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Fertility worse after whole30s?

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I have done two whole30's this year (april and september) and now my cycles are acting really weird. i'm starting to freak out that since i did those whole30's and haven't been eating very good since, that it is messing with my cycles and causing me to potentially be infertile. help!

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I can tell you that eating in the primal/paleo/whole 30 way is actually good for fertility--if you ate really well and then went back to your prior eating habits, it will affect you just in health issues. I did primal and got pregnant 3 months after starting eating primally after being told I wouldn't ever get pregnant and 4 failed iui's (3 years before going primal) and my husband having a less than stellar sperm count. I was 42 at the time and got pregnant with no issues. This past February, following a more primal/whole 30 eating pattern, I got pregnant again, at 45. I ended up loosing that pregnancy, but I am quite confidant that I will get pregnant again, and that this way of eating is the best thing for fertility. 


I think if I was you, I would eat whole 30, paleo or primal and stick with it and not go back to the SAD diet--i think that would be the ticket to improving your fertility. I am not a fertility specialist, nor do I play one on tv, just the voice of experience. 

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