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simone's 2nd whole 30 (or possibly more)


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ok...i was going to start this coming tuesday August 6th, but after reading several pages in the Starting August 1st  topic, i decided i'd start today. i am low on veggies, but am going to the health food store later to pick up a few things, so i'll make sure veggies are on the list of things to get.

i weighed and measured this morning...

weight 236lbs

upper arm- 16 3/4"

chest-47 1/2"

upper abs- 40 1/4"

waist- 41"

lower abs- 45 3/4"

hips- 46 3/4"

thigh- 28 1/2"

calf- 18 1/2"

current pant size is 16W


i got about 7 and a half hours of sleep last night and woke up feeling stiff and achy, which has been about on par for the past month.

so i'm hoping to improve my digestion, and my allergies/sinuses and this achy/stiff feeling i've been waking up with...last time i dropped 5 lbs and saw lots of improvements, but i've let a lot of things sneak back in and have suffered for it.

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meal 1- 1 cup bullet proof coffee (coffee and coconut oil whirrrled in my blender), 4 eggs- scrambled with seasonings in coconut oil, home fried sweet potatoes with onion, garlic, paprika, salt and pepper and coconut oil...wishing i had some broccoli or cabbage or a piece of fruit to go with it, but fairly satisfied. the kids both loved the home fried sweet potatoes D had seconds of those along with a boiled egg, and C had 2 scrambled eggs and a serving of sweet potatoes. 


i'm going to start thawing chicken legs for dinner then i'm checking the bus schedule and then heading to the health food store to pick up some things...it's a little humid, but not too bad and it's overcast.

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day 1 :

     meal 2- turkey tips, mixed veggies (zucchini, summer squash, carrots and broccoli in herbs and olive oil), water with a slice of lemon.          mid afternoon- kombucha


     meal 3-chicken legs (broiled), butternut squash and celery sticks and baby carrots in home made ranch dip.

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ok, so i got somewhere between 8 and 9 hours of sleep last night...i would have gotten more ,but had a little boy that was fighting sleep last night, then woke up early this morning and he kept me up later than i had intended then woke me up early as usual. i woke up with a sinus headache and must admit that i'm stressing out a little because of some of the things going on in my life at the moment...i really need to do my yoga and meditation today...i like to do my yoga first thing in the morning, but i have a bit of cleaning to do to make room in the living room...so will most likely do my yoga before lunch (after picking up some toys and vacuuming). 


    meal 1 -1 cup of  bullet proof coffee (i have been having 2-3 cups of coffee a day, so cutting back to 1 is a big thing), 4 fried eggs, 1/2 cup left over butternut squash and 1 cup "creamy kale" (steamed kale blended with cashews, lemon juice, sun dried tomatoes, salt, pepper, garlic, onion and dill)...i haven't thought of having creamy kale for breakfast before, but it went really great with eggs, so i will definitely be doing it again. one of the kids loved the kale and ate a ton, the other one ate mostly squash both had an egg...neither wanted their second egg.

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i drank 2 big glasses of water and did 20 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of meditation and the headache went away (still have a little extra sinus pressure)...now that we've had lunch the kids want to go on a nature walk, so we'll be doing that in a few minutes.


meal 2- grass fed beef made into a burger patty, salad and home made guacamole with 4 strawberries.

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the kids and i took a 30 minute nature walk (just a short one around the neighborhood)...i'm rather gassy today, but since my digestion is pretty messed up it actually feels like a relief of some sort and weather or not i'm loosing weight i feel lighter and more energetic and like i could actually start training to run with my sister (she is going to start training me to run once it's a little less humid outside and i'm going to eventually do a 5k with her).


meal 3- chicken legs, bok choy and zucchini with garlic, onions, herbs and a drizzle of olive oil and a dollop of homemade guacamole and kombucha. (the kids had a kiwi fruit with dinner and no kombucha)...the kids were rather hungry and each had 4 chicken legs and 3/4 cup of the veggies, but weren't in the mood for guacamole.


tomorrow i grocery shop and i've made a list that includes plenty of meats and veggies and more avocados...i'm getting ingredients to make chocolate chili and homemade turkey sausage as well as some whole chickens so that i can roast them up and use them for making a variety of meals as well as some bone broth. i try to keep things simple and not do to many complex recipes, but chocolate chili is usually a hit, however if the kids and i aren't up for it i can always use the ingredients for other things.

