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Post-workout meals: When is it appropriate?


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I am on day 24 of the Whole30- hard to believe- and overall I'm feeling so much better. However, I have a little bit of concern regarding working out and energy levels.

From everything I've read so far, it seems that around this time energy levels are usually threw the roof and people have seen improvements in their workouts. I don't think I have reached that point yet, in fact, I am still pretty tired throughout the day (even after 8+ hours of sleep) and my body feels worn out. I am concerned that I am either not eating enough to keep my going for the day, or I am working out too often and my body is going into starvation mode. Looking for some advice here from others who may have experienced this or know what's to blame.

My workout schedule is typically Mon/Wed/Sat 1 hour of weights/strength training (either a barbell class or a Barre burn- low intesity, high reps) Tuesday- R.I.P.P.E.D (little bit of everything) and Thursday- Zumba or low impact. Rest days are typically Friday and Sunday- although I typically go for walk or bike ride on Sunday evenings to enjoy the weather. *No specific cardio days at this point, I try to work in maybe 30 min a week*

Daily food log is pretty consistent: ( SEE ATTACHED FOR COMPLETE LOG: KellyFoodLog.doc )

Breakfast- 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, 1/2 c. fruit (usually berries), some type of veggie, small amount of protein (shredded chicken or chicken sausage)

Lunch- whatever meat I have leftover from dinner- usually chicken breast, homemade pulled pork. 2 types of veggies (i.e. broccoli, mashed cauliflower, green beans, zuchinni, yellow squash, brussel sprouts)

Dinner- same as lunch, usually bigger portions to prepare for evening workout (I seem to be hungrier in the evening). Usually add a starchy carb in my dinner as well- roasted sweet potato of butternut squash. Sometimes add a serving of fruit (small granny smith apple)

Snack- IF i need one it's typically between lunch and dinner and I grab a handful of nuts/seeds/dried fruit.

*I cook all my meals in coconut oil and use olive oil for roasting veggies, so i do get a good amount of healthy fat from that.

Based on my workout routine and food log, are there any concerns you see right away? And is a post-workout snack necessary even if I'm not doing much cardio, but a lot of strength training? I'm finding that I hit a plateau after 2.5 weeks and am worried that my body is holding on to everything I eat to make up for the deficit. Any suggestions, advice, questions would be greatly appreciated!!

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I consider post-workout meals most important following strength workouts, so I think you should be eating protein and maybe some starchy carbs after workouts. From the small size of your breakfast I am concerned you need to eat more overall. Your tiredness and lack of energy suggests that as well. Be sure you are eating to at least the bottom of the meal template range and up to the top of the meal template range of double protein portions.


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Thanks! I feel like my breakfasts are plenty large- like I'm eating too much already! And sometimes its hard to eat the "bonus

meal" whether its PRE or POST WO because its usually around the time I would eat a NORMAL meal anyway, so I feel like I would be double dipping and eating way too much.. again. FOr example, I'll eat breakfast at 8am and workout at 9am, or eat dinner at 5:30 and workout at 6:30, so a PRE WO meal would be a normal meal?

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