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Expectations too high?


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I'm on day 27 and I feel pretty good but I'm a bit disappointed in my appearance.  I really expected my clothes to be falling off by now.  I have not stepped on the scale yet and my clothes are a bit looser but...


I also expected to have been to a point where others would start noticing a change but I actually had two people ask if I had lost any weight.  I guess they don't realize that if they have to ask, that's pretty much the answer :/. So far the changes are only ones that I can see/feel.


I've worked really hard at staying compliant and it has not been easy since I am a pretty picky eater to begin with. I'm really afraid that this is going to result in me slipping back into bad habits since the changes have been so slight.


Encouragement needed please!



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I can totally understand your frustration and disappointment.  Doing a Whole 30 can be really challenging and when you don't get the results you were hoping for, it can be a bit of a let down.  BUT....with that being said, it does sounds like you are seeing physical results even if it's not as drastic as you were hoping for.  Just stick with it, the magic will happen.  I'm not sure what your diet was like before this W30 but remember, it can take longer than 30 days to heal the damage within our bodies from years of a poor diet.  


Also, how are you feeling?  Do you have more energy, are you sleeping better, do you have less cravings?  All of those are steps in the right direction.  Unfortunately the hard part is being patient and waiting for your body to heal itself.  


Good luck and stick with it!

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Stay the course.  Three more days and you're done, and you can decide whether to continue or reintro. 


It sounds like you've made some progress in the right direction. Weight/inch loss can vary based on a variety of factors.


Instead of worrying about what other people may or may not notice, make the emphasis on how YOU feel. You're the one that gets to live with your body, not them.  :)

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Thanks. I am feeling a bit better (emotionally) today.  I just have to keep telling myself it's for me and it's not all about appearance.  I do feel better and I've learned so much about my relationship with food.  I'm not gonna lie I'd still love to dive into a bowl of mac and cheese or a pizza but I can't really say that I'm craving it.  I keep telling myself 'it's poison'.  :)


This forum really helps a lot!

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