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Still here!

As we come into the last few days of the W30 I'm starting to really understand why it's 30 days! Every day I either feel slightly better in one way or another, or I get to grips with something about a habit to do with food.

anyone else noticing continued improvements?

Some things I'm getting out of the final third of the programme:

1) better mood: this was true on and off from about day 6 but its been very consistent for the last 5 days including one really stressful day which I handled better than I normally would

2) less focused on size/weight - I'm starting to come to terms with the idea that where I am - probably around 23-25% BF (that's an educated guess) is fine and healthy for me and there are WAY more important things than getting smaller. I very much doubt I've lost weight since the start. my measurements (sorry - I measured!) have changed and weirdly its my thighs and hips that have very slightly shrunk - pre-W30 fat loss was all from my waist, which has stayed the same. What I like a LOT is that its stayed the same even though I am pretty sure I've been eating more (calories-wise)

3) more energy - with room for improvement! I'm still experiencing late afternoon hunger and an early evening slump. But I've always been a morning person and I think this might just be how I work.

4) noticing a bad habit of not eating enough when I'm not at work - so weird I'd never spotted this before, or tried to correct it when it clearly messes me up

5) totally unrelated to food/body health but I've been inspired to start being more organised about household chores by one of the daily emails - this has always been a huge source of stress for me but I've never felt I had the time, energy or capacity to address it. For some reason it seems easier now!

Happy day 27 :)

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I am still here too!! 


Can't believe we are on the cusp of completing our 30 days!  I am going to continue on though until Friday 13 September when I am going to break my alcohol fast and treat a few of my patient friends and myself to a glass of Prosecco!   I go on holiday on 15 September so will not be fully sticking to primal but will do the best that I can.


I am not sure if I have lost weight but will weigh myself tomorrow.  Friends say that my face looks thinner as does my neck and I don't have a double chin anymore.  I have been overfat for decades so know that it will come off but not so quickly as other people. 


I have found the challenge quite easy as long as I am super organised and, to be honest, having my food organised as stopped me being lazy and getting takeaways and crap ready meals.  This is something that I am going to continue to do once back from my holiday.


Like BeeL, my moods seemed to have improved although I was fairly balanced anyway and I think my stress levels have dimished slightly which s always a good thing.  The best part of doing Whole30 for me is that I have NOT BINGED ONCE!! :D   Considering I was buying a bottle of alcohol, a huge packet of crisps and other "snacks" every day and eating/drinking the lot and then wanting more, it is an absolutely revelation to me that I do not have to live my life like that.  I had read that bingeing makes you binge more but I have never been in the position to understand that.  Now I do!  I very nearly broke on Saturday night as I badly wanted a bottle of wine and something crunchy.  I told myself that I had come this far and I was not going to have those things.  I make up a pint of sparkling water with lemon/lime/mint leave and loads of ice in as well as cooking some pork rind.  Much better for me and no hangover!!  I have also realised that my binge eating is NOT due to something that happened to me in the past that has caused some kind of psychological crap from my past (although it may have started out as that) but due instead to habit.  Habit that I come home and not buying that crap and eating/drinking it.  I have got myself into a better habit now and a few more weeks of discipline will further ingrain it into my brain.


Like WW, I too am looking forward to hearing how you are doing/have done!


We are nearly there whoo-hoo :)


Kathryn x

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Hi everyone! I got so close to giving in and having wine both Friday and Saturday. Both times were right before my dinner when my sick, teething two year old daughter was miserable and we had company in town.

After eating dinner the desire was gone, so I really hope I remember those incidents going forward. It would have been an entirely emotional reaction if I had given in, and I would be really disappointed with myself right now. However, I made it, and am so relieved to be at the end of this.

I honestly cannot see myself doing another Whole30. But maybe a whole 7 as suggested in the forum when I feel I need it. I would have to start on a Friday when I am motivated though! Weekends are the hardest for me!

It is great reading everyone's post! Thanks for all the positive attitude and support!

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Although I do miss the wine, what I am glad for is the HABIT of wine every evening, like, I felt 'priveleged' or that I needed the 'treat'. Now, I don't even think of it. As much as I whine(hehe) about not getting to indulge, I am glad to have that habit gone, and i don't want it BACK! Empty calories, which leads to bad eating choices. 


