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protein powder off limits?

Sara Larsen

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if i am doing the whole 30 next week .. is the stronger faster healthier brand kind of protein powder off limits? Im assuming it is cause of the sugar an lactose. Im sure its talked about somewhere on here i just needed an answer quickly. Thanks! any other kinds of protein powder i can have that would be ok?

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thanks .. the kind of powder i have isn't highly processed though

You might want to think about this a bit more...protein powder is by it's very nature a highly processed food, regardless of how "clean" the source materials might be. Food doesn't generally come in "powder" form in nature, unless we are talking about bee pollen, lol.

I've given up my protein powder habit (I used to use Vega, which is rice/pea/hemp/chia) and I'm feeling really good about eating real food in the morning. worth a try for 30 days, anyway. good luck to you!

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