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Day 1 of Whole 30 TODAY!


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Shoot. What happened to my post from last night? And my post from Sunday?


 Day 22 - a much better day for energy and snacking. Each time I wanted a snack, I asked myself whether I could truly eat a piece of fish and broccoli, or if not, it was just a craving so I drank a lot of water... And it passed. :)

PreWO - hard boiled egg (I never used to like these when I was younger but I love them now!)
PostWO - chicken & sweet potato chips
M1 - primal breakfast casserole, spinach and strawberries
M2 - grilled salmon, sweet potato mash, burnt broccoli (from @paleomg these were amazing!), cashew nuts and an apple
M3 - cinnamon beef stew, cauliflower mash, cashew nuts and a banana

Quite a good day! 
@ksweet Yes I'll try and keep in touch over vacation - I love seeing everyone's updates. :) It helps to keep me going.
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Ha, ha! I don't know if anyone would be converted through "vomiting", lol, but glad to hear you're psyched about the Whole30. Sounds like the "magic" is kicking in for you. What differences have you noticed? I was thinking about how I want to eat after the 15th and was realizing that I haven't had any stomach complaints. My clothes fit better. My sleep is better. I think my skin is nicer. And I have lost 13 pounds so far! (Before I get a moderator on me, I had to weigh myself for an insurance application). While I have been eyeing up some chocolate and some grain-free apple pancakes I want to try, I'm feeling so well that I really don't want to reintroduce grains; that's huge for me. I just need to remember how well I feel at this point.


M1: meatloaf with salsa, 1/4 avocado, carrots, green tea with coconut oil

M2: chicken soup, blueberries with almond meal and coconut milk

M3: will be pork roast, sauteed cabbage, salad

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Here's my meal plan from yesterday...


Day 23 - I can't believe it is day 23 already and I have just one week left! Not to say it's been an up and down experience, but I do see myself sticking to this way of eating after the 30 days are done, except for the rare special treats. :)

M1 - primal breakfast casserole, spinach, strawberries and coffee with coconut cream (which I realised had sulphites in it so got rid of it immediately - boo)
M2 - grilled salmon, sweet potato mash, burnt broccoli, banana, cashew nuts
Snack - green apple and cashew nuts (way too many)
M3 - grilled salt and pepper cod, burnt broccoli, sweet potato chips and cashew nuts

Okay so I think I am going slightly overboard with the cashew nuts. I need to find another source of fat - may have to give avocados a try. :s



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@ksweet - I've been reading It Starts With Food and it was perfect timing reading about how I should share this with others. And the book basically said to just be quiet about it and let the 'proof be in the pudding', as they say. If people ask me about whole30, then I'll talk about it, but I won't preach about it. I'll just talk about my experiences and how it's helped me and that every person is different but from my perspective, I like this way of eating because it does offer that freedom of not having to make those choices - you know exactly what you can have and what you can't which is freeing in a way.


I am feeling good today - workouts are good, my energy and hunger levels are more manageable. We leave on Friday and I'm planning to make whole30 scotch eggs from the WellFed book as well as making some burnt broccoli and possibly some roast cauliflower as lunch on the plane. I'm so excited!

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We are getting so close! I've been surprised how much I have missed baking; I never thought I cared much for cooking, since I'm do it all the time, but I'm looking forward to some of my paleo baked goods. Anyway, it's good to see you again, Rocket. Karyna, I think that's the best approach - just let people see how you have changed from eating so well. But I still had to laugh at the vomit part!


M1: meatloaf with salsa, carrots, fried egg, green tea with coconut oil

M2: chicken soup, blueberries with almond meal and coconut milk

M3: will be pot roast with mashed cauliflower

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Hi - interloper here - are any of you continuing on with another 30 days?  I'm in the "starting Sept 9 group" and today is my day 28.  I was going to give myself a break but am thinking of continuing on for another 30.  What's going on in your group? 



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Hi Tracy! I would like to continue but will be taking a break for a few days as I will be in Palma Majorca, Spain for the last five days of the whole30 and once it's done I want to spend the last two days having alcohol and a few dessert treats but once I'm back I want to continue doing another round or possibly doing proper reintro's of rice, bread, sugar. How do you feel?

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Hi Tracy! Good on you for making it so close to the finish line - I take it your feeling really good right about now? I won't be doing another round. Our budget is tight (especially since we just had to buy new tires :(  and I want to be able to use the bacon and the sausage from our local farmer, etc, which all have some sugar in it (and the 20 pounds of cheese I got on sale!). Also, right before I started the Whole30, I split a giant bag of coconut flour with a friend and am definitely looking to use some. However, we have three more people who were on this thread before things went wonky, so maybe they're game. 