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Day 3-

got nearly 8 hours of sleep last night but was woken up early by a little boy puking up mucous. my asthmatic son Connor is still puking up mucous and not hungry this morning, but did try to eat a single strawberry.

i'm feeling good...or pretty good, my sinuses are a little full and slowly starting to drain, and i realized i haven't had a BM in 24 hours, so i'm hoping that straightens itself out soon, but otherwise i'm feeling pretty light and energetic and didn't have a headache or as much stiffness and aches when i woke up today.


meal 1- 1 cup of bullet proof coffee, 4 fried eggs, 1 small left over grass fed beef patty, home fried garnet yam (cooked in coconut oil) and 4 strawberries. 

declyn had 1 and 1/2 hard boiled eggs and home fried garnet yam (cooked in coconut oil) and 6 strawberries.

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i went grocery shopping, then helped my mom bring the groceries in...i spent $204 and was way over my weekly budget, however, i got my whole organic chickens and my chicken breasts on sale for great prices, so i got enough to last a few weeks and i had to get stuff like oil and sea salt, since i was running low. so i suspect i'll be having a much lower grocery bill next week.


meal 2- roasted chicken, broccoli and carrots and guacamole.


i am starting a new batch of kombucha this afternoon. cooking up some extra chicken tonight and making carnitas tomorrow.

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ok...puking boy's tummy settled after a while and he discovered that he loves guacamole at dinner tonight (he used to eat it when he was little, but for the last 3 years didn't even want to try it and tonight he was smothering everything with it).


meal 3- skinless, boneless chicken breasts, raw baby carrots, celery sticks and guacamole.

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day 4

ok...i got 8 hours of sleep last night but woke up with a few aches. i had a slight headache when i went to bed and hoped it would be gone this morning, but it's not....it's not a really bad one, but it's there. today is trash day so i'm getting ready to drag the trash and recycling out to the curb.


meal 1- 1 cup of bullet proof coffee, 4 fried eggs, home fried garnet yams , carrots and broccoli and a few raspberries. 


i used to do yoga first thing in the morning, but am finding it easier to do my yoga just before lunchtime at the moment.

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meal 2- leftover chicken and i sauteed carrots, red pepper, onions, sugar snap peas and broccoli in garlic, ginger and coconut oil.


the kids loved the veggies but weren't in the mood for chicken. i really hope they like the carnitas i'm making for dinner. they loved breakfast and told me that i should be a chef.

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OMGs dinner was awesome! anyway, the kids ended up having carrot sticks, guacamole and chicken half an hour or so after the lunch that they refused to eat chicken at. dinner was a whole different story.


meal 3- home made carnitas (the crockpot makes these pretty easy to do and i made pork this time, but am thinking i could try the recipe with just about any meat), a big salad (ok, mostly romaine lettuce and tomatoes) and home made guacamole. the kids LOVED the carnitas and Connor loved the guacamole and even ate tomatoes to get a second helping of each. Declyn only ate carnitas and tomatoes, and didn't want guacamole tonight..i figured tomatoes were better than nothing for veg, but also tossed them each a few carrot sticks after i was done eating.


i had my kombucha mid afternoon and did some house work and yoga and meditation today...i had hoped to get out for a walk but it didn't happen. my niece will be here tomorrow and we'll all go for a nature walk, maybe a somewhat long one.


TMI warning ************


so i had no BMs for a bit over 24 hours and had a few yesterday, and lots today...lots and lots today. i figure it's my body adjusting. good news is that my stomach is in less pain and i'm not having puke-burps (i have acid reflux) after dinner the last 3 or 4 nights. and the headache is still lingering...it's not irritating or strong enough pain to really keep me from doing day to day things, but just enough that every so often i feel my self saying "my head kind of hurts" and the sinuses are starting to drain...slowly. i have been drinking a fair amount of water, but could possibly do a bit better with that.

