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Feeling, um... "Ookie" (for lack of better description)

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Day 18 with NO cheats (yay, me!) and loving it, BUT...


The last 3-4 days I've been feeling "ookie" (for lack of a better word), as in not "normal." I don't mean pre-Whole30 normal, but what had become a normal by day 10/11...somewhere around there. By Day 8, my plantar fasciitis was VASTLY improved, my excema was WAY better, and I was happily in my Whole30 compliant food patterns (LOTS of green veggies, at least 6 oz protein, good fats, and some fruit/nuts).


Then, this weekend my excema reared it's ugly head (that could've been due to the yard work I did Saturday) and continued thru the beginning of this week. Same with plantar fasciitis in that while it didn't come back like before, it was only 70% better vs. 90% (again, yard work may have been a culprit).


On Tuesday around 8ish, I started feeling EXHAUSTED, cold (it was 80+ degrees here on Tuesday) and food was rebelling a little. Wednesday morning, I woke up achy and EXHAUSTED so ended up staying home. Slept ALOT during the day and last night. I'm back at work today, but although I'm not as tired, my excema is gone again and plantar fasciitis is back to feeling 90% better, I'm still ookie in that I'm not really nauseated, per se, but still having to kind of force myself to eat because food is just...meh...


So, I'm thinking that I'm either detoxing a bit or my gut is focused on repair so I'm more vulnerable to viruses. Or, is what I'm experiencing completely NOT normal 2 1/2 weeks into it? I'm just wondering if anyone else has dealt with kinda the same and/or whether I should be concerned?


Thanks in advance for feedback!

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I think it's totally normal - likely your body is still adjusting. You may have done something/ate something (entirely compliant) that caused a little bump in the road - or it could simply be that your body is still adjusting. My body took 2 Whole30s to really feel steady and good on a consistent basis.


Perhaps you could post a few days worth of food leading up to this day of exhaustion?

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Thanks, Jillian! I will give it some thought as I don't remember exact specifics as to what I ate Friday/Saturday... *thinking*... I will report back! I just know I eat ALOT of chicken, salmon and broccolini, lol. But  you know... I did get some chicken apple sausage links (compliant, I checked!) that when I made them I thought they were "okay" but didn't totally love them. Everything else I've been eating from the beginning (salmon, steak, chicken, crab, broccolini, kale, spinach, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, grapes, peaches, macadamia nuts, tomatoes, cucumbers, homemade olive oil mayo, eggs) EXCEPT the sausage. Maybe that has something to do with it. The sausage is made with compliant ingredients, but maybe there is something in them that isn't agreeable to my system... I will try to remember *exactly* what I ate...

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It could be anything - don't sweat it too much. Just make a little note of it for a point of reference if/when it happens again. Sounds like your food is great - so likely your body is shifting gears into becoming a fat-burning machine - which often means a few big bumps in the road of the Whole30. Don't be surprise if you have another really "off" day before wrapping up your journey. Try to see it as a good sign - a sign that your body's metabolism is changing! Some people have lovely, smooth metabolic transitions during their Whole30 - they just keep feeling better and better each day (once they get past the "kill all things" phase). Others, (like me!) have more of a roller coaster ride for weeks (maybe even months) before we get to enjoy a nice smooth ride. That said, having done 2 Whole30s and now experiencing the benefits of a more sustainable paleo lifestyle - I can confidently say it's worth it.

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I don't have any advice, but I sympathize! I'm 43 days into a Whole50, and I've had at least two significant "Food... UGH" periods that I had to push through. One is happening now, actually. I don't know why, I just know that I'm going out for dinner tonight and don't have to cook and that makes me happy. Sometimes I think I just suffer from kitchen exhaustion. :lol:

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