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Hello whole30 champions! I started the challenge yesterday. I'm nervous about my capacity to comply to the plan, but I'm going to do my best and will check in here and with my RL challenge friend in moments of (probable) stress/anxiety/depression snacking desperation.

I've been struggling with candida, and I hope this strategy will help manage my digestion as I try to fix the imbalance. I already eat fairly close to the Whole30 plan, but taking it to the next level (no alcohol, no sugar of any kind, no occasional cheats) is a new challenge for me.

I'm adding a brief daily meditation practice as a compliment to the Whole30, which I have wanted to do for a long time. I've been re-inspired to incorporate meditation in my daily routine while listening to the audiobook The Willpower Challenge, by Kelly McGonigal.

See you back here, good luck everybody!


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I also started a whole 30 yesterday. This is my second whole 30. My first one was 11-1-12 to 12-15-12. Yup I made it a whole 45. Sincerely I wish I had made it even longer because I totally trashed the good things by not reintroducting foods singlely and methoducly. So my sugar monster came crashing back and winning the day. But I am, hopefully, smarter and more committed this time.

I wish you well and it really is an exciting journey and when finished you will be amazed with the improvements in your life.

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I started June 1st as well! I read about it several months ago via a post by an acquaintance on FB. I went to the website and read the About page. To be totally honest, I got to the part that said 'no alcohol' and said 'F that!' and closed the page. It planted a seed though, and I couldn't stop thinking about what that meant. I took a good look at my current habits (and the way I feel) and said... 'uh-oh, I think I've got to do this'.

Other than drinking wine and beer every single day (4 beers or a bottle of wine, easy), my eating habits weren't usually THAT bad. I love fresh vegetables and tuna salad over greens was a typical lunch. But I had recently been getting carried away with pizza binges and in general not caring about what I put in my body-- I had become a slave to every craving my body threw at me and I wanted off the sugar/salt craving rollercoaster! I think it's fair to say I'm a carb/sugar addict, in that I feel like I HAVE to have a little something at every meal, but I don't always overdo it.

Lately, I've been having aches and pains that make me feel much older than my 37 years. Hip, shoulder, low back mostly. Some of it is related to my working posture (seated forward bending, raised arms), but I'm curious to see what drastic food changes do.

So here I am! Day 2.

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I, too, started my Whole30 journey on June 1st. Yesterday went great. Today is going well so far. I shopped at the farmers market and found great sources for grass fed meats and organic produce. I have prepared lots of good Whole30 recipes for the week. My cupboards are clean and I feel like I've done all I can to set myself up for success.

My goal is to restore my jacked metabolism and slay the sugar beast once and for all. I have constant and distressing bouts of bloating from IBS. I have also recently been having hot flashes as part of the onset of perimenopause (sorry if that's TMI). I have a running streak going since 12-25-2009 and have been slowly loosing speed and energy. I am only 53 and way too young to feel so old.

I have taken my picture each morning to track my bodily changes and I am making a video diary each night regarding what I ate and how I feel both as part of accountability and to document my journey for later reference.

I look forward to walking this journey with all of you and welcome any suggestions for how to stay the course. Best wishes for better health!

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