4c sweet potato

3 small pieces of chicken

3-6 pieces of roasted cauliflower

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April 9 Day 5

1 Egg bake

3 small pieces of steak

3/4c sweet potato

1/2 avocado


1 turkey burger patty

1/8 c sautéed mushroom

1 egg over easy

1 1/2 c roasted cauliflower

3/4 c grape tomatoes

Palm size stew meat

10 stalks of asparagus

1 1/2 c cauliflower

1 bottle hibiscus kombucha

7 grape tomatoes

1 tbsp coconut oil

Feeling good and sleeping way better already. I'm a very light sleeper but been waking up rested. Although, I need to get better at going to sleep without checking the Internet on my phone.

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