However, i really need to STOP buying bags of trail mix when I shop!! LOVE nuts, but have no self discipline!


I'm going to go through the reintro process, then I'm going right back to whole30 until Oct 1. I may indulge occasionally on a glass of wine, but i'm loving the results and want to continue the food list we're on. Enjoying making these new meals, and I can stand to lose another pant size. I did have my blood drawn friday, to check my thyroid and antibodies, see how they've changed. Should get results tomorrow. :-)


Is NomNom Paleo a BOOK? I thought it was an app! I have it on the ipad, but...if there's a book, I want it. 


Power on, team!

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Although I do miss the wine, what I am glad for is the HABIT of wine every evening, like, I felt 'priveleged' or that I needed the 'treat'. Now, I don't even think of it. As much as I whine(hehe) about not getting to indulge, I am glad to have that habit gone, and i don't want it BACK! Empty calories, which leads to bad eating choices. 


However, i really need to STOP buying bags of trail mix when I shop!! LOVE nuts, but have no self discipline!


I'm going to go through the reintro process, then I'm going right back to whole30 until Oct 1. I may indulge occasionally on a glass of wine, but i'm loving the results and want to continue the food list we're on. Enjoying making these new meals, and I can stand to lose another pant size. I did have my blood drawn friday, to check my thyroid and antibodies, see how they've changed. Should get results tomorrow. :-)


Is NomNom Paleo a BOOK? I thought it was an app! I have it on the ipad, but...if there's a book, I want it. 


Power on, team!

Nom Nom Paleo's cookbook is scheduled for release Dec 17th. In the meantime, there's the app and website.

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day 30! I'm eating with friends tonight but staying strong til the end. Sushi restaurant, so shouldn't be too tough. 


And tomorrow I will reintroduce dairy, I think, although I'm not sure I really want it! It's just the kind of thing I know I will end up eating on occasion, so I would like to understand what the effects are. A bit scared. 

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I heard that, BeeL!  Dairy is a big one for me -- cheese has always been a favorite quick meal, like brie & green grapes, gorganzola dolce, walnuts & pears, etc., etc.  Not sure if I'll be able to do dairy again at all, but I will see when I get there.


Congrats to all you amazing folk for staying strong & seeing it through!!! :)

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Hi all - I'm sticking to my whole 30 principles in general (3 doses of protein a day - no sugar, no dairy etc) but am glad to be able to relax a bit when necessary ie  out with friends etc. 


I cant believe I am quite content to leave dairy out of my daily diet - but having found a substitute for my coffee I'm cool - and dont really have to add it to my cooking like I have in the past. 


I'm going to "allow" myself alcohol twice a week if I want it - again surprised to feel that even that isn't so important! 


I lost 2.5 kg over this whole 30 (about 5 lb)  so that put me at my wedding weight 13 years ago!  


I have schedulled another Whole 30 for the month of January!  I know I can improve on my process - focus on preparing more of my own "base" ingredients and lighten up on the fruit and nuts! 


How did you all go now that its 30+ ?

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Hello everyone


Well we did it and it is lovely to read how people are going to carrying on but with a few reintroductions.  For me having a dash of milk in my earl grey this morning was sublime!  My journey for the most part has been quite easy and I will continue on but with a little relaxation: a glass of two of wine, a bit of cheese maybe the odd bit of chocolate now and again. 


I have been quite astounded how Whole30 has changed my life. Pre-Whole30 I was a chronic binge eater and every night I used to drink a bottle of wine or cider, eat a huge bag of Kettle crisps and a packet of sliced meat.  I used to wrap the crisps in the ham and eat them like a wrap and once the ham was finished, I would finish eating the crisps.  Along with eating takeaways and junk food (mainly savoury stuff), I used to do this EVERY DAY.  After each binge I wanted more and more and my bingeing was getting worse and worse every week.  I now know I was slowly killing myself.   I was worried about my heart, my liver, my stomach etc and was promoted to go to the doctors to get some blood tests done.  Thankfully everything was OK except my tryglicerides (a form of cholesteral) were a little high but they could be lowered through diet.  I was put on blood pressure tablets as this was way too high probably due to my salty diet and lack of exercise.  These events were a kick up the bum I needed and promoted me to look towards changing my life.  I had been dabbling with a primal diet for a while on MDA and it was on the forum there that I read about Whole30.  


