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Posts posted by megbeveridge

  1. I'm also having headaches (day 8), but I think after reading this I understand part of the problem. I've been bringing more fruits than vegetables to work for my mid-morning meal (I have breakfast super early so I need something before lunch) and lunch. I also picked up some Rx bars for emergencies like extreme low blood sugar after climbing, but have used them as snacks to get me through until dinner. Today I brought more veggies and haven't eaten a bar so my blood sugar is probably way low after yesterday's spike. 

    For my meals I've been having: Eggs and a vegetable or fruit (tomatoes, sweet potato, avocado, banana, or apple) for breakfast; fruit (grapes or strawberries, apricot) and nuts (almonds or cashews) mid-morning; a big spinach and romaine salad with carrots, cucumbers or snow peas, and strawberries with homemade lemon-vinegar dressing for lunch; occasional Rx bar; a protein (fish or chicken), vegetable (green beans, brussels sprouts, kale), and starch (sweet potato or yellow potato) for dinner; occasionally a few pieces of mango if I eat dinner early.

    Clearly I've been eating way too much fruit! Is there anything I'm missing that I may be substituting with fruit?

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