Karyna, do you like coconut stuff - could you try some coconut oil or milk to up your fat intake? I know you were using the milk in your coffee, so I'm assuming you like it okay. I add a bit of coconut oil to some of my teas and it actually tastes pretty good - I know it doesn't sound like it would. I think the Wellness Mama blog has more on upping fat intake. I think she consumes 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of oil (do the British use the standard measurements anymore or did they get with the times, lol?) Anyway -- have a wonderful trip!!!


M1: meatloaf with salsa, fried egg, carrots, green tea with coconut oil

M2: pork with guacamole, cabbage, cashews with dried apples

M3: mixed meat fajitas, black tea

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Day 25 - I was a bit tired during this morning's workout but I persevered and pushed through and I felt great after.

I do have a bit of a headache now... Not sure why. I have had a lot of water today. Hmm.

PreWO - hard boiled egg
PostWO - chicken and sweet potato chips
M1 - Primal Breakfast Casserole, Spinach and a Banana
M2 - gammon, sweet potato and cauliflower mash, burnt broccoli, an apple and cashew nuts
M3 - Meatsa from #wellfed by @Melicious11 - delicious!

I am realising that while I am loving this way of eating and see all the benefits of it and want others to benefit as well but some people are just really happy eating the 'crap' food and think nothing of it. I need to realise that no matter how much education and knowledge one has about eating healthy, unless people WANT to make a change, there is no point in trying to help them.

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@ksweet - I am going to be incorporating avocado as a healthy fat. I made myself some 'guacamole' although there's more onion, leftover Paleo Pizza Sauce I made, lemon juice, and a bunch of seasonings and it tasted amazing! I'm having it with my tuna salad with a hardboiled egg and lots of lettuce for my M2 tomorrow which I'll be taking on the plane with me. I can't wait to eat it! I need to try coconut oil in my tea or coffee and see how I like it!


I wonder what's happened to KBerg and New2Whole30inDC and AshleyAnth?

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Day 26 - and yes, I'm updating while on holiday!


No pictures as wifi is limited to my laptop and don't want to go crazy with the charges on my phone, so here was my meal plan for today:


M1 - scotch eggs from the Well Fed cookbook with a side of burnt broccoli and sweet potato chips

Snack (while at airport) - 1/4 of a banana and some cashew nuts

M2 - salad with tuna, hard-boiled egg, my version of guacamole (1 whole avocado, diced onion, leftover Pizza Sauce from the Well Fed Meatsa I made yesterday, some lemon juice, and salt and pepper - it was so delicious!), and tomatoes - absolutely amazing!

M3 - this was the first meal at the resort and I was happy to see quite a few healthy choices. I had a pork chop, grilled chicken (it may have been basted in sweet chili sauce so may stay away from it tomorrow), roast beef (gravy may have had flour in it so will stay away from that tomorrow), lots of tuna, and salad. I ate until I was satisfied and I don't feel any weird effects from the food at the moment except for a minor headache which I have had for most of the day so I don't think it's food related.


How was your day 26?

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Karyna - I'm impressed that you're posting while traveling. And your food sounds awesome as well. I would imagine the headache is from the plane traveling?


Not too much to report here. Just plugging along. 


M1: meatloaf with salsa, fried egg, cabbage, green tea with coconut oil

M2: pork with salsa, cabbage, broccoli, apple with almond butter and cinnamon (getting better with my veggies)

M3: This is leftover night so I'm not sure - either shrimp with salad or chili with some sort of veggies


I like to make a "master meal plan" and just rotate my meals every week (I figure having something once a week isn't so bad). I just updated my meal plan for my "post Whole30" life and it doesn't look too different. I'm going to keep out most of the grains (maybe occasional rice) and I'm not going back to coffee, since I only drink it for the cream and sugar. I want to keep this increase in veggies. I will be doing some baked paleo treats sometimes and will be using up some things with sugar, like ketchup and bacon. But I want to keep my house "clean" and not bring junk food in.


I have also decided to go on a "Whole30 Eating at Home" starting on the 16th. Eating out is another bad habit my husband and I share. It's harder to eat out well and we can't afford it anyhow, so that's the next habit I want to tackle. Now that I know I have the self-control to eat like this for (hopefully) 30 days, I feel more confident about tackling other changes in my life. Plus, eating at home will ensure that I'm more likely to eat better, as long as I don't bring the junk in. 


Hey, DC, Kberg, and Rocket - hope things are going well?

