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Hike's Whole30


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Meals for day 3:

M1 - breakfast casserole - eggs, sausage, spinach, sweet potatoes, onions, olive oil, coconut milk, coffee w/coconut milk

M2 - cauliflower/carrot soup - just the veggies, sautéed onions in olive oil, vegetable broth and mixed greens with bacon bits, olive oil and lemon juice

M3 - leftover stew - beef, zucchini, olives, tomatoes, onions

Felt tired and hungry after breakfast.

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Meals for Day 4:

M1 - breakfast casserole

Snack - pear

M2 - paleo lasagne - sausage, eggplant, spinach, tomatoes and greens with olive oil and lemon juice

M3 - sautéed chicken, sweet potato, greens

I keep feeling hungry and tired even after breakfast. Will look into adding more fat somehow and also keep the snack, if I need it, to non-fruit. Have the pears, don't want to waste them.

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Day 5. Still feeling not wonderful. I went from vegan to paleo a month ago and now doing whole30. It's been a HUGE transition. I had to get off a vegan diet (did it for 2 years) at doctor's orders. Here I thought I was doing something great for myself and wasn't.

It was not cool for my conscience to make this change but I found US Wellness meats and feel a bit better about what I'm eating. Before the switch, I had high blood sugars, my hair was a mess, and my skin was so dry. My B12 and vitamin D levels were very low. I will be curious to see what the labs show next time I have them done.

Anyway, here I am, hoping that some kind of glimmer of feeling well happens soon.

M1 - breakfast casserole same as previous day

Snack - pear

M2 - paleo lasagne, mixed greens

M3 - butternut squash soup, spinach salad with bacon

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Have you seen the timeline? Feeling "unwonderful" is normal! It'll take a little while for you to adjust, in both energy levels and digestion.

Don't waste your pears - include them with a meal instead of having them as a snack! They go beautifully in salads if you wanted to incorporate it in to the meal, or you could just eat it after your main.

If you need a snack, go for a mini meal with protein, fat and vegies :)

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Missed a day on here. What the heck did I eat yesterday?! Oh.

M1 - breakfast casserole (no, I'm not bored with it yet)

M2 - mixed greens with olive oil, lemon, bacon bits, sautéed chicken

Snack - pear (will switch to adding fruit with meals)

M3 - paleo lasagne

Not enough veggies with dinner. Just didn't feel like more food. I can feel that I haven't lost any weight. I remember the low carb (unhealthy) diets of the past where you ate eggs, meat and cheese with, like, a few pieces of broccoli. You'd drop some weight by day 5 and by day 7 you threw the plan out the window and had some cookies. Ha!

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Ok. Day 6. Working remotely today so can do some cooking!

M1 - scrambled eggs, bacon, mushrooms

M2 - spinach salad, sautéed chicken, bacon, pineapple

M3 - filet mignon, shitake mushrooms with garlic, steamed carrots

Feel a little less tired but my sleeping pattern still sucks. I wake up 2-3 times a night. Funny, the Whole30 Daily today was about sleep so I ordered the Natural Calm with hopes it will help.

Haven't lost a pound. Haven't used the scale but feel no difference.


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Stop worrying about your weight!! Is worrying going to change it? No...the stress will likely make it less likely you'll lose any.

It's not a diet program, you're here to improve your health. You're on day 6! Focus on nurturing and fuelling your body with healthy food.

Also....don't think about weight. Weight is somewhat irrelevant. If you want to change your physique, measurements is what's going to matter.

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I weighed myself for the first 10 days or so and it made me so discouraged and depressed - then I finally followed the whole30 rule to STOP weighing myself. By day 31, I was down 10 lbs. Bodies are weird. I was probably retaining fluids and stuff at first, who knows. The increase in fiber in my diet wreaked havoc on my digestion for the whole month, and I definitely was bloated and constipated at times. The point is, scales lie. 


And whats more, it didn't matter what the scale said on day 31, because I knew I looked about 15 lbs thinner. Also, coming from a vegan diet and as a hiker, I assume you don't have a lot of extra weight to lose! So don't stress about it too much! :)


Regarding your sleep - I actually had and continue to have this problem - I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. Only for like 15-30 minutes. But I still wake up feeling refreshed, so I'm not concerned. I think the natural calm might help. 


Also, its pretty normal to not sleep through the whole night I guess! Try not to stress about it:





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I'm not worried about the weight at this point, per se. However, I gained weight being vegan. I've got 20 lbs. to lose. Being over 50 and having a thyroid problem doesn't help. I know whole30 is about health but I've also read a lot of posts and success stories relating to weight loss. Thus, I hope for that as a bonus.

@emilyt: thanks for the links! I don't wake up feeling refreshed. I have no problem falling asleep so I guess that's a plus! :)

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