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Work Trouble


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I have started Whole30 several times and most every Wednesday I slip at work including today. I am not beating myself up about it today and I am commited to moving forward. There is always a catered lunch on Wednesday and I rarely have made it through without participating. The food is not paleo to say the least. I do very well at home and in all other situations, but work. My solution is to start my Whole30 over and really commit that no matter what type of catered food is in the kitchen at work it is not my food, it is poison to me and it does not make me happy or peaceful. I don't have but 2-3 pounds to lose so my issue is not weight on my body, it's weight in my head. I feel wonderful when I eat paleo. I feel like crap when I don't. I am naturally energetic, peaceful and content, but give me some sugar or refined carbs and it's different story.

I need all the help I can get and I am open to constructive criticism or advice. :)

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Isn't it possible to bring your lunch on the days that lunch is catered? When I am doing Whole 30, and even when I'm not, I bring my lunch and offer no explanation, regardless of what the office is providing or co-workers are doing. I have never told people that I am on a "diet" or elimination plan, etc. It invites too much commentary that I don't need or want to deal with. I always bring my lunch. If I am forced to play nice and answer questions, I simply say I'm not up for the catered food, tummy troubles, not hungry, etc. Then I happily eat my own food. The one thing Whole 30 taught me is that my health matters and it is my priority. I no longer eat food I don't want, to appease others. Yes, it requires effort, and yes, it requires willpower, but it's worth it. Good luck.

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I am glad that you are eager to start over! I find myself telling myself the same things I tell my puppies - that's not food. Near day 30, I told myself it was fuel and asked if it was worth the treat.

Now that you know what Wednesday holds, what kind of plans can you have to prepare yourself? It sounds as though you know your goals and your motivation. Now...time for an action plan that can get you through Wednesday. I might save my yummiest meal for Weds, for example.

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Thanks Nico and LRM! I do pack and plan my food every single day whether I do Whole30 or not. I don't feel compelled to give an explanation to anyone as to how and what I eat so that is not the issue. It is me caving in. I can prepare myself is save a yummy meal for Wednesday and really commit to not caving in.

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The weight of social pressure can be a lot to bear, but you can get through this and I suspect that once you successful maneuver a Wednesday without diving into the catered lunch you're going to feel very empowered and that will help carry you over the next social hurdle, and the next, and the next. Bring an extra special lunch next Wednesday and savor every bite!

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It is hard, in the beginning, to have that much willpower. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, and even one minute at a time. Remind yourself that this is something that you are choosing to do - you CHOOSE to skip the pizza, cupcakes, etc. And you can choose to have that stuff anytime you want. Somehow, reminding myself that I was in control of my decisions, really helped me to stay on track. Of course, there were meltdowns, tears, and a lot of foot stamping, but I got through it and you can too. I was once a sugar junkie with a 3-cupcake minimum, and now I prefer an apple or a banana in lieu of sweets, and sometimes, nothing at all. Hang in there (hug).

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