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Day 5 :

slept between 9 and 10 hours last night. got to talk to one of my dearest friends last night for a while and she is wanting to eat healthier...she isn't big on eating meat and has an even tighter budget than i do, but i told her about whole 30. i am feeling great today and have music going (the kids were dancing in their seats for breakfast...maybe i need to make it relaxing music at meal times)...i'm keeping my 1 cup of coffee in for now, but may drop it next month since i am thinking i'd really benefit from doing 60 or 90 or so days. the cabbage i was going to roast is going to be made into sauerkraut today(though, it'll be a few weeks before it's ready for consumption so i may buy some for the time between now and then)...then i'll buy a new cabbage and/or maybe more dark leafy greens (as well as some yams and another butternut squash) at the health food store or farmer's market on friday. oh, and i've been fighting depression for about 2 or 3 months and woke up today feeling the best i have in a very long time...positive outlook, change is in the air and i feel like i could accomplish everything i want to given enough time to do so.


today is my oldest nephew's birthday, my little not so little (he's just about as tall as i am) drew-drew is turning 13 (i remember falling asleep snuggling him while babysitting him when he was just a little guy).


meal 1- 1 cup of bullet proof coffee, omelette (4 eggs, spinach, tomatoes a little chicken and a little guacamole) and the last bit of butternut squash from the other day.

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 doing well today and feeling good...doing some cleaning and waiting for my niece to get dropped off...going to take the kids on a nature walk and maybe forage for some wild eatables after she is here.


meal 2- half a sweet potato, a big salad, carnitas and guacamole (the kids also had a few strawberries).

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meal 3- meat on a stick (one of my sons didn't want the burgers i was going to make and said "i want my meat to be on a stick" so i seasoned the meat up and put it on bamboo skewers and the kids loved this), cucumber/tomato salad (sliced cucumbers and tomatoes with a little red onion and olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt) and kombucha


the kids were acting up and my grandmother was being a pain, but it only clouded my mood for a bit and i started feeling better before long...i'm finally working on a vest that i was making my son from an upcycled, felted sweater...he wanted me to cut the sleeves off of the sweater and cut it up the center and figure out a way to button it and blanket stitch and possibly embroider it...it's cute, unique and kind of old fashioned, but cute...i still have a lot of work to do on it, but at least it's started.

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Day 6:

i didn't sleep well, maybe something to do with the new moon yesterday...i don't know, but i woke up at 2:20 to empty my bladder and couldn't fall back to sleep until after 4 ...i think i got 6 1/2 to 7 hours of sleep, and i'm actually feeling pretty energetic and good despite the lack of sleep. the sinuses are definitely draining, but i really don't like them running down my throat. it was raining this morning and i ran something out to the compost ...love the bare feet on the earth and rain falling on me feeling...very refreshing.


 Meal 1- egg yolk coffee (from MDA, but i skipped the sugar and added a date before yolks and i scrambled the whites in with the rest of the eggs for breakfast...this is a nice occasional treat and if/when i give up my daily coffee i may just have it a an occasional drink), scrambled eggs, sauteed kale and fried plantains.


i decided that rather than dragging 3 kids to both the health food store and farmer's market tomorrow, i'd have my grandma watch 1 of mine while i take the other to the health food store today and then we'll all go to the farmer's market together tomorrow.

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well, my little love bug was an excellent companion and helper at the health food store and they had grass fed ground beef on sale for $4.99/lb (a whole $1 less than the best price i can usually find) so i picked up several pounds. i walked somewhere between 4 and 5 miles today and my son is enthralled with a shaolin (sp?) kung fu center in the area...i associate shaolin with karate, so it was interesting that it was kung fu and the kids were doing some yoga as either a warm up or cool down for class, i'm thinking of looking into it for him.


meal 2- zucchini noodles, sliced carrots, tomato wedges, chunks of chicken and olive oil with apple cider vinegar, basil, oregano, garlic, salt, pepper, and sliced red onion...i tossed it all together as one would pasta salad and the kids and i devoured it.

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Day 7:

i had another tough night, sleeping, but did get close to 8 hours of sleep. i woke up with a sinus headache and my sinuses are draining, big time. i got ear candles yesterday and will use them, maybe it will relieve some of the pressure in my head, also using the neti pot. also, picked up EARTHPASTE toothpaste (i got lemon twist for the kids and am using it myself as well, until i go back and get cinnamon or mint next week) and we love it...it does a great job cleaning my teeth and is swallowable (actually the clay in it has detoxifying properties so is good for you to swallow).


Meal 1- 1/2 cup of chicken bone broth, 4 fried eggs, home fried garnet yam, 4 strawberries, 1 cup coffee with 1/4 can of coconut milk


declyn's meal 1- 1 tablespoon chicken bone broth, 2 fried eggs, home fried garnet yams, 6 strawberries, 6 almonds (i didn't think they were getting enough fat)


connor's meal 1- 1/2 cup chicken bone broth, 1 scrambled egg, home fried garnet yams, 6 strawberries and 6 almonds.

