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I'm on day two of my whole 30, and I'm experiencing fatigue, dizziness, and constipation. I have a feeling that the fatigue and dizziness are due to sugar withdrawals, but I cannot figure out what is causing the constipation. I used to take a fiber supplement, but it contained sugar, so I opted not to take it anymore. I'm eating a lot more vegetables now, so I didn't think constipation would be an issue. Please advise on what I should do.

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Fatigue and dizziness make me wonder if you are eating enough and drinking enough water. Many people do not eat enough when they do a Whole30 and many people do not drink enough water generally. Enough water is 1/2 to 1 ounce per pound of body weight per day. Enough food is described in the meal template: http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Meal-Planning-Template.pdf


Bonus: drinking a lot of water can help with constipation.

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I will give more water a try. I probably am not getting enough of that. As for the template, I am following it. It is taped to my refrigerator and I reference it often. I feel like I am eating enough vegetables. We used to have left over veggies before I started the whole 30, and now we do not. I ate most of the bag of frozen broccoli we had for dinner last night. Thank you for all of the suggestions though. I appreciate it.

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Drinking a lot more water and feeling much better.  I think I am not eating enough, so for dinner tonight I had chicken kabobs with tomatoes, peppers, onions, zucchini, and mushrooms with sauerkraut for dinner. I feel satisfied. Thank you all you forum contributors, especially Tom Denham.

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