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Did you find yourself sweeter and kinder after Whole30 reintro?


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Do you come from the land down under?

Where women glow and men thunder?

Buying bread from a man in Brussels

He was six foot four and full of muscles

I said, "do you speak-a my language?"

He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich

And he said

I come from the land down under

Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?


Eating for international relations.

Dr.'s orders trump Whole 30 and keeping UP international relations....maybe, maybe.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

I did that. It was my choice.


I asked Paw, why do you think we're the nation with the highest rates of obesity and diabetes. He said, "because everyone else is too busy dodging bullets - They don't have time to stop off at Mickey Dees."

It is harder to swim upstream. Man is afraid of criticism.

You have to love yourself more than the approval of people.


Keep swimming upstream.

Anyone can make an argument for the sake of their cause or agenda.

In a crisis situation, there is fear. Fear is contagious. Staying in a continual state of fear will wear you and others out.

I am no longer moved by every wind of dieting doctrine, tossed to and fro.  Allow your spirit to move to center stage. Into the Light.

You can't solve your problems with the same mindsets around you that caused their problems, especially if you share the same problems.

Make a break.  A clean get-away and departure.

Doing what you've always done will get you what you've always gotten. 

Start thinking outside of the box and throw the box away, too.


Don't be limited by anyone else's thinking, telling you how you should go about solving your problems when they can't see or sing their way out of a paper bag.

You're going to have to reach beyond yourself and others to see the big picture.  Waaaay down the road.

Don't be conformed to this world. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

It's Good Friday.

Discernment matters.



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"Overthinkers are indecisive and tend to live with many regrets. Overthinking is not a genetic disposition. It is a learned behavior. Therefore, when the mind starts to go to a place of unstructured thoughts it is because of past experiences. The overthinker believes that they will repeat the same mistake over and over through different scenarios. Panic then dictates every possible decision.

Avoid situations that can lead to the stressors of overthinking. You can determine what causes you to stress over a particular decision. If you did something one way in the past then try doing it another way now. Work on goals and map out how you will get there without second guessing every move. Do your research. Researching dissipates the fear of the unknown.

Forming positive thoughts and actions diminishes the fears of stress. In order to stop the overthinking mind, keep yourself busy with positive reinforcements: exercise, creating, sharing, being outdoors, and reaching out to friends and family. Having a support system helps eliminate the negative thought pattern."



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Overthinking. Overanalyzing. Overresearching.

There's a new book out there that gives a great deal of credit to everything they've learned from native americans.

I is one. 

I think it's a nice tribute but even I don't do that. There is safety in a multitude of counselors and teachers.

I believe in pulling what we need from lots of different sources.

A bunch of sugar avoidance. A heaping spoonful of MacNut Oil, a tad of intuitive eating, a whopping boatload of ethical animal husbandry, a smidge of bigfoot and mostly grizzly bear awareness, a touch of overeaters anony, an embracement of simplicity and an overall willingness to make up words like embracement, SWYPO = SWIPE'O.

I only share my experiences and observations in hopes they will help someone else and another Felicia with similar tastes like mine.

So if I have ever come off as a big arse know it all...my deepest apologies. I'm not that way.  At all.

Culture is just another fancy name for your Maw's homecooking. Sometimes my culture and faith shows.

Death from lack of cheeseball pick-me-ups seems unlikely. So YAY YOU!

Hope the vege is still your best friend and that you're getting relief from your triggers and cravings. 

Every fiber of your being does not want to give UP sugar. Don't ever fast after a binge. It will only put you in a deeper hole.

Anyone out there who's being suxed under a tidal wave of pressure from others and their food cravings, stand strong and walk tall. 

I just know that binge eating doesn't solve any of your problems that are making you sad.  It only adds to them.

It is soooo worth it to keep breaking the cycles so you can heal.  



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There's safety in a multitude of counselors and teachers.

Where there is no guidance or counsel, a people falls.

In an abundance of counselors there is safety.


Knowledge is communicated through people. A child needs more than one worldview. Viewing the world through the eyes of only one teacher creates limitation. 

We only know in part. Everyone has a part.

Knowledge given to children from many different sources and in many different ways is wisdom they can use for the rest of their life.

