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Sleepless on Day 9


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Hi my name is Terra and I am on Day 9 if the whole30. I am feeling pretty good after the first week of being tired and crabby but now I am having trouble falling asleep. Before starting the W30 I slept great, now, not so much. Anyone else have a similar experience and what to do about it. Makes hitting the gym by 5am tough.

Thanks, Terra

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A lot of people supplement with magnesium, the Natural Calm powder is what I use. Make sure you're not having caffeine late in the day and that you're practicing all those good sleep habits that we know...but don't often follow! IE take a break from any screens 30-60 minutes before trying to fall asleep-those buggers really do suppress melatonin production. Take a warm bath, read a relaxing book-no scary stories! But really, try not to stress about it, the more you stress the harder it'll be. And you might consider skipping a 5 am work out to make sure you're getting enough rest. Sleep is a higher priority for your health and missing a couple work outs to get it back on track is well worth it.

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