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Starting AIP mid Whole30

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Hi :) I am on Day16 of my first whole30, I'm feeling pretty great most days but I have noticed some negative effects after certain meals and I've pin pointed them to most things on the AIP. I started implementing it yesterday.

In 2011 I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I was on medication for close to a year until mid pregnancy it started giving me a lot of trouble. I've been off of medication since summer of 2012 with normal levels. Since I've been off of it I implemented a gluten free lifestyle. I am thinking that because of this past issue I may be a bit more autoimmune prone or simply have some sensitivities to most of the things listed on the AIP.

My question is about duration, it's recommended to eliminate eggs and nightshades for 90 days, like I said I am on day16 of my whole30. Does starting the AIP now mean I should continue strictly with the program completely after my 30days, making it a whole105? Or at the end of my 30 days, just continue on with the AIP?

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My understanding of the AIP90 recommendation is that for some people, it will take that long to see the difference, or to see the full difference.


I'd count to the 90 days of AIP (Whole105), since you've noticed reactions to some things.


And go you! AIP is tough, but fighting for your health is worth it :D

I'd take extra care in planning your reintroductions after the 90 days, put the most-reactive items at the end and don't double up any reintros.

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