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Tissue Rejuvenator contains Rice Bran


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I've been dealing with tendonitis from running in my foot for a few weeks now and was recommended by a friend to try Hammer Nutrition's Tissue Rejuvenator. I've been taking it almost daily and have noticed that it really has made a difference and my foot feels about 90% recovered since taking it.

Besides the tendonitis in my foot, I do have degenerative cartilage in my foot also. Since I started taking these supplements, I've also noticed decreased pain.

I just started my second round of Whole30 4 days ago. One of the ingredients listed is "Stabilized Rice Bran", which I know would be considered a grain... Does this mean that I have to either stop taking them if I want to continue Whole30? Or stop Whole30 if I want to continue taking it?

The Ingredients list can be found under "Nutrition" tab here: http://www.hammernutrition.com/products/tissue-rejuvenator.tr.html?navcat=recovery

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Medication always trumps W30. Now I know these haven't been predcribed but if they're helping your pain, I'd say it's far better to do a W30 with these than not do a W30 at all, there's not going to be that much in the casules. For what it's worth I did my first W30 taking a supplement that contained rice flour because, I needed it and simply couldn't, at that time, find it without the rice flour. Good luck

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