The point I want to get to (sorry waffling on a bit) is that Whole30 has changed my life.  All the way through the 30 days I have NOT BINGED ONCE!!  I cannot stress how awesome (not a word I use lightly) this is for me.  Literally life changing and astonishing.  I fell really quite emotional about it and have shed tears not because I am unhappy but because I know that I will never do that destructive behaviour again.  I can eat three good, wholesome, real food every day with no snacking between and not think about food.  The only time I think about food is whether I have got something out the freezer to eat or what I am going to put in my slow cooker at the weekend.  No more binge eating, no more killing myself, no more drinking so much that my body was in complete crisis and suffering in systemic inflammation.  I still have a long way to go but my new habits are those for my life.


Oh and also I lost one stone - yes 14lbs - without really noticing!


Thank you for reading my ramblings and I wish every one success in the future.


Kathryn xx

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Kathryn, I could cry reading your post. I hope you feel able to submit a success story...that's really inspiring stuff. There are so many people in the same situation as you were who can't quite do anything to help themselves, and it was clearly so tough for you at the start with your energy flagging and obstacles in your daily routine like long train journeys after work to overcome. But you stuck with it, and you have come out the other side with not just impressive weight loss, but having conquered a habit that can feel impossible to break. Well done!!!! 

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Woooowww Kathryn!


Inspiring stuff! I agree with BeeL , you really need to share this success story with as many people as possible! 


I too have lost fat ( I don't want to say "lost weight" because for me it is not about the number on the scale but rather about my measurements and the way my clothes fit. I am going to the gym twice a week again and building some muscle, so I will probably weigh MORE. Which is why the scale is a bad idea.)


I am happier in general. Less moody and more energetic  :D


Are we going to keep this forum going guys?

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Shall we? Or we could move it elsewhere?


With you on the weight thing. I just weighed myself out of curiosity and I have lost a grand total of 1lb! Ha! 


To put that in context:

- I was already at healthy weight

- I lost that 1lb while eating more and being very casual about exercise 

- I had a month of LOADS of energy 

- I had a month of good moods

- I haven't felt bloated in a month

- my monthly cycle has regulated*

- even though my weight and measurements have barely changed, my clothes fit better...I have no idea how that works! But it's true.


*this is the most unexpected and amazing thing...I can't tell you good it feels to intuitively know my hormones are back in balance!

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Yep - well done everyone! 


You have all been inspiring


definately need the time to change the habits - I cant believe I turned down a glass of wine with friends this evening - just because I didnt feel like it - went for the herbal tea instead!  


Passed up a wine at lunchtime too - and didn't eat the pasta main - or the desert!  


Hubby asked me if I wanted wine with dinner tonight - and I honestly said - No!!  


Happily made a fully compliant whole 30 meal tonight - without even thinking about it!  loved it (spicy meatballs with tomato chutney)


feeling good - hope you are too.  

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Congrats everyone! I am very glad I took on this challenge. I am introducing grains today, but have to admit, I am not excited about it. Kind of had to make myself eat them at breakfast and lunch. I do want to take notice of the effect, so it's worth it, but I think I will be relieved to go back to eating clean tomorrow. Plan to introduce dairy next.

Since my first post I have suspected that I gained weight throughout this process. I did not take on the challenge to lose weight, but to change eating habits, so I was trying not think about it too much. Once I reached "Tiger Blood" I stopped caring about my weight anyways. Turns out I lost 5.4 lbs. Now it is going to be even harder to reintroduce anything bad! That is a good thing though. Just want to keep those bad habits away!!