Children who are surrounded by loving teachers and elders learn how to discern truth in the world.

Throwing a child out of the nest into the world, letting them learn by hard knocks, even wild animals don't do that.  Nature nurtures.

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An authentic tribe of paleo people nurtures all of the children. Everyone picks up the slack. Elephants do it, too. All of the elephant mothers surround a new baby elephant and care for it. It's a beautiful thing to see it in nature. If you don't know how to parent, watch more animal shows or actually start observing the wildlife.

Robins are very good mothers. The best. They work sooo hard. Tiny steps for tiny feet. 

Rabbits have to keep their radar up every minute of the day. That must be incredibly stressful on them because they're prey to almost everything.  They have good parenting, too. 

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My folkaronies still remind me that I'm the kid and they're the parents. It will always be that way and I actually like it. I respect them and all of my elders.

I am in no hurry to be the elder. Queen E. leads by example. She's in no hurry to let the baby robins rule the roost. :D

How do you know when it's time to seek wise counsel outside of yourself?

When what you're doing isn't working. At all.

When you keep doing what you've always done and getting what you've always gotten.

What is the biggest smoke signal that you have a food addiction:

You eat more and more, only to find that food satisfies you less and less.





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The "Pusher" can be your coworkers, clients, strangers and fair weather friends.

The "Pusher" can be YOU.

Do you take multi-crap to work or to relatives so you can watch other people eat it?  That's eating by proxy.

Eating by proxy is taking great delight in watching someone else eat it so you don't have to...even though you want to.

Food addicts or food disordered do that.  

They may enjoy baking. All bakery items have 3 ingredients. Sugar, flour and fat.

When in the throes of full blown food addiction, many see watching others eat by proxy as a work around. But that all comes back to bite you in your royal hineyness.

Never let anyone take control of your nutritional decisions. Ever.

And don't take over or enable someone else's weaknesses either. 

By staying strong you will gain respect. By helping others stay strong and make better food decisions, you gain respect.

You have to stand your ground and be firm with the enablers and the "Pusher". 

If you're the Pusher, you'd better turn around and take a good hard look at what your motivations are really about.

If you actually want your food addiction recovery to stick, you cannot enable others or help them and YOU eat by proxy.

Food Addiction is a chronic disease of food rewards, regardless if you're eating them or taking great delight in watching others do it.   

It's similar to chew and spit.  You take one bite and spit it out. The food addict enjoys amassing a great deal of multi-crap for the front and back seats of the vehicle. Chewing a bite, spitting it out the window or taking one bite of everything and then throwing all if it away.

Damage control.  Getting rid of the evidence and leaving the scene of the last food crime. Washing hands and face, brushing teeth removing all traces of evidence.

Alcoholics do this, too.  

Contributing to the potential for diabetes in others...why. Why would you want to enable someone's dependency on sugar?   

Check yourself before your wreck yourself and others, too.  Watching others eat by proxy is not love.

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Contributing to the potential for diabetes in others...why.

Do you load UP a case of craft beer or paleo friendly blue agave tequila and drop it off on your alcoholic uncle's doorstep? Do you want to enable alcoholism or the potential for driving drunk - hurting others and taking someone's life?

No. I would hope you wouldn't do that to the alcoholic.

T1 diabetes is on the rise right along with T2 diabetes.

They don't know why. They say it could have something to do with compromised immune systems.  We are no longer exposed to the elements in the environment as in the days of old.

Regardless.  T1 is rising like high tide. T2 is off the chain and it's everywhere now. All ages and people groups.

Rewarding someone with a highly engineered to be craved food or drink and finely tuned snack is not love.  

  “Eating crappy food isn't a reward -- it's a punishment.” 

Love is putting together the best meal your budget can afford.  Good whole food sets the table for food addiction recovery and diabetes prevention.

That's true love. The kind of love that keeps on giving for an entire lifetime.

If you care about your folkaronies and coworkers, take extra special care of them.

Actually make something at home that contributes to their wellness and not sickness.

Suppressing and masking symptoms of diabetes is not wellness. It's a bandaid.

Get in that kitchen and whip up a beautiful salad. Make some luscious homemade mayo/dressing. Throw in some fruit for a condiment and nuts for a decoration.

