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Priscilla's Whole 30 Log


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Day 8 of 35

Still at it, all except the logging. I like logging in with my ipad, but lately it has been running very slow, so have cut down on how much I use it. Meanwhile, I've been doing great...mostly. A couple slips where temptation got the better of me. One tall latte and a cookie over the past few days. Decided not to keep restarting everytime I was imperfect. The problem with the cookie was that I enjoyed it for a few minutes, then wanted more. Not satisfied. Felt cravings for sweets and it seemed to take a few days to get over it. Meanwhile sticking with the pattern of eating lots of veggies, some animal protein at each meal, and healthy fat at each meal and one or two pieces of fruit per day. I also got on the scale (another no no) this morning and found that I've lost 6# since the beginning the Whole 30 on Jan 12, so that's another motivator to just keep going and doing my best.

Over the next month - a lot of parties - 90th birthday for an aunt to be celebrated at an Italian restaurant in SF, Superbowl party - and an engagement celebraration for my nephew. These parties are with different sets of people who all say - it's just one meal, can't you just jump back on your diet the next day? For me, the problem is that it's not just one meal. After the holidays - Thanksgiving to New Years - I saw that I couldn't just contain it to the party. I got onto a slippery sloap thinking that I could follow an 80-20 rule and be fine. 80-20 just keeps going from bad to worse for me. So, I'm sticking to my guns during Feb and will not give in to the just for this party mentality. Doesn't work for me.

7:00 Breakfast - 2 Eggs scrambled in Ghee, breakfast ham, baked sweet potato, black coffee.

12:00 Lunch - romaine salad with tomatoes, olives, chicken, and a hard boiled egg. Blood orange.


4:00 Snack - 1/2 Avocado, ham one slice


6:30 Dinner - pork chop cooked with coconut oil, cauliflower, 1/2 sweet potato, strawberries

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Fine to keep counting after the slips but I would encourage you to call it day 8 of a Whole## where ## = 30 + the last day you cheated. 


Please please please don't use the scale as motivation. If you got on it and it said you had gained weight what would have happened then? How does the fact that you did lose weight affect your decision to ignore the cheats and your resolve to stick to your guns at the upcoming parties?

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Day 9 of 35


7:00 Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled with ham and cauliflower, black coffee


12:00 Lunch - pork chop, romaine salad, EVVO vineagrette, olives, sweet potato, strawberries


4:30  Salmon, Asparagus


6:30 Dinner - Roast beef, mixed green salad, tomatoes, artichoke hearts

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Day 10 of 35

7:30 - Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled, slice of leftover roast beef, asparagus, black coffee

11:30 - Interval workout 1/2 hour

12:30 - Lunch - Tuna, broccoli, green onoins, sweet potato, 1/2 avocado

Kinda boring for lunch - just finishing up some leftovers. Will plan a few meals and shop later this afternoon.

Day 10 of 35

7:30 - Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled, slice of leftover roast beef, asparagus, black coffee

11:30 - Interval workout 1/2 hour

12:30 - Lunch - Tuna, broccoli, green onoins, sweet potato, 1/2 avocado

Kinda boring for lunch - just finishing up some leftovers. Will plan a few meals and shop later this afternoon.

5:39 dinner - roasted chicken, roasted Brussels sprouts, raw cashews 20, 1/2 cup blueberries

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Day 11 of 35

7:30 Breakfast - 2 slices bacon*, 3 eggs, broccoli

10 am strength training 1/2 hour

12:00 Lunch - roasted chicken, romaine, radishes, vinaigrette, almonds, orange

2:30 hill walking 30 minutes

5:30 dinner - Nom Nom Paleo Emergency meat made with grass fed ground beef, onions, Brussels sprouts, apple

* per It Starts With Food" - bacon ok but should be used for flavor, rarely, and it not a source of protein

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