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Can I kill all the things on day 2?


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It's day 2 and I woke up wanting to die! Incredible headache, but not my normal migraine. This is more like a brain ache. My nose is running. And everything hurts. I guess the carb binge on day 0 was not the brightest idea I've ever had. Major fail!

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even one meal at a time if necessary!  remember that falling off the wagon won't actually make you feel better... that's just the evil voices in your head saying that...  the only way out is through!  Winston Churchill said... when you're going through hell...keep going!!

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I'm not really craving evil food. I'm just crabby! Day 2 of the brain ache. The hardest part has been breakfast. I'm not enjoying having to cook something. Cereal or yogurt is so much easier- quick and no pots or pans. Also, I'm a long time vegetarian (dairy, eggs, some occasional seafood and poultry). My protein has been eggs, soy, dairy, beans, nuts, and quinoa. I'm not sure if I'll be able to eat any pork or beef, but I'm ok with upping the seafood, poultry, and eggs. But chicken for breakfast is not quite palatable yet, and I can only eat so many eggs!

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I don't like cooking at breakfast either, so I make things in advance.  I rotate through a handful of different baked frittata or breakfast casserole recipes that make 4-6 servings. Cook once, and I have breakfast for 4-6 days.

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GFChris, I do the same thing. I cannot bear making food at all in the early morning--hot or cold. So I have water and a bulletproof, and drive to work, where by then I am ready to eat brekkie. Which is why I need to pack BOTH breakfast and lunch the night before, so I simply need to grab and walk out the door. When I don't pack things up the night before, it's like a house of cards...


segg2009, you could try smoked salmon (make sure it's sugar free), tinned tuna or tinned chicken (that you've made into a salad beforehand), crabcakes, or a cauliflower pie with compliant chicken sausage. Hope that is helpful. Stay strong; you'll get through this part!  :)

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