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Changes in my hair


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This might be a long shot, but I'm wondering if any other Whole30 ladies out there might have experienced a pretty dramatic change in your hair during your Whole30 process. I'm on day 12, and my normally dry hair has suddenly become very oily. My regular shampoo doesn't seem to be getting rid of the oil. Has that happened to anyone else? It's making me crazy...help!

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  • 1 month later...

Probably because you are eating more good fat. It's a good thing!!!! You can try a clarifying shampoo. I've always had oily scalp, and that's what I use. Not for every shampoo, because my hair is color treated. But maybe 2 times a week.


Also, before you wash your hair, brush it to distribute the oil to your hair (or do that the night before). Use a natural bristle brush. Your hair will thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have noticed this as well, about 6 days in (now at 10 days and no better) My hair has significantly better volume, however and looks rich. The oil is upsetting, however, as my hair is growing out from a bob and is at an awkward length. If it was a few inches longer, id have no problem leaving it down, but it just doesnt look right at this length with the oiliness. Thus far I have tried clarifying shampoo and I always brush with a boar bristle brush...no dice! On the plus side, my hair feels almost as thick as it did when I was a teenager and I have noticed new growth. Hoping someone has found something that can cut the oil without completely stripping the hair!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was a no-poo person for over a year, then switched to Wen...now I'm at a point where it's too expensive so I use the L'Oreal brand cleansing conditioner. Once a week, I use a local handmade soap (good ingredients) on it, then the rest of the week it's just conditioner. If you are going totally crazy, try making a baking soda paste and working that into your hair. Water down some ACV to rinse it out if you want to be super sure it all comes out. It absorbs oil pretty well.

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