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Reindroduce lactose and lactose free dairy separatly?


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Day 30 today! :)

It was way easier than we thought (I'm doing this with my husband), but we're both not sure we're ready for the additional freedom of 'after w30' (office donuts, anyone? Our sugar demons are definitely not dead, they're asleep waiting for their chance to attack).

However, we're planning to reintroduce some dairy. I'd really like an occasional Cappuccino and the freedom to use cheese in some dishes.

However, my husband suspects he is lactose-intolerant, so he is reluctant to reintroduce (He'd rather not have dairy at all than get a confirmation that he is intolerant...)

Would it make sense to reintroduce milk and and naturally lactose-free dairy (like hard cheese) separately? Is anyone successfully back to eating cheese but can't have milk? Or is any dairy 'bad' dairy?


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I would introduce different kinds of dairy separately, anyway, and that might help with the lactose vs whey question.  I am ok with a bit of goat cheese now and then, but other cheeses give me a stomach ache.  Milk and ice cream give me a stomach ache, too, but yogurt does not.  Yogurt, though, may make my allergies worse.  It's hard to tell. :)  My son is allergic to dairy and he reacts differently, too.  Goat products were immediate and BAD.  Cow milk is likely to be seen again.  Sigh.  But yogurt seems ok in small doses.  Everyone is different. Good luck! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Funny, I was going to ask this same question. I'm not lactose intolerant, but I do get a bit bloated after consuming some milk products. I've just never really paid attention to what kind of milk products cause it. So I think I'll do the dairy reintro the same way as the grain reintro: two separate days with different kinds of products (or produce) on each day.

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