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I'm on Day 4 of my first Whole30, and so far loving it! I'm enjoying my food, and adjusting really well. I'm used to eating fairly healthy, so while I do miss my starches, I'm not doing too bad.


What I'm NOT used to is not snacking, and not counting calories. I understand the rationale behind both rules, I'm just struggling with how to navigate them. Usually I would log my calories to make sure my meal was reasonably portioned, and then I'd have a couple snacks throughout the day to ensure that I didn't get too hungry. But now that snacks are out, I find myself eating enormous meals so that I'm not hungry during the six hours between lunch and dinner.


Here's the thing--I don't walk away from a meal ever feeling bloated or super-stuffed. I feel full, satiated, and I can usually last until the next meal. But when I look at the sheer amount of food on my plate (which is usually two plates, if I'm having a salad, or two bowls, if I'm having soup), my "dieter" eyes start to freak out and tell me I'm going to gain a million pounds.


Now: I know that what we're doing here is taming my inner dieter. I know that the vertigo I'm feeling without the measured security of calorie-counting is part of the process, and will lead me to nutritional freedom and fluffy bunnies and unicorns.


But: is it possible that I'm overeating? How much food are you guys eating in terms of sheer quantity? How big are your salads? Etc. 

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The amount of salad and vegies you eat isn't going to have a huge impact on your calories, unless you're eating loads of starchy vegies. I eat salad out of salad bowls - think 6-8 cups if not more.

I have no problems eating 4- 6 cups of cooked vegies, although the amount of fiber sometimes gives me issues.

If you're not feeling stuffed, you're fine! Your body is great at telling you what it needs when you actually take the time to listen to it!

Protein and fat are the things that will help you feel satisfied longer, make sure you're sticking to the template for these elements but go nuts on vegies!

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I ate so much my first Whole30 - I'd say often I was a wee bit beyond satiated - and I lost 10 lbs.


As long as you are eating the right amounts of protein and fat (not too much, you should be adhering to the Meal Template portions at every meal), you can have as many veggies as you want (watch the super starchy ones like beets & sweet potatoes).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm on day 4 and I too feel like I am eating too much.  I had a salad and some chicken for lunch and by 6pm, I was just starting to get a bit hungry.  I'm not going to stress over it.  I'm just going to continue to eat right.  Thanks for the template link! 

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I'm on day 4 and I too feel like I am eating too much.  I had a salad and some chicken for lunch and by 6pm, I was just starting to get a bit hungry.  I'm not going to stress over it.  I'm just going to continue to eat right.  Thanks for the template link! 

Then you're doing it right, Lori.  The beauty of this way of eating is that you eat enough to fuel your body and you aren't hungry until just about time for the next meal.  It is so freeing, especially for someone like me who spent years dieting and feeling hungry 24/7.

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