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Constantly picking/tasting while cooking - HELP ME!

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I don't know when or where exactly I picked up this bad habit, but when I'm cooking, I constatnly pick. If I'm cooking meat, I'm pulling or slicing little pieces off; when I'm roadting veggies, I pop a few in my mouth while I transer them to the dinner plate. If I'm pureeing a tasty side dish, I'm eating spoonfuls of it as I finish preparing the rest of the meal. The same behavior applies to when I'm cleaning up - before it goes in the fridge, something always makes its way into my mouth.


Of course, it isn't EVERY TIME. One of my goals for this Whole 30 is to eliminate that behavior. I'm fairly good about it during the week, but on weekends when I'm doing a ton of prep for the week, I cave.


Any ideas on how to reach this goal? I'm doing the single mom thing, and my daughter is only 3, or else I would definitely be making someone else share the dinner-prep load to keep me accountable!


Thanks in advance. :)

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Good suggestions to force yourself to use gloves and utensils. Pretend you've got a health inspection team behind you - you can't be sticking your fingers in the food you're preparing ;)

Consider it from another side perhaps - would you enjoy eating a meal by someone who prepared it by licking their fingers while cooking?

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