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Frying up the bacon for the kids today made me realize how much I'm looking forward to it (and to not fixing things that I can't eat). 


M1: pork, salsa, fried egg, cabbage, green tea with coconut oil

M2: grilled chicken, salad, a few cashews, black tea

M3: chicken stir fry, salad, chai tea with coconut oil

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Day 27 (Saturday) - I tried to stay as compliant as I could and avoiding all things off Whole30 like bread, deep fried anything, creamy saucy things, cake, ice cream and alcohol. I was still left with good choices but I always wonder if it is as compliant as I hope it is - like are things cooked in compliant oil (probably not). I am having a hard time finding compliant carb sources though...

M1 - three hard boiled eggs, tuna, tomatoes and a banana

M2 - this was the worst as the selection was mostly pizza, chips, the like. I had grilled fish (with LOADS of bones), salad, and a banana. Luckily I had cashew nuts in the room so I also had a good source of fat.

Snack - apple

M3 - prosciutto, crab, prawns, squid, grilled cod, roast beef, mushrooms, palm hearts, tomatoes, cucumber. The selection was MUCH better than lunch and the fish and seafood were delicious. Although I think there was something non-compliant in what I ate as I had some stomach pangs afterwards. Ugh.

The amount of things I am not eating but would have easily done so before whole30 without thinking about it are: calamari, ice cream, cake, bread... And more. But with the whole30, instead of thinking, "I'll just have a little of this and I won't gain too much weight this holiday," I have this freedom knowing what I can eat and sticking to that.

I want to finish this whole30 out, enjoy some alcohol and a few non-compliant treats on holiday, then once we're back in the UK return to whole30 principles then properly do another whole30 mid-November (maybe a whole45?).

But then another part of me thinks am I actually being whole30 compliant here? Ugh.

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Day 28 - only two days left after today!!! Not the greatest selection today but I made do with what I could. We were also planning to go to S'Arenal to the beach today until Robyn vomited all over me... This is getting a tad old. We went back to our hotel, bathed her and me, we changed and Rob said it would be okay for me to go into Palma on my own while he stayed with Robyn. So off I went...

M1 (resort) - hard boiled eggs, fried eggs (unfortunately in vegetable oil I found out after...), tomatoes, peppers and a banana

Snack - cashew nuts

M2 (in Palma) - smoked salmon, avocado, and Palm hearts salad with olive oil

M3 - prosciutto, veal, salad

Overall a good day except for the pain in my lower back after hours of walking in Palma City... Two more days left!

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Karyna - you are awesome. If I could, I would give you a pound of grassfed filet mignon in recognition of how impressed I am that you're sticking with it while on vacation. 


Question for you - I have some scotch eggs cooking right now but it looks like the sausage didn't cover completely. I followed the recipe on Clothes Make the Girl so I had the correct amounts. I'm sure they'll still taste great, but I'm curious how many eggs to how much sausage you used?


M1: pork, fried egg, few slices of apple and pear

M2: mixed meat fajitas, black tea

M3: roast beef, sweet potato slices, salad

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Hi ksweet - I used about 400g of pork mince for four eggs.

How did they turn out?

I would love a big piece of grass fed beef right now... Medium rare please. :)

I am nervous about post-whole30 though especially on vacation. I probably won't do reintro properly while on vacation but will do it once I'm back home. You?

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I am still doing pretty well over here! Sorry I haven't posted in a while; between the downtime with the website and my busy schedule, I haven't gotten a chance to post. It looks like everyone is still doing well! Karyna, you are AMAZING for still doing so well while on vacation! That really takes some dedication!


I can't believe we are already at Day 29! This month has, at times, gone by really quickly, but at other times, it seems to be dragging on. I am so happy we have almost made it to Day 30.


I have been doing a good job at sticking to the plan, for the most part. I have not followed the meal template perfectly a couple of times due to not having any other option, but I have stuck to compliant foods always, with the exception of last night. My husband and I went out to dinner for our one year anniversary. I got a small side salad that had some dressing that had honey in it. I know, I know, I shouldn't have eaten it, but it was my only non-compliant thing, and based off how I know sugar affects me, I knew it would be ok. I had a slight tummy ache for a couple of minutes after eating it, but after that, no ill effects. It wasn't even enough to have the Sugar Dragon kick in, so I am not really worried about the choice. 


I am worried about lunch today, though. I am an Admin Assistant to several physicians, and today I am attending a luncheon interview for a new physician candidate that we are looking to hire. Lunch will be provided, and I don't think it will be the time or place for me to not eat anything if non of the options are 100% compliant, as it might draw unwanted/unneeded attention to me. So, I will do the best that I possibly can, and if anything, I am sure that there will be a salad with non-compliant dressing that I can pick at. 


