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Whole 30 first timers!

Greg Blakley

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My wife and I are starting the journey that is our first whole 30 today. We have been eating clean for the last 3 weeks for the most part with the exception of a few beers when we are hanging out with friends. We had a cinco de mayo party yesterday and I got all of the junk eating out of my system. Chips, tacos, beer, and margaritas!

We are ready to get going to take control of our eating habits and live a cleaner, healthier life. Losing a couple of lbs. wouldn't hurt either. I also made it a goal during this process to work out at least 4 days a week consistently.

Day 1 Breakfast.

-bacon, sweet potato, and leek frittata

-1/2 small avocado

-1 cup of black coffee

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Day one is almost in the books and went well.

For lunch I did a salad with plenty of veggies and salsa with some leftover Carne Asada from yesterday with half of an avocado

I was in a bind for my pre workout snack and had to resort to the apple pie Larabar I had in my bag. Didn't want to but I was unprepared. I will from here on out ensure that I have packed enough food to get me through the day.

Dinner was chicken breast over steamed mini zucchinis covered by a tasty pesto sauce my wife whipped up.

Did 45 minutes of moderate intensity cardio

all in all it went well and I am looking forward to the next 29 days!

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Day two went without a hitch, had somewhat of an afternoon crash before my workout but snapped out of it after my pre-workout snack. I had forgotten the exact parameters for pre and post workout meals, so I need to work on those a little better. Had another good workout today, then came home and mowed half of my big old lawn with the push mower.

All in all it was a good day!

Day 2

Bacon, Leek and onion frittata w/ 1/2 avocado

Leftover chicken breast with steamed zucchini and hm pesto

Pre-workout- Apple and small handfull of cashews/coconut flakes

Post workout- HM beef jerky coconut flakes

Dinner- Chocolate Chili with avocado and onions

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Good luck to you and your wife! You're off to a good start.

I'm looking forward to trying that Chocolate Chili. I'm not eating beef. Do you think it would work well with Turkey?

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