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First Timer Day One

Susan Helm

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So today is my day one. I have had the worst emotional morning. My head is really messing with me. It's like just the thought of these massive changes was overwhelming. I woke with a headache and all of my body stress/tightness was there. I went for a long walk to clear, thank god the sun is shining. I prepared a veggie loaded omelette and it was fantastic with tomatoes, spinach zucchini and shallots. I also quit smoking which is huge. I am looking forward to getting creative with all of the veggies. I am a little worried because those I live with are not participating. There is still a lot of junk food still in the house. I think I may have to ask them to hide it. I keep reminding myself that I have chosen this challenge and it is up to me to stick to it regardless of my environment. The dog is going to love the extra walking time I plan to walk when my smoking urges get strong.

Thanks for the opportunity to vent and process. I hope all that take the time to read this are successful in their challenge.


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This is my Day 1 as well. I completed my first round in Sept 2012. Gradually added in some poor choices occasionally, but enough to get me hopping back on the track. I am excited to do this again and am committed to make this a great 30 days !!

Good luck & enjoy !

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Day two. Its weird I expected to miss the sugar and dairy is what I want the most. I also learned to be very careful. I bought a precooked chicken breast at the grocery store. Found out it had soy and carrageenan. Had to throw it out. :( I found it took most of the day to get really hungry. My schedule makes it difficult for the three meals for time. I have to get very creative to be able to fit an actual meal in mid day. Dinner was sauteed beef with mushrooms and mustard. A baked sweet potato and a salad of roasted beets, turnips, and shallots with a vinegar and oil dressing. Very yummy.

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