I hope we can keep this thread going. I enjoy hearing everyone's stories. Happy Health to everyone!,

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I agree with Devon!  I started this whole process because I had a blood test that indicated I had an autoimmune condition in addition to my Hashimoto's.  My tennis coach told me I really needed to read It Starts With Food, which I did at the end of June.  I had a vacation coming up, so I started following the general principles of the Whole 30 that week, but allowed myself the freedom when out with friends, home with family - and definitely while I was on vacation.  Devon insisted that we begin the cleanse the day I got back from vacation on August 5 as I had a million excuses as to why we should delay until later this fall (mostly because I was not excited about following the AIP during the cleanse).  I certainly struggled with many aspects of this diet - mostly work related.  The hardest was a business celebration dinner at my favorite restaurant with the rest of the executive team.  Magnums of my favorite wines were ordered and lots of freshly baked bread.  But I was so proud of myself for being to stay on plan during that event and it gave me the ammunition I needed to tackle for future meals out (which happen frequently).  I had hoped that the Whole30 would be the magic pill to my frustration over weight loss generally and scared that it would not be the case.  I've always exercised a lot (Devon would say excessively) and generally ate well, but short of starving myself, never would see any results.  I was thrilled when I stepped on the scale this morning that I was down 6.2 lbs from the beginning of the month and 12 lbs from when I started generally following the principles in June.  I never thought I had any issues with food, but frequent business dinners and drinks seemed to impede any progress I had made through crazy exercise and what now seem like starvation diets.  I now know that I can navigate all situations and make good and conscientious food choices.  I think there is a lot of freedom in that! Congratulations everyone!!

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Thank you folks for kind words.  I am loving the freedom from food at the moment.  It is great to hear that everyone has done so well and I would love to keep this thread open to see how people are doing.  I am continuing on with Whole30 until Friday 13 September when I will have some alcohol.  I am then am on holiday for a couple of weeks but I shall be back on a Whole30 programme although not so strict after that.  This is the way to go for me and how I should live my life from now on.

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Dairy reintro: my body definitely didn't like it! Tummy gurgled, I had a giant hunger spike after eating some yogurt, my nose/throat were a bit congested for a few hours, and had tummy trouble in the morning. It wasn't so bad that I would swear off eating dairy again, but there's no way I'll eat it three meals in a row in the forseeable future. One for the 'when it's really worthwhile' pile, just as I expected. I ate sugar yesterday, too (in the ice cream) and it wasn't all that amazing. I felt a little less in-control with it than I'd like, but I haven't woken up wanting more sugar. I'll avoid it going forward for at least a week, probably longer. 


Other than that I am sick with a tonsil infection! So going to stick with W30 eating again until I feel better so I can really tell what reintroducing things is doing. 

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Good job all!


@Kathryn, weren't you saying you didn't think you had lost any weight? hahaha You did good! 


As for me, I dropped 8lbs, a whole pant size! I had my blood drawn and my thyroid antibodies are at 200, where they WERE at over 500. I consider it a huge success!


Like Kathryn, I have lost that need to graze and binge. I do find that I should NOT bring trail mix home, as that is one thing I can't avoid snacking mindlessly on. I haven't had coffee all month, and had some today with a non-dairy creamer....ahhhhh...but have come to enjoy tea with coconut milk, so that might be my go-to hot drink. Had a glass of wine, and also found that I sip slower...and enjoyed it longer...and drank one glass and was satisfied.


Does anyone notice how their taste buds are more ALIVE?? I mean, things are sweeter, more bitter...the wine tasted soo much different, as did the coffee. It's like the first taste again. I think I can enjoy things  more!


I had ice cream last night. LOVE ice cream. However, found that my serving was too big and ate half, sent the rest back(was eating out). WHO DOES THAT WITH ICE CREAM??????? lol Certainly not ME, ever, in my life. I was satisfied. I can now read my body.


Who knew how much we would learn from this experience? I thought it would be just a cool, healthy step. ;-)

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Grain reintro on day 31: Baguette tasted almost like a donut it seemed so sweet! It was just a French baguette from Whole Foods. Yes MarneAK, I do feel taste buds are more alive!


I was relieved to run back into the safety of the Whole 30 yesterday when I woke up and found my skin had broken out majorly in my neck area, where I have always battled acne. My friend who is a dietician confirmed that I probably DO have a sensitivity to Gluten. Really???? My first item to reintro and I have that kind of reaction? Makes me reluctant to try dairy tomorrow.


I have always preferred bread over most desserts. Now I will definitely only be eating it on special occasions.

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