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Starting 4/18 - anyone starting then/around then?


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I did a W30 a little bit ago, but since then I feel like I've lost some control over my eating habits (still primal/paleo, but nuts in particular have been an issue). So I want to do another W30, and was curious to see if anyone else was starting around 4/18? Accountability and all that.

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I'm on day one of my 2nd whole 30.! I completed my last one (actually a whole45) a couple wks ago. I went on vacation to my home town & ate at a few of my favorite resturants. Want to get back on all whole 30 foods. Also wondering if there are any tricks to losing more weight. I lost 10 lbs the first 28 days then have been maintaining since then. Certain things to watch?

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I started my second W30 on the 15th. The first went well and was much easier than it sounded at the beginning! I'm also hoping for more weight loss as I'm a good 20lb away from a healthy weight. The first I lost 5, so I'd like some tips from a -10 gal ;)

As for other successes though, better sleep and a newly gained sensitivity to sugary foods. Can't wait to see what happens in round 2! Good luck to those starting today!

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mrsjessica I am in the same boat with the weight...I want to lose 15 lbs to be in the healthy weight range also....trying to lose baby weight. I made it my goal to journal this whole 30 and remember that nuts are a fat.... not a easy snack.! I am not sure how I lost the 10lbs the first time I think it was because for yrs I have been depriving myself of fats & my body was holding onto everything. I also am really going to focus on not snacking at all. but would love any tips people have to help me along the way.

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Well, I'm starting OVER today, April 19th. I started last week on th 12th and did GREAT. My husband has not been feeling the greatest, so last night I decided to make him a pie. This one had meringue (I don't do meringue) and after I whipped it I took off the beaters & then licked a big glob of meringue. I did not even realize what I had done until I walked the beaters & bowl to the sink, then it hit me!!!! I could not believe I had done that. Anyway, my original first week had ups & downs. I felt great the first day, second was super tired, third, fourth, fifth days were nauseous and had a hard time eating. Felt great Friday and then crashed & burned that night. Anyway, started over today. Feel confident that I can do this w/out another slip. Hopefully this time around I can avoid feeling so bad since I feel like my body is a more in tune w/this kind of eating!!

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mary anne my sister did the w30 last round with me. she also had a lot of those symptoms. highly recommend using digestive enzymes. they really seemed to help. my husband did it with me also last time. not for longer than the w30 but he claims he didn't notice much difference. but guess who also wants to do this w30 again with me. he must have noticed some things for the better. to want to do it again this round with me!! you will be successful. I think the first 2 wks are rough for people.

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I do think it is as straight forward as you read. I found it easy to do and follow. it is all in having the stuff on hand you need. preparing wonderful food! I loved that my sugar cravings disappeared! I feel I have a much healthier way at looking at food. realizing it is just unhealthy is easier than thinking you cant have it! you will be successful. just commit and move forward! you will be thrilled with the results.

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We'll see how this goes - I have a backpacking trip in a couple weeks, and while I know what I would bring along myself, I'm not yet sure if it's an option to bring my own food or not. If it isn't an option then I'll either extend or restart it - but I'm hopeful.

On a different note, my egg consumption is through the roof. It wasn't like this my first W30, or the period in-between the two W30s - depending on the day, I might eat 3, or sometimes 8...or more if I don't have any other available protein. I wish there existed better, long-term research about >3 eggs per day on health.

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I think you are better off starting now & when the backpacking trip arrives decide then. if you cant bring your own food you can eat as close as possible to plan & get back on track when you come home. I think that is why this has worked for me. I have made it fit my lifestyle. control the things you have control of! I eat eggs every day. at least 2 also. sometimes more with hardboiled & such. I found Costco has individual wrapped frozen chicken breasts & tilapia. they are not organic but the only ingredient is the meat. I use them a lot for my lunches with a salad. convience is a big thing. but I find that I usually can handle longer periods btwn meals so can take the time to make something. will chk in again tomorrow.

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I started my 2nd W30 on 4/18 as well. First time round seemed relatively easy, but then i had multiple birthday's, including my own which had mainly all paleo food, but i went off track big time shortly thereafter. Found out the sugar dragon was not fully killed- not surprising really as i was a super sweet tooth.

2nd day in and i already have a super snotty nose, as though i have allergies happening, but with the constant low grade headache i think i have the carb flu, that people talked about. Do not recall this the first time round, but after the chocolate gluttony that happened last week, it's hardly surprising my body is fighting to get me to eat more sweet stuff.

Castle, is there something preventing you from having other protein sources to hand that we could maybe brainstorm ideas for you about? I cannot use eggs- possible allergy which is another reason for my 2nd w30. I have fish usually for breakfast- buy then in the forzen packets from Costco, and usually have 1-2 thawing slowly in the fridge so always one ready to eat. Chicken breasts i BBQ, or cook ahead of time so there are usually 1-2 ready to eat in the fridge. And then i rotate having ground turkey (again from costco), wild bison- usually ground, or some other form of meat defrosting in the freezer. Usually about 2-3 items on the defrost at any one time, as i found one of my issues was variety, i ate a lot of eggs on my first W30 as i had not yet found a routine to make sure i had meat available to cook.

