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Preparing for Day 2 - Helped Needed

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Tomorrow will be Day 2 of Whole30 for me and I am trying to wrap my mind around how to make it through the day seamlessly.


I help out part time at a friend's bakery at a farmers market two days a week.  Tomorrow is my early day when I wakeup at 3:45am and have to meet her at 5am to leave for the market.  I don't really have a problem with having something to eat when I wake up or 30 minute drive to the market.  My struggle will be staring at baked goods all day, smelling crab cakes cooking across from our stand and staring at a candy stand for 8 hours with the freshest smelling candy ever!  Oh and then let me add that I serve customers cream filled cupcakes, eclairs and a mess of other unhealthy things that I don't believe in.


I think I might need a snack or something in addition to my lunch to make it through the day.  I will go for "brunch" around 10:30 - 11am and finish my day around 2pm and then home.  We can't heat or warm any of our meals so I will need items that can be kept cold. 


Any suggestions on how to combat this? 



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It might help to make a list of all the reasons you are doing Whole30 and bring it with you to look at when you need to. Good Luck! That is not easy but at the end of the day when you know you were able to be faced with all of that temptation but you didnt give in you will feel stronger, more empowered and it will be worth it!

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on a couple of days I start early, I also include a mini meal - pretty much like GFChris suggested! I have chicken breast pieces, vegie sticks, and a take coconut butter to dip them in (really tasty!!)


i'd try to eat a big breakfast - maybe premake frittata so you can munch in the car?

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