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thank you, amberino! some foods they like more than the others, but they are doing pretty good with eating what i want them to.


the kids are having the tired and the "kill all things" stuff going on right now, or at least they are tired and wanting sweets (they keep trying to get into my dates or sneak extra berries) and getting on each other's nerves...connor is currently napping on the sofa, next to me.


meal 2- grass fed burgers, guacamole, broccoli, sauerkraut

 Declyn's meal 2- left over chicken, broccoli, almonds

 Connor's meal 2- grass fed burgers, guacamole, broccoli


planning on making salmon and "creamy kale" for dinner (i may need to make a second veggie as well).


it's pouring rain and my headache is still persisting, so we may not make it to the farmer's market unless the rain lets up and my headache goes away in the next hour or two.

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i've decided i really need to kick up the exercise/fitness a bit and think i'm going to start with some strength training...i bought a kettlebell a few weeks ago and i know i need to to some excercises that help strengthen my knees as well as my core before i start training for running...i'm looking in a fitness magazine that i bought last month and on pinterest for ideas to set myself up a decent routine...now that i'm starting to have more energy i've got to start moving more.

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ok...dinner was good...the kids weren't thrilled with the salmon, i may try salmon cakes/patties next week...i'll have to find a good recipes that is compliant to try, if that doesn't work tuna and cod will have to be the fish options for us, with maybe the occasional scallops and/or shrimp (the kids love shrimp).


meal 3- salmon with/"creamy lemon dill sauce" (coconut milk, lemon, dill, pepper and a bit of salt), "creamy kale", beets

Declyn's meal 3- a bite of salmon, some chicken, "creamy kale" , beets, raw baby carrots

Connor's meal 3- a few bites of salmon, "creamy kale", beets


i forgot that beets not only have an earthy taste, but also a natural sweetness to them...this made them something the kids quite enjoyed, after the initial "i don't think i like those". 


i'm hoping the weather will improve tomorrow...it's still drizzly tonight. i'm going to try to get myself and both kids to bed early and tomorrow i'm planning on doing at least 3 sets of 10 each walking lunges, sumo squats and burpees followed by a 1 minute plank and 1 minute on each side side plank ...it may be a bit much given the shape i'm in, but i won't know if i don't try.

Declyn drew me his interpretation of a healthy breakfast..."here's meat and eggs and grapes and a special frozen banana treat and green smoothie and up there is a healthy chocolate and beets a sweet potatoes"...ok way too many sweets, but what should i expect from a 6 year old?

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Day 8:

i had a hard time falling asleep and probably got between 7 and 8 hours of sleep.


ok...i am so out of shape i thought i was going to puke once i got to 6 burpees...but after a little break i managed to get a total of 10 burpees, 20 walking lunges and 20 sumo squats...we had walked 20 minutes to a nearby park and 20 minutes home and i did about 20 minutes of yoga and played on the playground equipment with the kids for about 5 minutes. i had to carry my son Connor part of the way home...all the exercise had tired him out a bit. i'm thinking i'll try to do 3 sets of 5 burpees next time.


pre- workout snack - 1 cup chicken bone broth and 1 hard boiled egg (connor and declyn also had pre-workout snacks, but didn't have as much bone broth...i could probably manage 2 eggs next time)


meal 1- 1 cup black coffee, 4 fried eggs, 1 small home made turkey sausage patty, home fried sweet potatoes and sauerkraut.

Declyn's meal 1- 2 fried eggs, 1 small homemade turkey sausage patty, 1 hard boiled egg, home fried sweet potatoes

Connor's meal 1- 1 fried egg, 1 small homemade turkey sausage patty, home fried sweet potatoes


so my back and mid section are feeling a little sore and tight at the moment, but otherwise i feel awesome! my energy is through the roof and while my sinuses are still draining my overall health seems to be improving immensely. the kids and i are going to walk to the park tomorrow with their soccer ball and mini football and do some soccer drills and play catch. we walked by a yard sale on our way to the park and will be walking back over there (it's about a block from here) in a little bit to check it out, then i want to do some housework. 


i've made a plan to keep a few larabars, some nut butter, celery and fruit and a few hard boiled eggs on hand for when the kids want snacks. (always best to be prepared with on plan foods for them).

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