Other options are canned tuna, and canned chicken- which are my go to proteins if i need to go shopping and get food in.

Happy new beginnings to all.

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Mary Ann, don't feel too bad i also automatically licked stuff off my fingers on my W30, which i then rushed to the sink, spat out and rinsed my mouth out with water- much to my husband's amusement. I read that so long as it's not wheat based, or something you have a known allergy to, that you shouldn't let it get you down. Even a small amount of wheat was noted to need a reset due to the inflammation process that happens in the gut.

So i followed that info, and did great on my W30. Just no more licking sugar substances this time round, as my sugar dragon was not eradicated first time properly- which in hind sight i knew, but i was not listening properly to my body, and should have stayed 100% compliant for another 30 days to totally kick it.

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Momof8. I have seen many posts about things that might deter you from losing weight, and have noticed a couple of these do affect me, whilst others didn't.

Nuts- can really stall my weight loss, they don't bloat me per say, but stop losing weight if i indulge in too much home made almond butter, or homemade nutella. Make it for the kids, and boy is it yummy. Also unsoaked nuts may be stopping you losing weight, as articles say that some people are irritated by something on the skin on the nuts unless soaked. There are some articles in the w30 about soaking nuts

Fruit- aim for 1 serving or less if you want to lose weight. Include your fruit as part of the meal itself, ie oranges segments on a salad, or cooked apple with kale, Don't have it as a dessert type dish after you've eaten your meal.

Fats- make sure your eating your servings of fats- not enough fats will lead you to indulge in incorrect foods, or leave you feeling hungry in between meals- so you then have a mini meal.

Fats- also rotate your fats- don't stick just to olive oil.

For me i found that unless i eat a sweet potato serving twice a day- still dialing in how large that serving is, i am hungry and then i overindulge in the almond butter, as it's an emotional eating habit i am in the process of breaking.

Another tip for myself that i found handy, was that to sometimes stall the sweet craving i had in the early days of W30, i would have a teaspoon of coconut milk- whip up the coconut milk in a jug, and then place it into the fridge, that way it's got a rich smooth tongue feel that for me was satisfying enough to stall most cravings until next meal time. After about 2 weeks when i had sorted out what the heck i was eating, this was not something i really needed. Although with a young toddler i do use this if i know i am stretching the time in between meals due to my baby's needs, or other pressing demand that will make my food be later than it should be.

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Thanks, I'll try that tea! Super excited about this, I need to lose weight but after buying the book and reading it I am hoping to also fix some of my other health issues...chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps, I noticed a big change in my sinuses on Atkins but splenda was just a substitute for my sugar monster!!! Good luck everyone!

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gfsfme I also used to have splenda with my coffee in the morning. after my first w30 I found out I really actually don't love coffee but loved the splenda and cream! I am fine with 1 cup of coffee in morning just black. I also think the splenda was a major part of my sugar dragon!! I very rarely crave sugar since I gave up the splenda.

bncybncytigger thank you for all the weight loss tips. I really want to lose this time around so I am going to use all the tips you said. cant wait to share them with my sister (doesn't have internet access) also. always looking for tips and info along the way!

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My wife and I started on 4/16/13. I am 30 pounds overweight have high cholesterol, low thyroid function, low "T" levels, arthritis and low energy all day. It's no wonder that eating like my grandfather did for the last 53 years has made me look like him also. Doctors are great but it's become painfully obvious that my "health challenges" cannot be helped by another pill. Hallelujah and pass the asparagus!

Good luck to all the other newbies, Mr T

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terryr welcome. my husband also is doing it with me. I think it is wonderful if you can work together as a team. I help him pack his lunch each night. he makes eggs & sausage and heats them up at work. he usually eats left overs from the night before for lunch. we usually always make an antipasto mix. ...olives, pickles, snap peas, red & yellow peppers and what ever other veggies drizzled with alvacado oil. he also usually brings nut butter with celery or banana. its all about being prepared. katy legrand... keep the course. if you keep trying new things u may be surprised. I don't love very many raw veggies but love almost all of them roasted w/ olive oil and salt. stay inspired you will like the results!!!

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Katy Instead of oilive oil you could try roasting them with coconut oil for another different flavor, you can sprinkle them with cumin, or ras el hanout- awesome tasting spicy flavor if you like that type of thing. http://www.theclothesmakethegirl.com/2010/01/10/these-are-a-few-of-my-favorite-things-ras-el-hanout/

If you like bacon, and can get the sugar free version, try kale sauted in bacon fat, super delicious, or even with a chirozo sliced and then use the fat from the chiro to saute the kale as well.

If you post the veggies you like, maybe we can post some ideas for you, as when you first start up sometimes its just hard to find things you like to cook.

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Katy- also try making your own homemade mayo- thats another great fat to have on your veggies. You will probably notice over the course of the month as your tastes change that you like veggies, i know i did. I cannot live without my kale now, even homemade baba ganoush it awesome, and before W30 i thought it was horrible.

also, homemade mustard is great on it's own, or add it to coconut milk for a great sauce.


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