Bring some grated aged cheese on the side, hard boiled eggs, sliced turkey or chicken breast.  Maybe some thinly sliced roast beef. Decorate a plate with all kinds of fancy olives....anything but dragging in foods that's going to contribute to food addiction and diabetes.

Ever known a diabetic without their legs, amputated from the knee down because of diabetes.  How about having their fingers chopped off, one by one.

It's pretty painful.  Think about that when you want to enable others with foods that will get them and you nowhere good. 



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By staying strong you will gain respect. By helping others stay strong and make better food decisions, you gain respect.

It gives me a big pinch when others say, they're not doing a Whole 30, so I'll just load 'em on UP with junk food castaways or tank them UP with donuts, cookies, cakes and candy. Haul in your stash from home and let coworkers or relatives eat it.

Be a Wellness Warrior.  Their health and wellbeing is worth just as much as yours. Always. Take care of them.




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Food Addiction with an unwelcome side order of a fatty liver and diabetes.


Binge eating in the teenage years shortens the timeline for all three in the adult years.


Sugar and candy

Chocolate with hydrogenated vegetable oils

Foods containing refined flours

Diet Foods - the root word of "diet" is die...low fat diet foods high in sugar or artificial sweeteners. Diet yogurts, diet jams and jellies, diet ice cream, all diet sodas and power drinks.


Fried snacks - Potato chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, crackers


Submarine sandwiches

All fried take away foods

Biscuits - sweet and savoury. They contain refined flour, hydrogenated vegetable oils and if sweet, it's sugar

Muffins, bagels, white bread, rice cakes and donuts, cookies, cake


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Research shows eating disorders are more common among women with diabetes than women who do not have diabetes.

Binge eating is most common among women with T2 diabetes.

Diabetes and eating disorders: many develop a pattern in which they use diabetes to justify or camouflage binge eating, food addiction and eating disorders.

The complications of diabetes and eating disorders can be very serious or fatal. Responsible healthy behavior is essential.

Food addiction, binge eating and eating disorders can start with a biological basis, then modified and influenced by emotional and cultural factors.


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The eagle parents bring all kinds of toys and tiddlywinks into the nest for entertaining the children.

When it's time for them to fly, the eagle father kicks all of the toys out the nest. With a discerning eye, he tells Aquila it's finally time for her to spread her wings and fly.

It's the same way for creating your own positive food management plan.

The Whole 30 is your nest or launching pad. The Reintro is your springboard.

The Whole 30 is not meant to be used for a Whole 365. A compliant 30 days help you learn to live on your own two feet. 

When you've completed that, you can go on living knowing that you can make it for the rest of your life. 


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I'm convinced now more than ever, the sooner you can get your positive plan and strategy together, the greater your chances for success.

For 30 days, I was spinning my wheels looking for the maintenance plan. I was beginning to think the Whole 30 really was the maintenance plan but I couldn't find it in writing.

I traveled and tooled along, looking, seeking and trying to find my own way. To push through the other side of food addiction, I had to sit down with somone.  Face-to-face.

That was the push I needed to make my way through recovery.  There's no such thing as the Finish Line with Food Addiction Recovery.

When you let it go waaay too long, like I did, it may take years for new habits and strategies to stick. 

Can't fool myself realism is good medicine. I use it every day so I no longer throw everything up against the wall...hoping something will actually stick.

Never underestimate a bird or squirrel or tiny creature. They know how to find their way home after traveling 1000's of miles. A squirrel can remember 100's of places where he's stored all of his nuts.

Wild creatures don't struggle with Food Addiction or diabetes. They don't have access to the local liquor store or drive-thrus. They don't have the corner "pusher" standing on the corner. 

They don't get medically obese. They don't get shingles and gout from drinking too much alcohol. They don't spend their time in tanning beds, smoking ciggies. Only birds in cages end up depressed and start pulling all of their feathers out.  

We underappreciate wild creatures. 

Only in lab setting do animals seek out and self-administer substances to the point of really hurting themselves. 

Behaviors are triggers.

Do something that rewards and you get a hit.

Don't do it and you don't get your fix.

