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Starting tomorrow after a failure today. :o(


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Today started off with such promise... until I found myself racing from appointment to appointment, with no food nor snacks. I needed to grab something quickly right before a play, and I bought a coffee with half & half. So I'm starting again tomorrow.

I must admit that I am nervous. Between my food allergies, and being a picky eater, eating at home will be easy, but eating on the go (and I'm frequently on the go) seems tough. I tend to abuse seeds & nuts, so I need to let go of them for awhile... that leaves me with, what, portable fruits? :huh:

Just gonna take this one meal at a time. After the hard work it took to free myself from a SERIOUS sugar addiction, I should be able to do this. Lord willin' and the crick don't rise.

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Hi Enjay. Planning is definitely key to success on a W30. It also helps if you learn to love your coffee black :). You'll find loads of advice throughout the forums for eating on the go - so many people have to do it unfortunately. It's hard to give advice without knowing your particular circumstances eg are you ata desk, on the go in your car, on a bus, train etc. Many people carry hard boiled eggs, packets of tuna, olives, carrot sticks, cooler with chicken drumsticks etc. Have a look at the meal template http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf and see how you can fit it in to your lifestyle. Unfortunately fruit on it's own is not going to be the best idea especially for anyone with a sugar addiction as it will continue to feed that.

I know it can seem a bit overwhelming at first but it really does get a lot easier as you get used to it. Don't be afraid to ask any other questions you have, it's amazing the different ideas people have come up with to conform to a W30 in difficult circumstances. Good luck

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Thanks so much, Kirsteen, and Shelley. I live in L.A., I'm a working actress, and I'm in my car, at auditions, in meetings, and at rehearsals more than I'm at home. Starbucks and Panera have become my "go-to" places for meetings (and 'eatings') on the go.

I've gotten away from sugar cravings, but now coffee with heavy cream has become my substitute, so I think I'll miss it most of all. I also LOVE nuts and seeds a little too much, so I've decided to stay away from them for now. It's also tough to find jerky without preservatives.

Thanks so much for the advice and portable food ideas. I will take it one day at at time, and just make sure I'm never without SOMETHING edible in my car or my bag.

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