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Post whole 30.....late period!

Katie Gallagher

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Hi All,


This is my first post on this forum so please bear with me.


I completed my first whole30 at the beginning of June,I lost 11lbs which was great, I also feel less congested and better in general.


Now, I know we have only just met but I feel its right to give you the details of my cycle.


THEY ARE VERY LONG!!! Typically around 35-40 days, all is working though, as I concieved and now have a very active 19 month old running around.


The trouble is that I am now waiting for my next period and I am into day 50!!


I think it is down to my body readjusting, I have done 2 pregnancy tests and both are negative, I lost a lot of weight in a short time 139lbs down to 128lbs. I have an acive job in the evenings (I am a Personal trainer) and I run around after my little boy in the day.


Has anyone else had this problem before? I have been reading up about low estrogen levels and think this may be the issue. What foods should I be eating more of??


I am seeing my doctor next week to try and get a blood test done.


Thank you


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Have a look around, you'll see lots of other posts about this and it is pretty common. In short, stress can cause the body to delay ovulation, which in turn delays your period. It doesn't allow ovulation because it doesn't want to get pregnant during times of perceived stress. Diet changes can be considered as stress and can take a few cycles to settle out. Diet changes can also cause a shift in hormones, confusing the body on where it is supposed to be in your cycle.

I find eating more carbs brings my cycles back to normal (35ish days long). If you are not pregnant, something to consider. Paleo for Women has some info on that, if I recall.

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Could be coincidence, but could be related to your activity level and/or drop in body fat (my guess is your body fat percentage is low?).  Since you already have typically longer cycles, an extra week might not be a concern.


Your age could be a factor, too.  If you are over 40 (or even under), it could be a natural perimenopausal symtpom.  I am 48, and last year I went Paleo in June.  It actually made my periods come back right on cycle of 28 days (I think it was the added fat) for 6 months, but that has since stopped.  I have not had a period since November.   :(   I am not ready for it to be done.  Some may think I am crazy.


Enjoy your busy life!  

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 I am 48, and last year I went Paleo in June.  It actually made my periods come back right on cycle of 28 days (I think it was the added fat) for 6 months, but that has since stopped.  I have not had a period since November.   :(   I am not ready for it to be done.  Some may think I am crazy.


PamH: I'm the same age as you, and on day 23 of my Whole30, I got my period after an almost 2 year absence (on birth control, and my gynecologist said my lack of periods was a normal side effect of my bc).  It's interesting to me that you think it was due to more fat. When this happened to me, I thought it was due to having soy in my diet pre-Whole30 (would have soy milk in my daily coffee). It's making me reconsider introducing soy at all, when I'm done with my W30.

Did you make any other dietary changes after your period resumed?  Had you not had it at all prior, or was it more irregular cycles?

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PamH: I'm the same age as you, and on day 23 of my Whole30, I got my period after an almost 2 year absence (on birth control, and my gynecologist said my lack of periods was a normal side effect of my bc).  It's interesting to me that you think it was due to more fat. When this happened to me, I thought it was due to having soy in my diet pre-Whole30 (would have soy milk in my daily coffee). It's making me reconsider introducing soy at all, when I'm done with my W30.

Did you make any other dietary changes after your period resumed?  Had you not had it at all prior, or was it more irregular cycles?


My periods were irregular for about a year prior (age 46),or light spotting, and when they came they were lighter than normal and shorter.  No real problems, but I would skip a month or two and then get it.   The first month I went Paleo I got my period and it came every 28 days for the following 6 months.  I did not eat soy in really any form except for lecithin or occasional soy sauce prior to going Paleo and continued eating that same amount of soy while Paleo.  I've avoided it for quite a few years and never drank soy milk (ever).  The only thing I can logically attribute it to was the fat.   I was not a big gluten eater and I continued to eat beans/legumes. I was very excited, and then disappointed when the periods just stopped in November.  Not even spotting.


Last time I took BC was at age 40 to deal with some sudden hormonal related acne.  I only took it for 4 months.  Prior to that, I last took BC at age 30.


I guess I did fall off of the Paleo wagon a bit in November, but not hugely so.  Sugar was always my nemesis even when Paleo (I ate 80/20, with the 20% literally being sugar!) so that couldn't be it. 


I'd love to bring it back!   My fat intake has been as high as when I first started Paleo and no period.  :(



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