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No more excuses


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Hello! I'm new to these forums but have been lurking around the Whole9 site for a while now.


A little about me...


I'm 27, female, about 5'9" and started this journey 2 years ago at 270 pounds. I couldn't climb a flight of stairs, my knees and feet killed me if I had to stand all day, and I was just generally miserable in my own body.


Last January I decided to do something about it. I started off really slow, only losing a couple pounds a month, then kind of gave up over the summer while I was doing some major remodeling on my house (luckily I only gained back 5 of the 20 pounds I had lost) That fall I got really serious, started keeping a food journal and working out daily, counting my calories and obsessing over what I should eat. I was at that time eating a "Standard healthy diet" but staying away from processed foods. I ate lots of veggies, lean meat, and whole grains, trying to keep the fat down (because fat makes you fat, right? - wrong).


I lost another 25 pounds in about 4 months at the end of last year, putting me down to 230. 


Then at the very end of the year, I was looking for a home-made lotion recipe, which I found on a site called wellnessmama.com. It totally changed my perspective of food. I joined a forum called Nerdfitnessrebellion.com that promotes healthy living in all its forms, but has a very strong paleo community. It was there I was introduced to the idea of Whole30 and Whole9life. January 9th I dove head first into paleo eating, only keeping my beloved dairy in my diet. I lost another 15 pounds over 2 months. Then I got sick. I had some kind of "chicken-pox-like virus" that made me break out in raised, red spots all over, and got into my knees and made them swell up so I couldn't walk. I went to the ER and was told I had chicken pox. It took 5 weeks to fully recover from that and during the whole process, being unable to stand in the kitchen and cook for myself, I was forced to eat what my family provided. - not paleo.


Immediately after that, I started my clinicals for school, essentially working as an intern 32-40 hours a week, plus going to school full time. I just didn't have it in me to go back to paleo, though I did try to limit my intake of grains, I fell back into my sugar addiction.


Well, now I am out of school, looking for a job over the summer, and have plenty of time on my hands. No more excuses! I just read ISWF and I'm totally re-motivated to stick it out!


I started my Whole30 yesterday and was confronted with the WORST caffeine withdrawl headache I have ever expirienced. I know coffee is technically allowed, but I can't have it without cream, even coconut milk doesn't do it. Today I'm without the headache, but still feeling rather blah. Looking forward to the end of the carb flu!

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I know about bulletproof coffee, but I don't actually like coffee enough to bother with it. I like coffee when it's full of cream and sugar, which makes it not worth having while trying to be healthy.

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I was inspired by your post. I started the Whole 30, 6 days ago at 260. Started more for cleaning up my body. I was really sick recently and just made a decision to go back to reading ISWF and take control of my body and health.

Congrats on getting to where you are now!!

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:D I really wanted to lose body fat, which I still do, but now that I've lost quite a bit, I'm more looking at my health and my overall fitness as motivation. I want to be healthy and be free of all the health problems that overweight people tend to have. My dad is overweight, has heart disease and type 2 diabetes, had a quintuple bypass a few years ago. I don't want to end up like him.

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