Only domesticated pets get the same diseases as their human caregivers. Diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety...humans rub off on their hard-wiring. Horses that are depressed become flank-biters, birds pull out their feathers, cats and dogs may pull their hair out. 

Are you biting your nails,chewing your lips, twirling or pulling your hair and eyebrows out? These are all self-soothing activities much like those caged birds.

So go outside today and blow the stink off. Stinkin' Thinkin'.






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Diabetes and eating disorders: many develop a pattern in which they use diabetes or medical conditions to justify or camouflage binge eating, food addiction and eating disorders.

The longer you let it go, the harder it's going to be.

If someone had shared with me at age 20... what I've learned in the past 3 years - I would be so much further ahead today. 


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The French have a wonderful attitude towards food. They have structured eating habits and are taught that at a very young age.

They choose quality over quantity. They don't binge eat. Foods are never called "bad foods". Bad girl. Naughty girl. Cheat foods. 

It's true they may have a glass of bordeaux or beaujolais but they don't binge drink or swill the entire bottle in one sitting by themselves.

They eat meals high in protein and don't skip their salads, greens. They eat high quality and fresh. They loathe artificial ingredients. They savour and don't swill and shove food down their gullet. 

They eat with class no matter what their budget can afford. They take care with their food, not throwing it on a plate like a dog's breakfast. 



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I was just a few sec's from decorating the post and the power went out. We've known for a couple days it was going down. When you see the lights blink twice...there's your smoke signal it's going down.

The recloser locks out and in 1/10th of a sec, you'll see the lights blink twice and you can kiss your power goodbye. For awhile.

Bear is such a good troubleshooter. In his early man days, he could tell if it was a coon or squirrel on the line. The power will still stay on, because they dry out, french fried. But when it rains the power will go down and you'll see it arc like lightning on down the line.

He described the sound...nnnnehhhh, nnnehhhh, nnnehhhh that's the coil inside of the recloser, rattling.

One, if by land and two if by blinking lights = power out. 

It's a big deal for us because I've got to make a clean get-away and lift some heavy big oxygen tanks, oxygen machine goes down for Paw.




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Dog Breakfast Disgust Diet:

It's called subliminal priming.

Primal Disgust.  Prime the pump so it all looks like a mess.

Implanting thoughts and ideas into someone's head so that trigger foods or food in general all looks like a dog's breakfast.  

It's a mind trick that turns food into disgust and all things repulsive. Some come by this naturally but that is disorder.  Salting food or throwing something nasty on it. 

It's basically demonizing food.

Trying to make people disgusted with every trigger food in their wheelhouse. But paleo peoples are so smart, after awhile it no longer works.

Your mind becomes very aware that you're being primed, priming your pump, and the subliminal messaging goes out the window.

We are bent on survival.  

But on the flipside. TV commercials, billboards, big blinking lights on the marquee are powerful subliminal messages for the brain. 

They are so strong and we are drawn like moths to the flame.

The disgust diet only works if you're naturally adept at rejecting food and turning everything into a dog's breakfast - goes along with chew and spit. But that leads to anorexia and disorder.

Take a trip to Europe. They value food and connection and beauty. They take care with their loved ones and want to put their best foot forward no matter what their budget can afford. It's beautiful and so is their attitude. 

They appreciate a beautifully decorated table and love good food. 

I'm disgusted with the disgust diet.   

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I cut Maw's hair and I thought I did a bangin' job. Today, she's going to her regular person and I said, don't you want me to do it? She said, she would just El Paso on that. My feelers were hurt, not really, but I pretended they were.  It only took me 1.5 hours about a month ago. I feathered it and did all kinds of things. Welp, no good deed goes unpunished.  

You give it your all and what do you get.  Another day older and a deeper in....

Some people say a man is made outta mud

A poor man's made outta muscle and blood

Muscle and blood and skin and bones

A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong

You load sixteen tons, what do you get

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store.

I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine

I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine

I loaded sixteen tons of #9 coal

And the straw boss said "Well, a-bless-a my soul"


It's all fun really. And I know if I wasn't around to load the #9 coal that I would be missed. So I will not be hanging my head like Ole Tom Dooley and pout over it. Sometimes, familiarity breeds feeling like you're just an ole hound dog yakkin' on a bone.


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