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So... I think I have been doing pretty darn well.

Example, today:

Breakfast: 3 slices bacon (whole30 approved), 2 eggs scrambled, sweet potato fries (olive oil, italian seasoning, cayenne pepper, baked)

Lunch: beef and broccoli (from phone app) and some kalua pulled pork, garlic mashed squash

Dinner: chicken with broccoli, half an avocado

My meals have been pretty strict... no booze, whole30 approved meat, no coffee, lots of water...lots of yams and squash cause i cook for one and i'm not very good so i stick with what i can do well. i feel... like i want to get on the scale. this is day 15. My wedding is in 53 days and i want to lean out. i've been a gymnast my whole life, then crossfitter and never had problems with my weight but i want to leaner and more cute for my wedding. i haven't had much time to workout this week, but that has been par for the course this year since i'm a veterinary intern.

i'm just not convinced this is going well... scale? no scale??? help!

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no scale.

It sounds like you are doing fine, but the scale isn't going to help (and it might hurt) so resist.

Here's some reading for you: http://www.movementminneapolis.com/blog/what-happens-during-fat-loss/

And some info: you are already cute enough! anyway, ironically, stressing out about stuff like this will sabotoge progress. trust the whole30, start to feel really good, work out if it's fun and feels good and enjoy this time in your life.

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