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Losing too much weigh too fast - help


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I have been a fan of the paleo diet for about a year, but it was too hard for me to fully commit.  I love diet coke, alcohol, soy lattes, brownie bites on the weekend. Then I discovered Whole 30 and decided I wanted to see if I had the willpower to overcome my addiction to these items and others.


I started eight days ago and it has been hard, but great. I feel good. I haven't cheated once. My cravings are under control. I think I'm eating a decent amount of food, but I have lost EIGHT pounds in eight days. I started at 137 pounds and currently weigh 129 pounds. My stomach is flat, which is great! But (and maybe this is vanity) my chest is noticeably smaller. I really don't want to lose my curves. I feel like I am eating a lot. I get VERY full after every meal (all those veggies), but I am losing a pound a day which seems like too much.


Should I be eating more of something? I'm reluctant to stop before I've hit 30 days, but I have no desire to weigh less than 125 pounds. During the first couple of days it was great to see the pounds melting away, but now I'm starting to be alarmed at the sustained rate of loss.


Any help would be appreciated!


Otherwise, I might just go have a cheeseburger.

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why did you weigh yourself?


weighing yourself is not part of the whole30 for many reasons, but here is a good one: people think that a fluctuation in scale weight means fat lost or gained. The reality is, weight fluctuates pretty wildly for lots of reasons. Depending on how you were eating before the whole30, it is common to lose a lot of water weight or inflammation during the first week or two. This is a good thing! Things will stabilize over the course of the 30 days, but as long as you are not hungry and your energy levels are good, I wouldn't worry. Just follow the program (the WHOLE program, including the meal template and abstaining for weigh-ins), and you will be fine.

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