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Leaky gut?


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Sorry - I realize I didn't word my post well.  I haven't started whole 30 yet.  I'm gluten free, but still have others grains and dairy.  I'm wondering if whole 30 will help with my leaky gut symptoms (nausea, bloating, fatigue, stomach pain).  



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It will definitely help....however, everyone is different.  Some take longer than 30 days.  That is the case with me because my gut was messed up so I am dealing with some cramping due to die off of the bad stuff.

You will never know until you try it.  Good food for 30 days can't hurt you and you never know, you may feel better than you've felt in a long time.

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It depends on how you do your Whole 30! Just getting off the grains and dairy will help somewhat, but if you were to replace that with, say, raw veggies, you might be making an already permeable system worse.


I'm sure you'll have others chiming in, since there are a few of us on this forum using good eatin to plug our leaks. But I can say that what works best for some is to bring a GAPS bent to the Whole 30- lots of bone broth, lots of fat, lots of gelatin. Hanging out in that area where the two plans intersect can do wonders, though someneed to go further and also tie in the autoimmune protocol.


I'm doing this again myself (except not all the way AIP this time) because I got cocky. I used eating this way (and some supplementation, but that's a different thread) to get my gut to a place where I could test negative for leaky gut. Apparently I thought that made me a superhero, because I thought I could go ahead and "enjoy" foods that I know are damaging to me. Guess what I learned? I'm not a superhero, and am now crawling back to W30 with my hat in my hands.

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