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Starting Sept 16


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Would it not be easier to only use one Sept 16 thread? I've noticed it's basically repeats of the same thing!

Ashley, your meal could have contained many non compliant ingredients - seasonings on the meat, cooking oil, stuff in the salsa/guac....it would be hard to know unless you contacted the restaurant to ask.

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Karyna- I didn't even realize that sulfites were banned till I saw you post and then looked at the online list.  I think I personally wouldn't re-start if you just had a little bit and feel like you can avoid them from now on.  That said, from what I've seen on the forums, a lot of people would probably have a different answer.  I think you should do what feel right for you.


Ashley- was there anything you ate in lunch that you don't normally eat?  Maybe the raw tomatoes?  It's also possible that a restaurant would have put some kind of stabilizer or preservative in their guacamole that you wouldn't have known about.


My day 5 went quite well-- I ended up having a huge Laotian lunch out with coworkers  (luckily Lao food doesn't usually have wheat and we chose dishes that were soy sauce free) so I ended up being really full till dinner at around 7:30.


For my day 6 report:


M1, 7:45am: 3 eggs scrambled in coconut oil with a bit of chicken and scallion

M2, 12:15pm: Meatball Soup (made a huge pot, so I'm eating it constantly : ) and seaweed salad

Snack, 5:00: Lara Bar and some olives and an asian pear

M3, 7:30pm: Roasted chicken, grated carrot salad, braised red cabbage


I'm curious as to what you all think about the snacking-- I feel like even in a few days I've improved enough that I'm not constantly hungry, but it seems like I can go a max of 5 hours between meals without getting really starving.  Due to the realities of life, I'm never going to be able to eat lunch 5 hours after dinner.  Is a snack ok, or should I try to eat even more at lunch so I can go approx. 7 hours till dinner?

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