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Day 12: Suddenly meat, chicken and eggs are making me nauseous

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On day 12 of my first Whole 30.  For breakfast yesterday I made scrambled eggs with some leftover veggies and beef.  For me, that normally would have been a delicious breakfast. but I became so nauseous after eating some of it that I threw most of it away. I brought some oven baked chicken to work and couldn't even look at it (ended up throwing that away, too)  I've been reading a lot about choosing good meat, eggs, fish and chicken...how the animals are raised, how they are fed and treated, etc... This new awareness is making me sick at the thought of eating animals who have not been fed well, who have been raised in unnatural conditions, and who may have suffered their entire lives. Not to mention what I may be putting into my body. I'm nauseous now as I'm writing this.  How weird is that?

I truly cannot afford to spend $18 on one steak!  My food budget has nearly tripled since I have begun the Whole 30, so grass fed, pastured, organic meat, eggs, and chicken are not an option (unless there is a sale which is like NEVER.)  And my body needs meat so vegetarian is not an option.

I'm at a loss here.

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

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Hi, I truly get where you're coming from.  I too, can't afford all organic, grass fed meat, yet hate to think of animals suffering. Basically I do the best I can. I try to avoid the absolute worst of factory farming and go for outdoor reared, even if it's not organic, barn eggs are better than caged etc. I also buy the absolutely cheapest cuts I can find, they're usually slow cooking and really tasty (I've only had a steak once this year and my daughter bought that :)) I also use a lot of things like tinned sardines because they're really cheap. I also stock my freezer with meat that's on promotion or reduced because it's to be used that day, that saves quite a bit. It's a constant juggling act between what I'd like and what I can afford bue we just do the best we can. good luck

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This doesn't address all your concerns with how the meat is raised but it may help with the nausea. When I find myself getting nauseous from meat and eggs, I look to adding more vegetables, adding some salad or raw veggies (not to the exclusion of cooked though), adding vegetable variety, or switching up the kind of protein I'm making. I lost all taste for eggs after week two but I'm working them back in now. Not every day. Try going on the low side of the amount of meat recommended.


There are a lot of things that you aren't buying now, that you bought previously and some budget may open up for higher quality. The cost may actually even out at some point. Week four I actually spent less in groceries than I had prior to W30 and that included a visit to Whole Foods. I will say that I avoided buying snack type foods like jerky or kale chips and such. I buy my coconut oil in bulk and stick to meat, veggies, and some fruit. When that's all you are buying, it's really not too bad. 

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