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Melissa's first Whole 30


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Day one went pretty smoothly. I more fruit than I should have. Was probably trying to fee the fake sugar monster. That and the only caffeine I had was from my cup of coffee and my half a glass of tea. The rest of the day I drank water with cucumber, lemon and ginger.


Prior to my Whole 30, I was mostly paleo for 3 weeks. A couple of days before I allowed myself some of my cravings, but would not say I was off the wall bonkers with my food. 


Day 2 I woke up feeling like I was hit by a semi truck. My head is killing me.


I need to go get ready for work, so I will post more later today. 

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Thanks for the advice. That is probably it, even though I drink more water than I have in years, I am still drinking less liquids.

I am addicted to Coke Zero. Before this, if I could not have Coke Zero, I would drink tea with Splenda. Several weeks ago, I switched to tea with stevia or honey. On Friday before I started, I switched to mostly lemon water. Even on my junk food binge a couple of days ahead of time, I did not allow soda.

Yes, I ate 1 candy bar, 2 cookies, mexican food and 3 margaritas over a period of 3 days. Stopped all "junk food" including sugar at 1 PM the day before I was scheduled to start.

Another thought about the headache and body aches is caffiene. I went from drinking a ton to drinking a lot to drinking a little. I drink a little under 2 cups a day, with coconut milk. I mostly drink water with lemon and cucumber in it.

Food wise, I need to get my proportions straight, so I do not feel hungry mid-day.

I am doing this whole 30 to jumpstart my paleo lifestyle. No one in my family is on board, which makes it difficult. My health is declining. I am 43, have arthritis, high blood pressure and am 50 pound over weight. I know for a fact I am lactose intollerant, and am sure I am a little gluten intollerant. I need this for my health. :)

Day 2 is about half over. I have eaten 2 eggs, half a sweet potato, grilled turkey and a very few veggies, not enough to count. I have had my coffee, 80 oz of water and am now sipping on a carefully selected Whole 30 compliant home brewed (Celestial Seasons) Chai with coconut milk. Once I am done with that I will have nothing but water to drink for the rest of the day.

For dinner tonight I am grilling chicken. The husband and son will have what ever they want to fix to go with theirs, and I will make chicken curry for me. That along with a tossed salad with no dressing, just cracked black pepper, should fill me up. :)

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Good luck with your 30. It's admirable that you're doing this without your family support. I hope you start feeling better quickly which will strengthen your resolve to forge ahead. Get in lots of veggies as they will help you fill up. You're doing great.

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Sadly, I have to start over. I was doing good. But last night my husband had a business dinner and I was invited. I was so careful with everything I ordered, and was pleased to hear that the balsamic vinaigrette was made with compliant balsamic vinegar AND no added sugar. Rather shocked would be the proper response. I was SO happy with that fact, that I forgot to ask them to hold the cheese. I tried my best to pick it off but it was blue cheese crumbles and well, I could not get it all. Table full of wine drinkers and desert eaters, and I am crushed by a couple of crumbs of cheese. Because I am subscribed to the Whole30 daily, technically my new start date is tomorrow, but I will not cheat much if any today. 

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