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Pregnant and flu shot

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This is not about food, so I may get in "trouble " for posting this. But since a flu shot is something that will be injected in my body I thought it could be considered similar to food. With that being said I have always been skeptical about flu shots and have only ever gotten 2 in my whole life. The first time I actually think I hit the flu from it. The second time I was pregnant with my first child and was basically forced one by my ob. Now I am pregnant again, it's flu season, and he pushing it really hard. I hate to think of all the awful chemicals and metals and gross stuff that is in this shot. What is the Whole9 forums opinion on them? Am I being selfish?

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No OB can force you to get a voluntary vaccine while pregnant.  I do not get them because I am healthy and feel I don't need the risk.  There are risks with any vaccine.  I would not get vaccinated while I was pregnant unless it was absolutely necessary... but off of the top of my head I can't think of a reason.  If you fear the gross chemicals for your own body, then also be concerned about them for your developing child.


Others will feel strongly in the opposite way, for sure.  In the end, this is your choice.  NOT your doctor's choice.

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Plus, if your immune system is healthy enough because of the Whole 30, you likely won't get the flu as badly or even at all. Unless you're sure you'll be in confined places with people that have the flu...your chances are likely lower than some would say. 


Vitamin D has been shown to boost the immune system and, by bolstering your immune system, make you less susceptible to illnesses. Study with kids done in Japan: http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/03/19/us-vitamind-study-idUSTRE62I3MK20100319.


No, I'm not a doctor, but it's your body, make your own choices. But get the facts first!

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