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Pregnant TWINS!!!


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this is a weird recommendation: Follow 'hungryfitness' on instagram. She just had twin babies 3 weeks ago and was eating very very clean throughout her pregnancy. She is a big advocate for whole30 and has gone through the program a few times. 


she is super responsive so I would try reaching out to her!

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Oh my gosh- congratulations! Unfortunately I can't help with that specific concern, as I've never been pregnant with twins. But when I was pregnant with my son, I ate every grain/carb in site and gained 50 lbs (!!) and was tired all the time. So that's at least a contrast for you to work with.


Incidentally, I am a twin, and I know that my mother gained less with the two of us than with my brother (her first born). So a twin pregnancy does not necessarily mean a ton of weight gain.


What I can say is that eating Whole30 approved foods is so so so healthy, and I think your twins will benefit from you eating this way. BUT if you are having serious cravings that require going off the Whole30, I do recommend doing what it takes to keep your stress down, even if it means some indulgences here and there, and doing the Whole30 when things calm down a bit for you. Good luck!

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