Keep going strong everyone! We are almost there!!

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Good to see you here at the finish line, KBerg! I don't know what to tell you about the lunch; salad seems like the most feasible option. I have been curious how sugar will feel in my body at this point. I know the bacon and sausage and other things in my freezer have at least a little bit of sugar - will I be feeling terrible after I eat them?


@ Karyna. I'm planning on eating some dairy right away, lol! I don't drink milk or eat a lot of cheese or yogurt, but I do like cheese in/on top of things. I don't plan on introducing grains like wheat at all but I probably will have some rice and white potatoes and maybe some tortilla chips I've been craving for awhile. I guess I'll wait until the weekend for any of those. I will be having sugar because I want to make a paleo treat and paleo pancakes for Friday (we don't usually eat meat on Friday, so Whole30 has been hard) so I'll be having some chocolate and maple syrup. I'm really curious how I'll be feeling, though, since my digestion has been really good this past month. I'm also very nervous about the "slippery slope" - I'm not good at moderation and may have to keep treats for holidays (like, the specific day, not the season,lol) and stick to Whole30 guidelines at other times. Are you going to eat whatever you want on Wednesday or are you planning on keeping some foods out? I hope Robyn is feeling better!!!


M1: scotch egg, baked pumpkin, green tea with coconut oil

M2: roast beef, carrots, apple with almond butter, chai tea with coconut milk

M3: will be chicken soup


I hope everyone can post tomorrow - I'm so curious how you "did", how you're feeling now, what you learned?

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@kberg - do as best you can and good luck! That's all that we can do is do the best with what we're given which is what I have been doing on holiday.

@ksweet - I would love to hear how everyone else has done although I feel like I will be a bit of a killjoy. I have had some up days but in general not too much change except not snacking as much as I was before.

Day 29!!! Can't believe it is already day 29 and I am on holiday in Spain and still sticking to whole30 (as much as possible). My meals however haven't really followed the template as carb-dense veg are not provided except in the form of chips, white potatoes, bread. So I have been having a bit more fruit than usual.

M1 - three hard boiled eggs, bacon, tomatoes and a green apple

M2 - grilled cod, Spanish beef tomato stew (calderreta is also a Filipino dish which my dad makes!), and salad with a banana

Snack - cashew nuts

Dinner - roast beef, loads of salad and a banana

Just note, I normally had two plates of each of the above and was always satisfied-full at the end of each meal.

I am looking forward to having alcohol after this 30 days but also nervous about reintroducing some foods. Here I am in Palma de Mallorca on vacation and I would like to enjoy some foods I wouldn't get at home... That being the key phrase - not-get-at-home. I can get chips, pizza, etc at home. But do I really want the bread/cake? I probably won't go crazy but will not reintroduce properly then back to whole30 principles on Monday to get my body back to 'neutral' for 7 days then reintroduce properly - first my protein shakes (which have rice protein and stevia) and then treats like bread, cheese, cake.

On to day 30!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks ksweet! The Arbonne protein shakes are vegan so have no animal protein in them but do use rice, pea and cranberry protein and have 20g of protein per serving. I have done my research into Arbonne and they are completely trustworthy! I would only use them for a postWO. :)

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Day 30!! I have just finished my first #whole30! AND while on an all-inclusive holiday in Palma de Mallorca! To say this journey was interesting is an understatement. I had my highs (tiger blood days, great workouts) and lows (wanting to slap someone for a piece of cake on day 14, having weird food dreams about Oreos and Doritos). I feel almost torn about the end of the 30 days as part of me liked the rules set forth about which foods I could eat and feel sad about not having them and I feel nervous about reintroducing certain foods (like bread, sugar) and whether I can keep myself from going crazy.

But I have learned so much in these 30 days and will use this knowledge appropriately. I have already made up my mind that if I am going to have a treat, it must be mind-blowingly, out-of-this-world special (or a very special occasion) or else it's not worth it. I will have Paleo treats occasionally as well.

M1 - hard boiled eggs, beet root salad, tomatoes and ham and a banana

M2 - veal, salad, a banana and cashew nuts

M3 - grilled chicken thighs, calderreta (beef in tomato stew), salad, banana

Tomorrow, I will reintroduce bread at each meal and I will have wine. I know I should do both separately but I am on holiday. I will follow the true reintro schedule once back at home.

I would love to keep in touch to see how you are all doing post30. Hope that's okay?


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