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Braid Fog and FODMAPs

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I just wondered about other people's experiences eliminating FODMAPs to help with brain fog. I'm on day 11 of the Whole30, and while I feel better in some ways, it hasn't touched my brain fog. Some days I feel like the brain fog might be lifting, but then I'll suddenly be incapacitated with it -- like yesterday. So I'm going to try to go FODMAP free and see if that helps. If it IS FODMAPs that are causing my problems, should I expect to notice some relief right away (i.e., a few days after eliminating all FODMAPs)? Or could it take weeks before I'd notice anything??

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How I understand it, FODMAPS are foods that some people can't digest properly and it causes a lot of digestive upset. Gas, bloating and diarrhea. If this happens a lot (IBS and IBD people) it can damage the gut so much that you then get 'leaky gut' and this can cause brain fog. Or you don't absorb all the nutrients of your food and that can also be a factor.


I do think it will take time, depending on what your issues were that caused the brain fog. I have been working on my gut for over a year. I do feel better and able to concentrate more. I don't think day 11 is enough to make a difference.


Do you have a lot of digestive issues?

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Day 11 is early to draw the conclusion that you need to adopt a more restricted food protocol than the standard Whole30 to achieve results. You may be restricting yourself needlessly. The reason it is a 30-day program is that it takes more than 11 days for all the benefits to show up.


Aside from food, what else is going on in your life? Sickness, wellness? Sleep? Work demands, stress? Stability of personal life? Medications?

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I feel like my life is generally stable -- other than my same old head fog I've been living in for years. I guess I assumed on the Whole 30 that I would gradually -- little by little by little -- feel better. I wasn't expecting good days followed by rock bottom days. So ups and downs are pretty normal? (I DID have an unusually good day a few days ago. I felt in a way that I hadn't for a long time. But that was immediately followed by a day from hell. So my excitement was short lived...)

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Mileage varies. :) You are on a good course and I bet you will keep improving for a while, but ups and downs are normal. And daily measurements are often misleading. The key thing is your trend and that is hard to measure/assess day by day.

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