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Hashimoto's thyroiditis... Day 4- thyroid gland swelling the last 2 days! anyone?

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Anyone experience this? It seems to be worse after drinking kombucha or black tea. Is it a detox symptom?? I'm thinking about taking dandelion root to help with detox, see if it improves, at all. Also thinking of switching to yerba mate for mornings, and making my kombucha with rooibos after this batch runs out.

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I would talk to your doctor about this. When your thyroid gland swells it is usually because there is an infection - at least that was my experience. In fact, I would call your doctor right away and let them know that it is swelling. I also have hashimotos and in the past I have had a swollen/tender thyroid when fighting an infection.

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No, no, no... I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis... My thyroid can swell at anytime, due to trying to stimulate thyroid production. It's a precursor to a goiter. I was hoping someone who had thyroid issues, themselves, might answer. It has nothing to do with infection. I've been a thyroid patient for 30 yrs; I don't call the doctor over every hiccup. They never know, anyway. Doctors in the US are woefully underinformed, when it comes to thyroid. I already know more on the topic than the average doctor, and it's not saying much.

It's better, now. I cut back on the kombucha and black tea just a tad, as that seemed to be affecting it, made sure to take my iodine, and dosed up on my thyroid hormone replacement. I think it's resolved, for now.

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I'm sorry, you do have thyroid issues. Generally your glands swell with an infection, though, not your thyroid. The thyroid swells due to the Hashimoto's flares, and your antibodies attacking your thyroid. Which may be exacerbated in presence of an infection, but can occur without it.

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I'm sorry, you do have thyroid issues. Generally your glands swell with an infection, though, not your thyroid. The thyroid swells due to the Hashimoto's flares, and your antibodies attacking your thyroid. Which may be exacerbated in presence of an infection, but can occur without it.

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